

After a while Sheena was outside a cafe, hiding in a corner waiting for Ash and Anne to arrive, as she sipped her milkshake.

Scrolling through her texts, she heard some voices behind her. She turned and saw a girl and boy fighting with each other. The girl seemed to have gone crazy screaming at the top of her lungs, while the boy was trying to calm her down. Not paying much attention to them, Sheena continued looking at her phone. Soon she received a call from the friend she had asked for help, but she told her Ash and Anne called to inform they wouldn't be able to make it.

Disappointed, Sheena picked up her purse and got up to leave. As she was leaving, she passed by the fighting couple who were still in a conflict. The guy was angry as he was shaking his head furiously. As turned without realising someone was behind him, bumped into Sheena, in the moment of panic the guy realized she was about to fall as he pulled her hand into his and fell on his back, protecting Sheena in his embrace from the sudden impact. After the smooth landing, Sheena was still in shock as her eyes were closed, her brows creased, the panic seemingly visible. The guy, who was first to get over it, opened his eyes and he looked at the scared beauty resting on him like a cushion. He couldn't help but chuckle.

As she heard him chuckle, she slowly opened her eyes, absorbing what happened and the look in the eyes of people around them.

She immediately got up and passed an embarrassed look to the guy. He got up as well, brushing the dust off his clothes.

He looked at Sheena, and was about to ask her if she was fine, but someone stepped between them.

Sheena looked at the girl standing in front of her.

"You, you are beautiful. Does that mean you can lay eyes on what's mine?"

"Excuse me. It was an accident. Don't misunderstand."Confused, Sheena tried to explain,

The girl was crazy and didn't seem to understand,

" Really? You..how dare you touch him? He belongs to me, do you understand?"

Sheena, who couldn't take her shrill voice anymore, turned around to leave.

But before she could leave, the girl grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Where do you think you are going after flirting with my man? Do you know who I am"?"

'Sheena disbelievingly looked at her. How can someone be so shameless"?'

"Why? Are you some famous actress who's all over the billboards for me to know who you are?"

"You..." the girl couldn't hold herself back.

The guy who was observing the unfolding scenes stepped towards Sheena as he saw the girl stomping towards her furiously.

With just one step he pulled Sheena into a hug.

"Baby, you don't have to speak to such shameful people. Don't trouble yourself, what am I here for?"

Utterly shocked Sheena tried to push him away, but he was unmoving. As he realised her discomfort, he leaned over and whispered into her ears.

"Put up with me for a while if you want to get out of this mess. And you owe me one for saving you so."

Sheena didn't know what to say. The guy pulled himself back as he kept his hand around her shoulder and turned to the girl.

"Listen, this is my girlfriend. Don't you dare touch her. Now leave me alone. "

"Let's go baby", he said as he turned to Sheena.

Just when he was about to take a step, the girl screamed.

"You don't know what's right for you. You are mine, do you get me? I am your only girlfriend, even we are going to marry and have so many kids. She might have blackmailed you, right? Don't worry, I'll get rid of her."

"You witch come to me. Today I'll teach you a lesson." Before she could grab her the guy pushed her away.

"You don't understand what's right for you yet? I'll have to force you then, I love you and you love me too. You just don't know it yet."

"You are sick." The guy shouted.

The girl sneered and took her phone out and dialed a number. In a few seconds, twelve bodyguards appeared behind them.

Confused, with a similar expression written over their face, Sheena and the guy looked at each other.

"Are you ready? I'll count to three", guy said to Sheena.

She nodded.

When the bodyguards were about 20 steps away.

Guy shouted, "three"

Sheena looked at him like he was some weirdo, "Where is one and two??"

"One, two ,three...now fine???"

Sheena passed an annoyed look at him before getting into her stance ready to charge forward, Just when she was about to get ahead..the guy pulled her back,

"You fool...what are you doing?"

"Fight? Wasn't that what we planned to do?", Sheena said with a question mark all over her face.

Guy shaked his head furiously. He grabbed her hand and ran, before she could realise she was already being dragged.

They ran through the streets hand in hand, chased by the bodyguards. After running for ten minutes, Sheena and the guy came upon a taxi, running towards it. They noticed the driver wasn't there. Sheena got into the driving seat and the guy sat in the passenger seat next to her.

"Wait, let's switch seats. Let me drive."

"Do you think we have time?" Before the boy could reply Sheena already pressed the accelerator.

"Hey, hey stop the car. Thieves, Theives, help… help..they stole my car. Stooooop.. The driver who was out cried."

At a safe distance, ensuring that they escaped the bodyguards, Sheena stopped the car on the side.

"For your girlfriend to send bodyguards after you, you might have a really interesting life". The guy just smiled bitterly at her comment. Sheena raised her eyebrows at him.


"What what?? Look at what you've got me into? Shouldn't I atleast deserve a thankyou?"

"I helped you too. So, we are even."

"Helped me?? You had a fight with your girlfriend. She was ready for a catfight with me and I was chased by bodyguards for the first time in my life. Seriously?"

"Now you know, it's fun isn't it?"

Sheena rolled her eyes at him before starting the engine again,

"Wait where are we going?"

Sheena didn't reply, instead concentrated on the road ahead.

"Look, I know I'm dashing but you don't have to do this to catch my attention", guy laughed to himself

"Shut up, or I'll throw you out. We're going to police station, they'll return the car."


After returning the car, they both walked out of the police station.

"You're a fun crime partner. We're good as a team."

"Yeah, make girlfriends who makes her bodyguards chase you, you might be living your wildest fantasies in life right now."

"She isn't my girlfriend, didn't you see. Just one my crazy fans who think I like them."

Sheena turned to him. She was facing him and at her back was the setting sun, making the moment instantly golden. The guy inspected her for the first time; he was astonished at once and so much at that, that he couldn't remove his eyes off her until she snapped her fingers in front of him.

"I'll leave from here, and I would like to not cross paths with you again since you have such an interesting life. If I get used to such interesting life then who knows where will my body be one day". Sheena said amusingly and turned around to leave.

Just as she started walking, the guy muttered to himself, 'But I would love to meet you again.'