
That's An Order

(Obs: I improved a scene here, that's why the update.)

"----" Speech

'----' Thought

(----) Thought in the middle of a sentence.

*----* Sound noises


In the next days, Janedoe prepared everything for his last days.

What he would do with his son.

The moment he heard his impending doom, he started getting everything ready before his son's graduation.

He went to a car collector to buy his son a car he himself always wanted, but never really got to buy it.

It was too troublesome to find and extremely overpriced, not really worth the money when he could get a brand new modern car with it.

But this changes today.

1968 Cadillac Couple Deville, Convertible, Red color, in a perfect state.

Cadillac was the most American, luxurious, and pinnacle of achievement of American society in its time. They were simply the top.

Its value before quirks was at its highest 42 thousand dollars.

And with the quirk era, it only got even more expensive.

Many cars were lost with quirks and the sky-high criminal rate. They only got more precious and rare.

He found a seller for this treasure after almost using military tech to find the bastard.

He had to go to f*cking Australia to buy it! And the price…

One million.

One million goddamned USD$.

It's almost 1/4 of a Lamborghini Veneno.

He had the money, but why should he pay for it when he could call favors he had with his beautiful American government?

That's right.

He used the favors and contributions of his family to get this car for free.

And the government didn't mind, they knew he was dying and he had friends up there (higher-ups).

What pity can do for a man… buying a car seems one of them. Worth it.

But he was not done there though.

He wanted his son to have the most awesome car in the world.

A car that would make his son remember his old man every time he drives it.

He went to another friend of his that was the head mechanic of the army. Responsible for making their vehicles. And brought with him the Cadillac.

"Yoo! Jane! It's been a while! What can I do for ya?" The guy covered in grease said. He had dark brown hair and eyes, a fat belly, and a trucker's beard.

"John! Been a while indeed. My friend, I got bad news…"

He explained to him his condition, and what he wanted him to do with the car.

"Sheesh, man. That's f*cked. Yeah, I can customize your ride for your kid. I can make this baby." He tapped the car. "A tank on wheels. It would cost your guts though, but I suppose no one will notice some parts missing on the workshop. Yeah, I will do it."

"Thanks, John. You have no idea what this means to me."

"Nah, no problem mate. Want to drink a shot? For the old times?"

He could only smile at that. "For the old times."

John told him he would call his number when it was ready.

Almost three months later, John called him.

And oh boy.

The car was looking sick.

"This is your convertible 1968 Cadillac Couple Deville. It took some liberty with it, and I think you will like it very much.

"All metal in this car was replaced by quirk-reinforced ones. It's lighter, It's harder, It's everything." He said while circling the automobile.

"Changed the entire motor for a military-grade, electric one. It's fast and potent, I assure you." He opened the car's hood, showing the motor and battery.

"It has all the smart features of energy conversion of a tesla, but also got micro solar panels all over the car to the recharge it, albeit slowly."

"The insides were completely changed. All seats have leather and the comfiest foam in existence. The front seats have a TV in them for the backseat to watch or play games, and the entire speed meter and all that stuff changed to a modern one, with a screen that can be used to answer calls, watch videos, radios, all the good stuff." He opened the door and it showed the inside of a car that most definitely belonged to a cyberpunk game.

"The suspension can handle falls of dozens of meters. A parachute, a grappling hook. All glass is bulletproof, together with the tires. All lights were changed to LED too. Music boxes, yada yada."

"The car windows can become pitch black if you want some privacy. And this baby can drive itself and has voice commands."

"And I made a GPS system that instead of showing in the screen between the front seats, it shows in the front window like a virtual reality."

"And finally, I used all my staff and my own quirk to make this car be able to dissipate kinetic energy without needing for the car to become smashed. It also has a permanent wax effect on it, It cleans itself and can make small self-repairs. And the white convertible roof was painted with blue lines to match the whole American personality with the red of the car."

"This makes your ride the most customized car in the world, and its value can reach 10 million. Did you like it?" John smugly ended.

He didn't have words for it.

