

Heartbreak, we can just call it the fuel in which life function. I know right now you must be saying "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME TO A PARTICULAR SITUATION" , Just so you know we all use that sentence so you're not alone. If heartbreak is the fuel in which life function then why do we still get hurt?

Writer's POV : We all search for happiness but heartbreak is life's default gift to humans.

Writer's POV : In my opinion there is no happiness without hurt, when everything keeps on going well for us we tend to forget the spirit of gratitude. How satisfying do a Thank you from a complete stranger or loved one make you feel?

As humans we handle things differently and that also implies we react to heartbreak differently, we heal differently. I'm sure we're familiar with the "YIN AND YANG" Symbols, just in case you don't know it is a Chinese philosophical concept that describes how obviously opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.

With this understanding you should know that bad event gives rise to good event, there can't be good without a bad. This is to say that A MILLION HEARTBREAKs can bring A MILLION HAPPINESS lol I'm sure you like the sound of that. We should learn how to handle disappointments and loss of Life efficiently, I know it hurts as hell but it's Life's default gift to us and that means we should make the most of it. ( when life throws lemons at you, make lemonades) yeah lemonades!!!

There is no such thing as a perfect life, a life lived in perfection is a lie. I can say when we were little we assumed life to be a straight journey without weeds and bugs, As an adult I can tell you that life is like THE AMAZON (the world's largest rainforest). You can choose to be happy while you try to figure your way around or be sad and get lost, don't get lost without a loved one. Dangerous!!!

Writer's POV: Live when you're alive, we can't wait for everything to be fine before we become happy.

Embrace this journey with all your heart, take the pain lightly each time it comes. There is no end to disappointments with the YIN AND YANG knowledge it also means there is no end to happiness, make peace with people, honor your words and be respectable. I believe we all need someone, life wasn't meant to be a solo journey. It is meant for partners, couples, we're one big family.

Have a big heart, accommodate as many as you can. Help people heal, help them grow, help them know themselves.