
The Soulbound Prisoner: Pirates of the Dead

Death is sometimes not the end! Welcome to the Dead Prison! This magical prison possesses the extraordinary power to draw the souls of deceased individuals from across the world. Moreover, it grants living beings the ability to harness the powers of these souls. When Qin Ge awakened, he was astounded to discover that he had arrived in the world of One Piece. To his even greater amazement, he realized that he carried a prison within himself... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey there, amazing readers! I'm bursting with excitement to share this translated fanfiction with all of you. It's been a labor of love, and I couldn't be happier to bring this captivating story to a wider audience. I'm here to ask for your support and encourage you to leave your thoughts, reviews, and feedback. Your engagement means the world to me! Whether you have praise, constructive criticism, or just want to share your personal connection to the story, I'm all ears. Your insights will help me improve my translation skills and make this reading experience even better for you and future fans. Your support is like a spark that keeps me going, dedicating countless hours to deliver the best version of this fanfiction. So, if you can spare a moment, please leave a review or rating. Not only will it help me grow, but it'll also help other readers discover and join in on the excitement. Remember, you have the power to shape this translation and build a vibrant community around it. Together, we can celebrate the beauty of fanfiction and dive deep into the limitless realm of imagination. Thank you for being here and joining me on this incredible journey. Your presence and support mean everything. Let's embark on this adventure together, and may the translated words whisk you away to a world of awe and wonder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to donate, you can contribute to my PayPal account. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=49PGB3AGV9TUW

Zeke_D_Translator · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 2: Prison of the dead

"Is it Ohara? It seems that I've encountered some trouble as soon as I arrived in this world!" Qin Ge's expression remained unchanged, but he felt a sense of seriousness in his heart.

If he remembered correctly, two years after Roger's execution, Ohara was destroyed by the World Government with the Buster Call due to their secret research on the true history.

Although Qin Ge learned from the residual memories of his original body that he was currently in the period two years after the execution of Pirate King Roger, being in Ohara meant that the Buster Call was imminent.

One Piece is not only a passionate anime but also a dangerous world. Besides the ravages of pirates and ferocious beasts, this world also possesses supernatural powers that didn't exist in his previous life.

The Buster Call is an indiscriminate destructive attack, and once it locks onto a target, anyone on the island, regardless of innocence, becomes a subject of destruction.

Even if Qin Ge's current body is that of an eight-year-old boy, even during his previous life as a young man, he would undoubtedly face certain death against the Buster Call launched by the World Government.

"I must leave this place as soon as possible!" Qin Ge thought to himself.

Undoubtedly, if he didn't want to be caught in the destruction caused by the Buster Call, he had to leave Ohara before the World Government arrived.

With this in mind, Qin Ge couldn't help but look at the woman in front of him, Nico Robin, recalling her experiences.

Nico Robin could be described as both lucky and tragic. Although she successfully escaped Ohara in the original story due to the intervention of Jaguar D. Saul, she was still targeted by the World Government for her ability to read the Poneglyphs at the young age of eight, with a bounty of 79 million berries on her head. She had to hide in the shadows, barely surviving a life of adversity and wandering.

Although Qin Ge wasn't a purely righteous person, he still hoped to help someone he admired and was also the first person he met after his rebirth.

"Robin, are you sure this is Ohara? If it is, we might be in big trouble!" Qin Ge pondered, and a serious expression appeared on his face, his voice carrying a heavy tone.

Nico Robin, influenced by the tense atmosphere deliberately created by Qin Ge, couldn't help but feel uneasy and asked, despite some doubts, "What's wrong, Eren? Why do you say that?"

Qin Ge organized his thoughts and then said solemnly, "To be honest, before the shipwreck, my father knew a high-ranking official of the World Government. I happened to overhear some information that seems to suggest that the World Government is planning to destroy the entire Ohara because the archaeologists there have uncovered some hidden history, which they want to conceal!"

This was, of course, a fabricated reason that Qin Ge came up with to convince Nico Robin to leave Ohara with him more convincingly.

Nico Robin widened her eyes in astonishment. Her young face was filled with shock, incredulity, as well as some doubt and hesitation.

"Eren, are you sure this is true? How could the World Government destroy Ohara just because of some history, especially since Ohara is a world-renowned archaeological site with many people living here!"

Nico Robin, who had been independent for a long time, had a maturity beyond her peers. She naturally wouldn't easily believe Qin Ge's shocking words.

The archaeologists of Ohara naturally knew that delving into the true history texts was a taboo offense against the World Government; otherwise, they wouldn't have conducted their research in secrecy. Although they might not have anticipated such a drastic reaction from the World Government, if Qin Ge's words were to be known to them, it would have a significant impact.

Qin Ge intended to use the archaeologists of Ohara to persuade them to help him and Nico Robin leave. Besides, he was currently penniless, and even if he wanted to leave Ohara, he would need enough money to do so, making the archaeologists of Ohara the perfect targets.

Although Nico Robin didn't fully believe Qin Ge's words, after hesitating for a moment, she agreed to take him to meet Dr. Clover.

Apart from wanting to reassure herself, it was also to take care of Qin Ge. In her eyes, Qin Ge was now alone and helpless after the shipwreck. Without anyone to help him, it would be difficult for him to survive.

It must be said that she was a kind-hearted and lovely girl.

Although Qin Ge had already decided to go to the Tree of Knowledge, he didn't rush into action. Instead, he used the excuse of just waking up and not fully recovering to come to a small grove by the beach.

Leaning against a lush green tree, Qin Ge closed his eyes as if to rest. Meanwhile, Nico Robin didn't leave but quietly waited nearby, flipping through the archaeological book she carried with her.

A scene of warmth and tranquility was painted as the boy pretended to rest while the girl read her book. However, the boy's seemingly restful state was not genuine; he was trying to confirm something.

With a concentrated mind, Qin Ge instinctively entered a peculiar state, even though outwardly he maintained his posture of pretending to rest. But his consciousness appeared in a different form in the dark space.

"So, it wasn't just my imagination before. Could this be my 'plot armor' as a transmigrator?" Looking at the familiar dark space around him, Qin Ge didn't panic; instead, he carefully observed his surroundings and then focused his gaze on the three prisons separated by dark golden pillars on the opposite side.

After a brief contemplation, Qin Ge approached and tentatively reached out to touch one of the dark golden pillars of the prison.


When Qin Ge's hand touched the prison, the prison-like dark space trembled, and various information flooded into his mind, leading him to quickly comprehend the existence of this dark space.

Although a large amount of information flowed into his mind, this time there was no painful swelling sensation. Instead, the process was gentle, and after digesting all the information, a faint smile appeared on Qin Ge's lips.

"The Prison of the Dead, huh? It seems I'm quite lucky to be a transmigrator with a plot armor!"

The information that emerged from touching the dark golden pillar was precisely about the situation of the dark space before him. The current dark space was indeed a prison called the Prison of the Dead, just like the scene he was witnessing. It had three prisons in total.