"It's perfect."

And now that his son graduated, he could check the second box of his list.

"Hey, son! Wake up!" He went up the stairs and opened his son's bedroom, seeing him sleeping soundly and Zeus laying flat on his back on the bed. Even the bird was lazy.

They spend the whole night awake, training his son [Crit Boost Mode]. It was a show of red and blue lights. Good thing they did not have neighbors.

"Hmnf. Just one more minute…" "Kaaa…" Rick and Zeus said in unison.

"Okay, then. I was going to show you my new, custom ride. Maybe even let you drive it… Oh well, you are too tired for it-"

He looks back at his son only to find him in other clothes, fully ready.

"So, where are we going?" Rick said.


My father just brought a new car.

And oh boy.

A Cadillac in pristine condition.

But that was not even the good part. Inside the car was a whole other world.

High tech stuff that didn't even exist back in my first life. It was like James Bond's car. Classic on the outside, and on the inside a whole next era.

And I'm driving it.


…Kind of.

I pulled the breaks, stopping the vehicle. My dad's hair and Zeus's feathers looked all messed up, their faces like they saw a ghost.

"Rick! Goddamn it! I told you to go slow, then we go and pick up the speed! If we were in a street and not in an airport, you would be getting chased by cops!"

Yup. My father brought us to a military airport that hardly gets used nowadays, just for me to learn how to drive. [1]

"C'mon! We are at an airport alone! We gotta see how fast this baby can go- Ouch! Stop beak-hitting me!" I said, only to be answered by a KA! And a pissed dad.

"This is gonna take a long time, isn't it?" Jane replied.


And so for the next weeks, I learned all about driving, speed limits (which my father was annoyingly persistent), and traffic signs. And finally, I got my driver's license (pretty sure my father made some calls, no way a 14 years old can just get it) after a test and ta-da!

This was not even the good part.

"Son. Your grandfather, after I passed J.A.M.S he gave me my car, the car I drive until today. And now that you got your license, I give you this car, a 1968 Cadillac Couple Deville. The car you drove is now yours." He threw me the keys, and I couldn't believe it.

I got a ride, and it was the coolest car to ever run on the planet.

"Hell Yeah! Wait until the boys hear about this!"

As Rick was distracted while celebrating. Jane coughed in his hand, only to see blood on it which he quickly hid.

'My time is running out… But just a little more.'

He pulled a notebook and checked a box.

[ X ] Teach his son how to drive, and buy him an awesome car.


The next day or rather, night. Rick's father knocked on his room's door.

Rick quickly opened. "What is it, dad? What's up with the suit?"

Jane was wearing a black suit and tie with the colors of the U.S banner. He was also carrying another suit in his arms.

"Tonight son, you are gonna leave this house a boy and come back as a man. Put this suit on, brush your teeth and meet me at the car."

Rick was confused but obliged.

He put on the suit, the tie, his social shoes and went to the garage.

"Where are we going?" He asked his father who was starting the car.

"To the red light district VIP luxury pleasure house. Reserved for only the most important people in the city, with the maddest pussies in America. Hop on the car if you wish to say goodbye to your virginity."

In less than a millisecond, Jane only saw a flash of blue and red light going hyper speed and landing on the other seat on his right.

"What are we waiting for?! Go! Go! Go!" Rick yelled.

Jane just grinned as he drove to the place.

Arriving in a suspicious alley, Janedoe left the car with his son and went to a short, muscular guy also wearing a suit, like those security guys.

"Name?" The guy asked.

"Janedoe May and Rick May."

The guard quickly looked over a list and stopped.

"You may enter." He said as he opened a wall? No, it was a door camouflaged to be a common alley wall.

Jane promptly entered and Rick followed right after him, a bit perplexed.

Inside it was a whole different deal.

Women everywhere, wearing bikinis so tiny that might as well be non-existent. Neon lights in every corner and more women serving drinks to the other guys.

This must be really for VIPs. Rick even recognized some top heroes here and there.

