
The stories of hope

Realistic Fiction
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  • 3 Chs
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What is The stories of hope

Leia o romance The stories of hope escrito pelo autor SANDRO publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Archive: Rise of the Kept Souls

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How can you say that you are happy with your life? When you are with your family? that you are whole? What if you are whole but there is no love for you because you were formed by an accidental event? "I will fuck you whenever I want, do you hear me?" He says. He thrust his manhood into my womanhood hard. Who am I to complain? He owned me but I do not own him, someone else owns him. I'm just his excuse, his pastime. "Uhh. Damn it! Why are you still tight when i am always fucking you? Huh?" He groaned like an animal. He is Giving me a punishing thrust. I just closed my eyes and a low growl came out of my mouth. I'm close, I'm about to reach seventh heaven because of what we're doing. He is fucking me , in his bed. It didn't take long, we reached the 7th heaven, he buried his head in my neck and gently kissed it. Who am I to object? I am just nobody. And even if I objected, there was nothing I could do. After a while he got off of me and laid down next to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned my back on him and secretly cried. We are always like this. He's cold treatment, his behavior almost makes me vomit, the way he hurts me physically and emotionally, I accept it all. I won't get anything even if I complain...I can handle everything. When he was breathing deeply, I slowly got up, picked up my clothes and put them back on. It's always like this, we fucked. That's all, no strings attached. I went to a room, I saw an angel. My son is his, he doesn't know that I am his mother. He only knows me as his "nanny". I covered my mouth to keep from sobbing. He told me that I was unlucky for him, in his life. He said I broke everything. It's all my fault. But me? Am I not broken? Didn't I sacrifice? Every day I was hurt but I never complained to him because I had no right to complain,he has a girlfriend and his girlfriend has accepted that he has a child with me. I'm mad at myself because I'm a fool! I'm completely crushed, like an earthquake, destroyed, destroyed, but I can handle it for my son and for myself. Even though I was in so much pain, I didn't leave, I wanted to be with my son. I never aspired too much, just graduating is okay with me, I just have something to brag about to everyone and I'm okay. That I can tell them, "I worked hard to graduate." But that will not be fulfilled. I don't own them even my son, he says he is the only one who has the right to his son from me. How about me? I no longer have the right to what I carried for nine months in my womb? I no longer have the right to my flesh and blood? In this treacherous world I must be strong, I can do it as long as I live. So if you turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear to everything.

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The villainous hero

" Beauty is blood, but is beauty love? If beauty is love, then the beauty lie, for everyone die. No, beauty is death. Peace is harmony, and harmony is silence. Silence is death, and silence is just. thus i will put thee to rest. " - said the boy with teary crimson-red eyes. The mantra has been voiced, and the day is slowly dying down. As the darkness engulfs and swallows anything and everything that the boy sees, a faint light was born. The light was fainter than any other, and yet the light somehow guided the boy. Soon, the sounds of battle died down, and silence reigned over the boy's existence. Time past and the light grew stronger, and the boy started to forget who he was, no, rather he forgot what he was. And one day, the boy started to feel again. He felt warmth, yet he saw only darkness. He heard voices and sounds, yet he was alone. But soon, very soon, he would be reborn into the very world where his life ended. This story follows the boy towards his journey through life, death and reincarnation. And through he's happiest moments and his darkest nightmares. What will happen to him, or rather what has happened to him? What is his destiny? Who is he? Well, read the damn book if you want to find out. Also, my English sucks so deal with it. How bad you ask? Well, here's the answer; "Me no American/British/Australian, me not even white, me Asian (and 10% black, thus 100% nigga)! You no like Asians(or niggas) ? Well then go love your dad. BTW, me no homo."

Alexander_Moe · Fantasia

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Volume 2 :Story about yellow tree on the hill in top of the village


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  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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