
Chapter 1: Awake

Cyrus Winters was just an ordinary 20-year-old man going to college, he graduated high school at the top of his class. Being of average height and build left him to go mostly unnoticed at school so he spent most his time with his nose in a book. His home life wasn't much different with his time spent between reading and playing his favorite MMO. Today wasn't much different until it wasn't.

"Nrrrghh" with a grunt Cyrus woke up not hearing his alarm like he usually did. Sitting up his tussled black hair swaying in the wind from a cool breeze. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around and saw below him was solid stone with what seemed to be engravings etched into the stone.

"Where am I? This is not my bedroom and what are these strange symbols on the ground?"

Feeling the etchings beneath him with his fingers, Cyrus took the chance to take in his surroundings. He seemed to be on a mountain side from the look of the surrounding topography. The spot he woke up was the center of a circle between a bunch of stone pillars.

"It seems I'm not home, but this doesn't look like anywhere on earth either. Just where am I? This stone circle looks like something out of a video game. Maybe I was summoned here? I should look around and maybe find out where I'm at."

Cyrus started walking around the stone pillars looking around for any inclination of where he could be at. On one of the pillars there seemed to be a glowing blue sigil. It looked to be in the shape of a spiral.

"I wonder what this could be. The smartest decision would be to ignore it, but nothing can ever be gained without risk."

Reaching out with his hand Cyrus presses his palm against the cool stone. The symbol glows brighter as tendrils of energy writhe as if they were alive. They started to climb up Cyrus's arm before a burning sensation fills his arm.

"nrghh damn it feels like my arm is on fire!" Cyrus grunts out as his consciousness wavers from the pain. Trying to pull his hand away but with no luck, the tendrils kept his arm in place searing themselves into Cyrus's arm. The pain finally subsided as the symbol disappeared from the pillar. Cyrus looked down at his arm seeing the spiral symbol was wrapped around his arm like a tattoo. The symbol glowed a very light blue until it faded into black.

"Damn that hurt, what just happened?" Cyrus said as he started to rub his arm to try and soothe the lingering pain. When he reached the end of the tattoo, there was another small symbol in the shape of an eye. When Cyrus touched it, there was a noise in his head as a bunch of information appeared in his field of vision.

-Hello Hero-

Name: Cyrus Winters

(0/1) Equipped Titles:


-Hero Lv. 1: Every level of this class increases a myriad of stats

+10 Health, +10 Stamina, +10 Mana, +1 Recovery, +1 Lv. To any skill of user's choice


Health: 40/40 (1 per 5 Mins.)

Stamina: 75/75 (1 per 5 Mins.)

Mana: 100/100 (1 per 5 Mins.)

Strength: 8

Increases Health by 5 per point

Dexterity: 12

Increases Stamina by 5 per point

Speed: 10

Increases movement speed by .05% per point


Intelligence: 20

Increases Mana by 5 per point

Endurance: 12

The ability to withstand physical effects by .01% per point


Control: 12

Better control of skills/spells allowing the ability to create new skills/spells from old ones

Luck: 20

Increases the number of coins earned from monsters by 1 per point

+20 Coins

Increases drop chance of special loot by .05% per point

Increases chance of a critical hit by .05% per point


Recovery: 1

The amount of Health/Stamina/Mana recovered every 5 mins.

Willpower: 12

The ability to withstand mental effects by .01% per point


Increases number of titles available to be equipped at one time by 1 every 30 points with a base of 1 title available to be equipped

Coins: 0

Stat Points: 3

"What is all this, it's just like a game! I really wonder where I am now." Sitting down Cyrus exhales a nervous chuckle.

"There's so much to read here. It seems like I've been transported to another world. What did the system say I was? A hero right, then I guess I'm supposed to save this world or something. This is definitely not how I saw my day going at all." Cyrus sighs as he quickly reads through his stats.

"It seems my Intelligence and Luck are my highest stats. I have 3 points to spend as well. I wonder if I have any skills, I should see if I do before I spend those stat points. I guess all I have to do is think skills and it should open a panel." Cyrus says to himself as he thinks about opening a panel for skills. As soon as the thought entered his mind a ping noise was made in his head as a panel opened.

Mana Skills:

-Lucky Coin Lv. 1: Use to temporarily boost attack power by a percentage equal to your luck stat for .5 minute. If the skill fails it has the opposite effect.

