
Flames for Growth

The shadow began to disappear as Azuka heard the sound of an explosion. "What the hell is going on out there. That fake is disappearing too." He looks at his flaming hands and extinguishes them. "How the hell did I burn myself? Am I really that weak?" Azuka thinks back to when he was attacked by the shadow without igniting his flames. "I was getting man handled," he then thinks back to when he was getting attacked with his flames. "How can I be a God?"

Thinking back to burning himself he clenches his fist. "How can I be a God, if I get burned by my own flames?"

"Boy, if you ever want to become strong, you got to practice, the more you practice the better you become. That's how I became a super strong. Though, you probably won't ever reach my level. Haha."

"My master said that. I've been practicing. How isn't this enough! I'm a God, what the hell!" Azuka explodes in flames and almost passes out, but wakes himself up. "All this time, I thought I just didn't have enough stamina for two flame explosions, but it's just me, getting damaged by my own flames!"

Azuka ignites his hands, this time with more intensity than ever before. "Ah!" He quickly extinguishes it. After blowing on his hands for a while he finally takes a deep breath. He gets glimpses of a someone screaming in a pit of fire. He stumbles around holding his head, who was that, he asked himself. He shakes his head, takes a short break, then ignites his whole body with fire.

He screams out in agony and falls to the ground, he is close to passing out, but his Godly regeneration kicked in with efficient efforts. "If I can heal fast enough, my body will sooner or later get used to this level of heat, which will make me stronger!" He continues to scream more and more in agony.

Outside of the Punishment Room, Jugann, Jubarai, and several other knights arrive to the scene where Jenna had escaped from. "Hey, what a mess she made, am I right," Jubarai looks around and takes out his medical supplies. "Hey, knights go round up the unconscious ones and bring them over to me. If there are any dead... separate them from the rest." Some of the knights followed Jubarai's instructions. The others stayed still waiting for other instructions. Jugann looks at the massive hole then looks at the other knights.

"Don't just stand there! One of you go check on the Punishment Room, half of the rest of you repair the hole, the other half go and patrol the area to make sure no one else escaped!" The knights straightened up, "Right!" They all scurried over to perform their jobs. The one knight tasked to check out the Punishment Room slightly opens the door and feels the heat from Azuka, and quickly closes it.

"Uh! Miss Jugann, Mr. Jubarai..." Jubarai and Jugann both walk over to the door of the Punishment Room, stepping over and avoiding the many moving bodies. "What is it," they both said simultaneously, "well it is really hot in there," all three of them look at each other. Jugann opens the door with Jubarai right behind him, they were able to withstand the heat rushing out of the room.

However almost every other knight was unable to. Jugann and Jubarai slowly walk in to the Punishment Room and is shocked at what they observe. Azuka was still screaming in agony with flames erupting from him, the light in his eyes had completely vanished. Veins were popping out throughout his whole body and his body had started turning ash black, but kept on regenerating to his natural caucasian color.

"Hey, is he trying to kill himself?" Jubarai says while looking around the scorched Punishment Room. Jugann pushes Jubarai out and closes the door. She then takes off her helmet, placing it neatly on the ground and wipes off the sweat from her forehead, "Whatever he is doing, his body is not giving up."

Jubarai smirks, "Hey want to make a bet again Jugann?" Jugann is intrigued, "What is this bet?"

"Hey, it isn't as crazy as last time, this time you have to go on a date with me, if that God is still alive in the morning." Jugann blushes and quickly puts her helmet back on. "Well, if he is dead by the morning, you have to go on a date with my sister, if we can find her." Jubarai's hair on his neck sprung up, "Hey, I'm not-" he is cut off by Jugann who, "A bet's a bet. Let us hope that whoever the loser is doesn't get too butt hurt."

Jugann walks off toward the cafeteria. Jubarai sighs and turns to look at all the jobs the knights have done. They were almost done, I should get to treating everyone, he thought. Before he went to heal everyone he turned to the knight in charge of the Punishment Room. "Hey, make sure you keep tabs on that God, take notes on whatever he does." The Knight bows, "Yes, sir."

Jubarai looks back out on to the group of unconscious knights, there were no dead. He sighed a sigh of relief, and summoned his medical tools to himself, "Hey, everyone move out of the way!" Everyone moves out of the way as Jubarai infuses his mana into his summoned medical tools. They all fly toward a different unconscious body. They then begin to release mana into the bodies. "Hey, this may take a little while, everyone who no longer has a job go help out with the other knights." The knights hurry over to help with the repairing of the wall and with patrol.

Punishment Room Log 1:

It has been eight hours since I was tasked with this job, the human seems to have subsided with the flames and the room has been cooling down for an hour now. The human seems to be asleep, but he is completely burned to a crisp, he might be dead.

Punishment Room Log 2:

Two hours have passed and I finally walk in to observe him from a clear angle instead of watching him from the upper windows on the second floor. I believed he was asleep, but he completely looks dead, he did not react when I poked him, and his body was still hot to the touch. I could see small flames still being produced from his body so he may not be completely dead.

Punishment Room Log 3:

It has been another hour, human has not done anything but his flames have returned to a blistering heat. I saw him twitching sometimes, but not much has actually happened. Scratch that, he miraculously has fully healed, only 45 minutes after I initially wrote the log. In fact approximately half an hour later he began meditating. I know Miss Jugann and Mr. Jubarai are Squad Knights, so you may not be able to make it in the morning because of an Emergency. This was supposed to be my last log but, seems like you won't come.

Punishment Room Log 4:

After some debating I decided to continue with this last log, I do not know if this man is human or not. What I observed, when I was not asleep, was astounding. It has been a total of 20 hours since I was tasked with this job. This, thing, has exceeded my expectations as a knight. I was sure that he was dead, but he managed to heal himself and meditate with the same amount of intense flames. As he meditates I swear to the King they have gotten hotter. If I didn't know any better, I would believe that I was in the presence of a God Reincarnate, but none of those come around here.

Azuka finally puts out all the fire around him and gets up, he stumbles around, but somehow gets a stretch out. However before he could actually do anything he plops onto the ground and falls asleep.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Squad Knights are so busy. Leave your thoughts and suggestions below. Thank you for reading the Story of Azuka.

Shinja_kuncreators' thoughts
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