"Jane! It's been a while!" A big and slightly fat guy appeared. He had gold for teeth and a lot of jewelry in his body. He extended a hand to Jane.

"Bryson! So good to see you too pal." His father replied with a handshake.

"Let me introduce you to my son, Rick May. Son, this is Bryson. The owner of this fine establishment."

"So this is the inheritor of the debts, huh? A pleasure to meet you." Rick shook hands with him.

"The pleasure is mine, sir. Never shook hands with a pimp before, what a job you have, sir." He joked.

"Ha! A man that appreciates the art I see! We will do just fine. So, what you and your dad are here for? I have an idea but just to be sure."

"I'm here to introduce my son to what makes a man, a man. If you could show him the way to Jennifer would be great." Jane stepped in and answered.

"Jennifer? She might be too much for a first-timer. Are you sure? I like my customers intact, but the customer is always right after all."

Rick this time was the one who stepped in. "I'm a May, sir. I was made for this."

Jane and Bryson shared short a laugh.

"Ha ha ha! If it is like this, then I see no trouble. Lucy, would you be a dear an bring this young man to Jennifer?" Mathew called the waitress passing by.

"Sure thing, daddy! Come, follow me!"

As Rick and Lucy left, Janedoe and Bryson stood there.

"Soo... How bad is it?" The pimp questioned.

"I'm praying to see the next month." The soldier replied.

"My God, Jane. If only you followed my advice and only fucked my girls and not strays on the streets, none of this would have happened."

"Yeah, I know. But it doesn't matter now. A drink, for the old times?"

"*Sigh*… For the old times."

While they drank, Rick finally arrived at his destination.

"This is Jenny's room, knock on the door 3 times and you are set. I hope you are as tough as you look, little man. She is more than just a treat." The waitress said with a wink while pointing at a door with a bright yellow star with 'Jennifer' written on it. Like those celebrities.

She left with a sway of hips that was impossible to ignore. After she got out of his eyesight. He stared at the door.

It would be a lie to say he was not nervous. He never went out with a girl before, and now he was going straight to bed with one that everybody seems afraid of.

"No going back." He knocked on the door 3 times.

(R-18 Begins) [2]

(Remember that Rick's body can pass as 18 years old, with a trimmed beard and everything. He looks like the soldier after all, maybe a little younger)

The door opened, revealing a 2-meters tall woman.

She had purple hair with pink at its endings, an hourglass shape that was unrealistic to a human, boobs with almost the size of watermelons, and a Pixar dump truck butt. Completely naked for the world to see.

"Oh, a young boy. What are you doing here? Did you get lost?" The woman asked. Her voice was sweet and soft.

"No. Not anymore. You are much more than I could ever think."

"A charmer, I see. Well then. Won't you join me? I have been feeling… itchy these last days, and unfortunately, no men were big enough could reach it for me, or too quick to make it go away. Can you help me?"

Rick recognized the challenge, and he accepts it.

"I'm a May. It's my job."

"Perfect answer."

She grabbed him and took him inside, closing the door and locking it.

Inside her room was a giant bed that was bigger than any he had seen before. The room also had a strange and suspicious pink mist floating around…

"They spoke very highly of you. If it's not too much what is your quirk?" Rick asked while unbuttoning his suit.

"It's [Queen Pheromones]. It makes anyone, especially males, do what I want. It's especially strong in sex. They become horny dogs, fun to play with, just like you will."

With a wicked smile, a pink mist started coming out of her skin. Going straight to him.

Rick did not look panicked like most men she saw. He instead took a deep breath, inhaling it with no hesitation.

"Wow, no one never did that. Did they lie to me when they said you were a virgin? Answer your queen." She ordered, expecting for him to obey her like anyone under her quirk.

Rick continued to unbutton his shirt, completely unfazed.

Jennifer was stunned. How could he resist her? No one resisted her, and no one will.

As she was about to grab him and demand answers her hand was caught midway.

"I came looking for a good time, and yet you have been a very bad girl. And bad girls must be punished."