Cost: Costs Mana equal to the luck Stat

Support Skills:

-Analysis Lv. 1: Allows user to see basic information of creatures

Cost: 5 Mana

Passive Skills:

-Sage's Knowledge Lv. 1: User has basic understanding on how Mana works.

Increases speed in which Mana based skills level up by 5%

"Well that lucky coin skill is definitely good, also that Sage's Knowledge passive is way to overpowered!" Cyrus exclaims as he sits back on his hands thinking to himself. After reading each skill and looking back at his stats, all the extra information shrinks back making it easier to read through.

"I guess my best bet is to put points into my recovery stat since, it seems like that would keep me in tip top shape." Cyrus mumbles out as he distributes his points into his stat.

Recovery: 1 -> 4

"I should probably figure out my food situation and water as well. I don't want to die from starvation or dehydration. Since I'm surrounded by mountains and a massive forest as well, I can't buy food since there is no town nearby. The best bet is to go to the forest and hope for some fruits or berries." Cyrus sighs as he stands up and starts making his way to the edge of the mountain he was on. Looking for a pathway down the mountain side.

"There isn't a path down. I guess the only thing for me to do is climb down." Cyrus says as he looks over the edge of his little alcove. Seeing the ground far beneath him sent chills down his spine.

"I hate heights! I really hope I don't fall and die from this." Cyrus says while staring down feeling a bit queasy. Backing up from the edge, Cyrus sits down to think on how to get down safely.

"Maybe I can find something to wrap around myself to keep my from falling to my death. Maybe I can use some of the vine that is growing on the side of the mountain to wrap around me. I first need something to cut the vines with. I will break a rock and use the edge to cut the vine." Cyrus gets up to find a sizeable stone to break apart. Finding one the size of a fist, he picks it up and proceeds to smash it against the stone flooring beneath his feet.

Congrats! New skill Learned!

-Bash Lv.1 -

Bashing an object with another deals damage equal to Strength + 10%

Costs: 5 Stamina

-1 Stat Point Earned-

"Interesting, it seems like I can learn skills from doing things. It also gave me a stat point for my trouble as well. Maybe I should take a few minutes to level up this skill since there is plenty of rocks around. I should really focus on getting down first though." Cyrus says as he starts to move toward the vines to cut them. Cutting the vines down, Cyrus gets about 20 feet worth of vine from the side of the mountain and the pillars. Sitting down Cyrus starts to take the strands of vine and twist them together. Braiding it into a thick enough rope that would support his weight.

Congrats! New skill Learned!

Simple Crafting Lv.1

-Crafted items from simple materials are more durable and higher quality by 1% per Level

-1 Stat Point Earned-

"Nice! It really does seem like I can learn new things. It also seems like I get a stat point every time I learn a new skill. I wonder if I get one for leveling these skills up?" Cyrus says as he continues to work on the rope. By the time he finished the rope it seemed like an hour as passed.

-Simple Crafting has leveled up

-Simple Crafting has leveled up

-Simple Crafting has leveled up

-3 stat points earned-

"This rope is nice and sturdy. It's time to go down now." Cyrus gulps as he takes the rope and wraps it around one of the pillars. Taking the other end of the rope he wraps it around himself and ties it off.

"It might be a good idea to put my new stat points into my dexterity and speed so I can climb down easier. I don't know how draining climbing will be on my stamina, so I must be smart about this." Cyrus says as he dumps his points.

Speed 10 -> 12

Dexterity 12-> 15

As a strong breeze blows through the air, Cyrus swings his legs over the ledge of cliff side. Making his way down slowly. Cyrus was grabbing rock outcroppings and cracks in the side of the mountain.

Congrats! New Skill learned!

Climbing Lv. 1

-Climbing is easier and consumes 1% less stamina while climbing per level

-1 Stat Point earned-

'Nice, that should make this work.' Cyrus thought to himself as he made it almost halfway down the mountain side. When there was a ripping sound as the vine rope started to go slack.

"Well shit!" Cyrus shouted as the vine rope finally snapped and he lost his grip on the mountain side. Turning his body around he could see the ground rapidly approaching. Holding his hand out he started collecting his mana in his hand. Turning his mana into wind as he concentrates on manipulating the bundle of energy in his hand.

"This better work!" Cyrus screams out as the ground gets closer and closer. While the energy starts to turn into unstable wind mana in his hand. Turning his body at an angle, aiming his hand at the ground at a slant.

