
The Strongest Monarch In The Apocalypse Academy

He found himself in a void, a completely white space. He couldn't remember anything, nor could see in this void. He was alone for an unknown time. Until... He saw projections of an individual's life who was called the Strongest Monarch. An individual who had the same features as his. But before he could confirm his identity, an unexpected event happened. He finally managed to leave the white void. But.... He woke up as a baby! Yes, a baby! Furthermore, the moment he was about to be born, he received memories, past life memories to be more exact. And according to them, he was in a world named Aevoria. What's more, Aevoria, unfortunately, was about to face a terrible disaster - An Apocalypse. And this would be the third Apocalypse that Aevoria would face. And the chances of survival were close to zero... Yet, the inhabitants knew nothing about it... Yet... There was a only vague prophecy about this upcoming doom. And a chosen one who would rise to stop it. There were three popular and powerful academies in this world, 'Chaos Academy', 'Origin Academy', and finally, the first ever built academy - 'Apocalypse Academy'. Previous Samiel's reason to change is laid within the Apocalypse Academy together with secrets of the third apocalypse. Samiel had many memories with the Academy. However, were they happy or sad? Or the other? Why was his memories from the time he graduated from the academy erased? He still has many things to discover about this world, his true identity, and the Apocalypse. Most of all... He would aim to become the strongest Monarch in the Academy, in the world! After all, in front of absolute power, everything is insignificant. But... Can he do it? However, there is another twist in this. He isn't the chosen one nor the hero who was mentioned in the ancient prophecy, and he also... ____________ More tags --> #fantasy; #rebirth; #mystery; #cultivation; #harem; #op; #war; #fantasy_romance #rare_bloodline; #universal_system; #mythical_races; #dragons; #demons #academy #beasttaming; #familiars; #dungeons; #abyss; #comedy; #dark; #world_building Note: The cover is mine. The image was created using AI. ____________ New Discord Link -> https://discord.gg/9Eeh2PpX ____________ Check out my other novels: 1) "Master of The Universe" Link -> https://www.webnovel.com/book/master-of-the-universe_24149943205315805### 2) "Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra" Link -> https://www.webnovel.com/book/aetheric-chronicles-reborn-as-an-extra_28412960808733105

Peace_in_Chaos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
246 Chs

Choosing Rewards [3]

{I am gonna choose these three!} Samiel exclaimed.

The three options floated before him while seven others disappeared.

< You have chosen three A-rank items below! >

[Mental Inventory - A rank, Talent]

[Psyich Weapon - A rank, Skill]

[Ring of Mental Resistance - A rank, Item]

___ ___ _

[Mental Inventory]

Rank: A

Type: Talent

1. Grants the ability to store physical objects within the mental space, reducing the need for carrying physical inventory.

2. [Locked]

3. [Locked]


___ __ _

[Psychic Weapon]

Rank: A

Type: Skill

Description: The Psychic Weapon skill empowers the user to create and wield weapons made of pure psychic energy. These weapons are extensions of the user's mind and can be formed into various forms, such as swords, spears, or bows. They possess the ability to bypass physical defenses and directly target the mind and spirit of the opponent.


- Allows the user to create weapons made of pure Mental Power.

- Weapons can take various forms, such as swords, spears, or bows, based on the user's preference.

- Bypasses physical defenses and directly attacks the opponent's mind and spirit.

- Inflicts mental damage and disrupts the opponent's thoughts and concentration.

- Grants the ability to channel mental power through the weapon, increasing its destructive power.

____ __ _

[Ring of Mental Resistance]

Rank: A

Type: Item

Description: The Ring of Mental Resistance is a powerful artifact that provides protection against mental attacks and manipulation. It is adorned with intricate engravings representing ancient symbols of mental fortitude and resilience. When worn, it forms a psychic barrier around the user, shielding them from external influences.


- Mental Power + 100

- Grants resistance against mind control, psychic manipulation, and mental illusions.