He pulled her to him by her hand, while stretching his leg for her to trip and lose balance, falling right in his arms, princess style. Her stunned face brought him a smile. He would conquer this bitch with queen issues.

"How did you resist my phero-Mmhf!" He shut her with a deep, violent, French kiss.

He explored every corner of her mouth with his tongue, and only when she was out of breath he stopped, leaving a line of saliva connecting their mouths.

"While I was in the army, they tested many things about my body. It seems I have a pretty high tolerance to these kinds of quirks. I'm your natural predator, understand?"

She just stared with wide eyes at him. She underestimated him. And now she would pay.

"You fucked up. And now, you are going to be fucked over." He left her no room to respond as he walked to the bed with her still in his arms.

He climbed the bed and released her right under him, towering her.

"You were so loud before, why are you so silent now?"

She struggled to come up with an answer. While she was a bitch, she had her pride. She was the top 1 of this place, the most sought after for all men. And now, she was under a boy that looked like he was just eighteen?

"S-Shut up! You think you can go all alpha male with just a trick or two!? You are nothing more than a virgin!" She yelled.

Rick with a grin at the corner of his lips answered. "If you think so, then how about you do your job? Here, I'll help you."

He got up and rested just beside her, his back on the bed.

Jenny just stared at him.

"So, are you gonna fuck me or what?"

This seemed to bring her back from her thoughts, as she climbed him just before his crouch.

She unbuttoned his pants and with one swift motion, his pants and underwear were gone.

She stared at his manhood, standing proudly to the ceiling.

It was big enough that went past her belly button, and she didn't even count the width. She made a loud gulp. Would that even fit inside her?

She felt like a virgin all over again. Frustrating her more as she knew the boy under her drank all her reactions.

"You said you were itchy, and no one was big enough to help you. Do you think I'll be able to help you?" He asked.


She started sucking his wood in ways he never knew was possible. Her mouth felt like a vacuum and her tongue twisted in ways that he wondered if her parents had a tongue quirk.

Jennifer continued to suck the life out of him for half an hour until he finally blew his load on her mouth, grabbing her head and making her swallow it all.

"Uff, that was amazing. You truly deserve to be the top 1." Rick complimented her.

"So you finally noticed? Be a good boy and I will do more."

His answer was grabbing her hips and making her go down again, his head between her legs.

"You should know by now. I'm not a good 'boy'. I'm a bad one. 'The' bad one."

He waited no time to start licking her pussy like the thirstiest man in the Sahara Desert.

He explored her cave as deep as his tongue allowed, licking every wall from top to bottom. Sucking her womanhood with all the sexual tension he accumulated since arrived in this place. Her moans and minor spams only fed him further.

"F-Fuck! Stop sucking me. I'm the bitch here! Hmnf! I'm gonna…"

"Sorry, I didn't hear you over your moans. You were what?" He resumed his licking with even more fervor.

"I-I… I'm… I AM CUMMING!" with a scream she bent like a string, her pussy overflowing with love juices, which he wasted no time to lick her clean.

"Huff…Huff… That was…-"

"Amazing? Spectacular?" He interrupted.

"…Good enough." She answered between puffs of hair.

"Not what your body told me, but whatever. How about we go to the main course?"

"Thank God. I wondered when you would stop the foreplay."

"Said you who sucked my dick for thirty minutes."

"Not my fault you took so long to cum. Be quicker next time."

"Hoh? What about the 'no men were big enough could reach it for me, or too quick to make it go away'?" He teased her again.

"Shut up and fuck me already!"

"Yes ma'am."

He put his rod at her entrance, and thrust inside her at once, hitting her deepest wall at once.

She made a loud gasp, that quickly turned lewd as he went back and forth inside over and over again like an industrial piston.

When he saw that she grew used to his thrusts, he saw her breasts and decided to put them to good use.

The soldier grabbed a handful of her boobs with his hands and started massaging them. Rick grew bolder as he saw her squirm under him.

He pulled, pushed, and twisted them left and right, up and down, and squished them together. Sucking them from time to time.