"Airburst!" Cyrus screams out as the ground was a few feet in front of him. The wind mana exploded out of his hand creating a forceful cushion that shoots him sideways.

'Snap!' 'Crunch'

"Fuck!" All of Cyrus's fingers on the hand that launched airburst broke and bent in odd angles as he flew through the air.

'Bang.' 'Snap.' 'Thud.' Cyrus smashed through trees and tumbled off of the ground as he flew to a stop. His body smashed against a tree and slumped down to a stop.

Congrats! New skills unlocked!

-Wind Manipulation Lv. 1-

Using wind mana and manipulating it is 1% easier per level.

-Airburst Lv. 1-

Using wind mana, the user creates a blast of wind from their hand. The damage is based off of the Wind Manipulation skill and the user's intelligence stat.

Cost: 20 Mana

-Pain Resistance Lv. 3-

Increases the user's resistance to pain by 1% per level.

-5 Stat Points earned-

Hp: 2/40

Stamina: 25/90

Mana: 20/100

"I almost died. I got lucky, that's not always going to happen though. I need to get stronger." Cyrus lightly chuckles out as he looks over his body.

"I hope my recovery will heal my broken bones, I'll wait and see. If it doesn't heal my wounds then I will try to use my mana to heal them." Cyrus sighs as he dumps his new stat points into his recovery stat.

-Recovery 4 -> 10

Sighing Cyrus tries to get comfortable to rest his body to let his recovery stat heal his wounds. After resting for around 30 minutes, Cyrus tries to stand up.

'Snap.' "Damn my bones didn't heal from my recovery stat. I'll try to move my mana around the areas of my body that has broken bones." Cyrus sits back down and slowly circulates his mana through his body. Feeling a warmth from within his body he could feel his bones setting back into place and healing. The process took around 1 hour to accomplish but it was well rewarded.

Congrats! New skill learned!

-Mend Bones Lv. 1

The user must sit down to use this skill. It mends broken bones but it takes 1 hour to heal them. Each level brings the time down by 2 minutes.

Costs: 70 mana

-Stat Point Earned-

"Well that is definitely as good skill but it takes way too long to use. Hopefully I can level it up to bring the time down to almost no time at all. I should find food now." Cyrus sighs as he stands up, feeling much better now that all his bones are back in place. Taking a look around, Cyrus sees tall trees covered in vines and what seems to be cobwebs.

"Hopefully those webs don't mean spiders right. Please tell me they don't." Looking around in a more panicked state, Cyrus is now looking at the canopy with slight fear in his eyes.

"There's no time to lose, I still have to find food." Walking in the direction away from the webs. Cyrus starts to look around trying to look for berries or nuts of any kind to eat. Walking for around an hour Cyrus finally spots a bundle of bushes full of berries. Using the Analysis skill to see if he could see if they were edible.

-Dragon Burst Berries


"Finally, some food." Grabbing some berries, Cyrus pops a few in his mouth.

New Class Unlocked!

-Taster Lv. 1: Taster Lv. 1: Eating food gives Permanent stat boosts. Each Level boosts a small number of stats

+15 Health, +15 Stamina, +2 Endurance

Congrats! New Skill Learned!

-Foraging Lv. 1

Boosts the quality of foraged food and materials by 1% per Level

-Stat Point Earned-

New Food Consumed!

-Dragon Burst Berries

+2 to Endurance, +15 Health

Name: Cyrus Winters

(0/1) Equipped Titles:

Class: Hero Lv.1, Taster Lv. 1


Health: 70/70 (10 per 5 Mins.)

Stamina: 105/105 (10 per 5 Mins.)

Mana: 100/100 (10 per 5 Mins.)

Strength: 8

Dexterity: 15

Speed: 12


Intelligence: 20

Endurance: 16


Control: 12

Luck: 20

+20 Coins


Recovery: 10

Willpower: 12


Stat Points: 2

"Nice! A new class and a big boost in stats. That's exactly what I need. I don't know what I should expect from out in the world but I should assume I need to be stronger than I am now if I want to live. There's too much I don't know yet so I have to play everything carefully." Cyrus mumbles out as he eats more of the berries.

"It seems I only get the boost of stats once from food I eat so I should try to eat a bunch of different foods and meals. I bet there is a bunch of different kind of food to eat. Maybe I can gain a cooking skill to cook some dishes for myself to eat." Laying back and letting his body rest before finding someplace to rest for the night.

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