
Battle of the Wizard

And among the warriors, and the other cult heads and the wizards had they come. With only this even had the warriors been separated from the wizards and while the warriors maintained the field to battle had the wizard remained yet in another strategic position. 

Definitely, the location for the battle had the topography of a mountain, and thus, a field before it and where the warriors of Zazzau yet stood and watched them in a distance also have the mountains and the field. 

In this very moment the chief warrior of Duara met head to head with that of the chief warrior of Zazzau and they spoke and stepped on each other's might. 

For according to the chief warrior of Zazzau was a question if the chief warrior of Daura dug so many graves to bury his dead? for all that followed him yet this day had been nothing but dead bodies and he shall spare only him so, he shall bury them and send their souls even to hell.