Jennifer felt as if she was being milked.

He felt her growing tighter and tighter around his cock, and as a gentleman, he asked.

"Inside or outside?"

"I-Inside! Don't stop! I-I'm so damn close!" She replied.

He continued to pound the life out of her until her pussy threatened to crush his wood in tightness.

"I AM CUMMING!" "HMNFF!" They both came at the same time, her releasing water as a pressurized fountain, drenching Rick's legs entirely, and her pussy receiving a gallon of 'milk'.

They both continued glued to each other until they finally stopped.

"Sex truly is the best thing." Rick declared as he went out of her pussy with an audible *pop*.

"Huff… I can't believe this is your first time. How are you this good?" She asked him.

"… I remember things since I was a baby. And my father didn't know that at the beginning. So he brought a bunch of women while I was still months old. And I think you know the rest."

"Sheesh, you learned how to fuck with less than a year old? Kid these days are crazy."

"You bet."

Rick took a sharp breath as he remembered a tiny detail.

"Please tell me today is your safe day."

"Pfft, what a rookie question. We are hoes for VIPs. Pregnancy is not good for business. We are on meds. Relax daddy."

"Uff, thank God."

They both stared at the ceiling for a while until he asked her.

"Wanna do it again?"

"Already? Do you have an endurance quirk or what?" She sent a question of her own.

"My father said we have one of the best stamina quirks in the world. Can you help me?" He dared her.

"This is going to be a long night, won't it?" She answered tiredly.


They continued having hardcore sex until she entered a coma from either too much pleasure or dehydration from how many times she let out her nectar.

He took a shower in her bathroom which he didn't think she would mind.

Rick put his clothes on and as he was about to leave a hand stopped him.

"Wait! Can you give me your number?" Jennifer asked him a bit ragged.

"Why? You miss me already?" He smirked as she scoffed.

"Shut up. Just give it to me. You won't regret it." She sounded quite embarrassed.

"Sure, only if you give me yours too." "Deal."

They exchanged numbers and kissed for one last time before he left for good.

(R-18 Ends)

As he returned he saw Bryson at the bar, drinking with his dad.

"Look who is finally back! So, how was it?" The pimp asked him.

"You may want to send her some water, she needs it."

Jane just stared at Bryson with a victorious smile. Bryson grumbled as he gave Jane two hundred bucks.

"What was that?" Rick asked.

"It's nothing. Me and Bryson bet which one of you would come out on top. I won." His father replied, to the displeasure of the pimp.

"How did you resist her allure? Nobody could ever tame her with her quirk." The golden teethed asked.

"I happen to be resistant to those things." He answered.

"Really? Your father isn't." Bryson sharply grinned to Jane.

"Shut the fuck up Bryson! Anyway, Time to go. Goodbye Bry. See you soon if you don't stop smoking as you do." The older May said.

"Bah! Leave me be! See ya Jane. God bless you mate."

They left the place and returned home.

When they entered the house both May's saw their resident eagle watching TV while eating popcorn. The bird had a movie night?

"Did you teach him-" Jane asked.



The eagle just winked at them. Something was definitely weird with their pet.

But it was a story for another time.

And Jane checked another box.

[ X ] Go to a brothel with his son and hook him up with the most expensive bitch.


The morning after the glorious f*ck. The two May's were bored on the sofa with their eagle, watching some TV.

"Son, just a rhetorical question. What would you do if I was gone?"

"I don't know. Why the question? You dying or something?" Rick joked.

Jane sweated more than he would like to admit. "Nah, I will never die. Just a dad thinking, worrying about the future and stuff. So, what would you do?"

Rick thought for a while. What did he want to do? He wanted something with action. The army was great but there were no wars in this time with which the U.S.A was involved. His future in the army would be of a sitting duck unless he went for an office job. But it wasn't his suit.

He looked to the TV to see an smiling bold man yelling plus ultra. It was All Might, the strongest pro hero. He fought a bunch of stuff in his career.

That's it!

"If there are no wars, then I'll become a pro hero!" He exclaimed.