- Forms a psychic barrier around the user, protecting against mental attacks.

- Enables you to use the A rank skill [Mental Shield] on yourself and one other person once a day.

____ __ _

{Okay, since I already chose these three, then it will be easy to choose from the other ranks as well.} Samiel nodded his head.

{Let's first choose from the S ranks... Since I have the ring to protect my mind, I don't have to worry about mental resistance. So, I will discard the Mind Barrier skill. That leaves The Broken Sword of the Envious Swordsman and The Psychic Dagger of the Phantom Assassin.} Samiel analyzed his choices.

{And in order to make up for The Psychic dagger, I chose the psychic weapon creation skill. Although its effects aren't as strong as the item's, it has also its own useful features.} Samiel compared the pros and cons.

{I will choose The Broken Sword of the Envious Swordsman.} Samiel finally chose his S rank reward. {I want that hidden effect of it...}

__ _

< You have chosen the S-rank item below! >

[The Broken Sword of the Envious Swordsman - S rank, Item.]

__ _

{Good, now the next is SS rank.} His eyes fixated on the three SS rank rewards.

{Although I'm more of a mage-type Awakener... I have to give up on the staff...} He muttered inwardly.

{And between the robe and orb...}


{>_<}< p>

{I will give up on the Memory Orb.}

Samiel was sure he was making the right decision since had many things to back up his choice as well.

{I specifically chose the Mental Inventory Talent in order to cover for the loss of the Memory Orb. Although its grade is low, it is a talent and that alone is enough to pick this.} Samiel stated his thoughts.

As he willed for his final choice, the voice spoke once again.

< Ding! >

< You have chosen the SS-rank ability below! >

[The Ethereal Robe of the Forgotten Mind Monarch - SS rank, Ability.]

"Nya!" (Yes!)

{Finally, I'm done.} Samiel exclaimed in his mind.

< Ding! >

< You have chosen all of your rewards. >

< The World System hopes you will fulfill your duties as the Guardian. >

< Good luck on your journey. >

< We will meet on your real awakening! Till then... >

< Goodbye! >

"...Wah." (Goodbye.)

With the last words, the voice together with the windows disappeared both from his mind and sight.

{The real awakening, huh?} Samiel chuckled. {I am looking forward to that day.}


Suddenly, with a loud voice, two things fell to the floor, startling baby Samiel.


He struggled to turn his right side as he knew it was the sword and the ring that fell just now.

{Couldn't it directly place them on my Mental Inventory?} He grumbled inwardly.

< Ding! >

< Initiating the ability, skill, and talent implementation... >


< 1% >

< 12% >

< 35% >

< 77% >

< 99% >

< Initiation complete! >

While the voice counted, Samiel's mind went blank for some time. Then new information started to appear in his mind. Honestly, it was the same feeling when he experienced learning his first mental ability. Soothing and refreshing.

After about five minutes, Samiel regained his total consciousness and returned to the real world.

And when he did, he realized he was still lying while looking above.

{Urgh… I still need to store those two.} He muttered inwardly as he remembered the sword and the ring were still on the floor.

After three minutes of countless struggles, he finally turned to his right side and was able to see the sword and the ring.

Just as he was about to marvel at their sight, something clicked in his mind.

{Oh, no! I need to hurry!} He thought.

{Store!} He willed as he intently looked at the items below.

However, nothing happened.

{Ah, right!} Then he enveloped both items with his mind power. {Store!}

In a split second, they vanished into thin air as if they were illusions.

{It worked!} Samiel laughed. "Wehe…"

"Brother!" suddenly the door opened making a loud noise, Samiel's brother, Somir ran to his bed shouting. "Let's sleep together tonight!"

{Here he comes again...}

"Young master, you will wake up the baby! Stop!" Behind him came a slightly older woman, running.

{Urgh... Why do I feel like I forgot something important.} Samiel's mind was assaulted by a sudden headache, but it disappeared soon after.

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