Janedoe just looked to his spawn with a thoughtful expression.

"That's great son! I think you will do just fine."

They chatted for a little more until Jane proposed they go to Bush Gardens in Orlando. Basically, it's a Disney but just full of roller-coasters. Epic rollercoasters.

They spend the entire day there, going in every coaster. After that, they went to actual Disneyland since it was close. It would be a waste to not go.

They spent an entire week going to Universal, Disney, every theme park in Orlando.

At the end of it, his father even brought him a beer for them to drink (which tasted like fermented piss, how anyone drink this stuff?).

It was a great time.

Something he probably would never have enjoyed in his orphan last life.

He thanked God for this new, better chance.

He had no regrets.

He was happy.

But not for long.

As he slept in the car as they were going home, he missed Jane having a coughing fit. He spat almost a mouthful of blood on a towel he had with him.

The man with shaking hands marked another box.

[ X ] Drink with his son.


Rick thought they were going home after their adventures in Orlando. Instead, they went to a restaurant to have breakfast and went straight past their home.

Jane continued to drive until they were in the middle of nowhere on top of a hill, where he stopped the car.

"Son, You graduated from J.A.M.S., and I know you learned a lot. But, I want to test you myself." [3]

He summoned 'Zuzuka', the rocket launcher he hadn't seen in ages.

"So let's have a match here. You and me, mano a mano."

Rick took no time to summon his trusty [Stock Rocket Launcher], firing the first shot.

"That's the spirit!" Jane said.

Rick ran to a nearby rock to use as cover for the incoming fire.

Jane was on the highest side of the hill at a vantage point. He had the high ground.

Not for long.

The young soldier threw a grenade from his inventory while jumping over his cover and moving left to flank the older May.

Jane however met his attack head-on by summoning a pistol and shooting the grenade in the air and with his other hand shooting a rocket towards his protégé.

Rick slid on the ground right under the rocket and used the [Rocket Jumper] To propel himself upwards, gliding over to Jane with the [B.A.S.E. Jumper] parachute.

He then equipped the [Air Strike] and launched all his 4 rockets in quick succession in less than 2 seconds with its increased firing speed while rocket jumping.

His father rolled out of the way and took advantage of his reloading to fire one at him.

Rick was forced to unequip his parachute to dodge it, falling on the ground with a roll and rushing to Janedoe.

They exchanged rockets, all of them missing their target.

As soon as Jane was in range Rick pulled his melee weapon with the largest range, the [Disciplinary Action], and went for a hit on him.

Jane barely dodged by twisting his upper body to the left, pulling a knife to stab Rick.

Rick pulled with his other hand the [Frying Pan] to block the knife as a makeshift shield, blocking it and giving him room for a counter-attack.

He sent a knee to his father's stomach which the veteran blocked with his hands, leaving him open for a headbutt on his face.

"Ghhrk! My nose! Where is your honor?!" His father joked.

"I'm a soldier, not a knight!" Rick answered.

"Damn right!"

They continued to exchange blows, either through punches, kicks, knees, elbows, and head. Both of them were full of bruises by now.

His father did a backflip to get room to pull his R-launcher for a rocket at point-blank range towards Rick.

Rick could not pull his own R-launcher in time. So he rushed with his [Frying Pan] to block the blast.

With a massive BOOOOM! He was sent flying to the bottom of the hill, all black with smoke and gunpowder.

Although his arms hurt like hell from the blast he clenched them and activated his [Crit Boost Mode], tripling his power.

The [Beggar's Bazooka] appeared in his hand, loading 3 rockets and releasing them all at once (the special perk of this weapon) towards his father. All of them shining and crackling with blue and red energy indicating a Crit.

His father could not dodge all of the missiles, as one of them hit him right on his chest.

His father stumbled like a rock in a pound until his momentum finally ended.

"Ha! Did you see that dad! I guess I wo- DAD?!" Rick ran to his father.

His father was kneeling on the floor, coughing red blood, painting the green of the grass on red.

"Dad! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to-" His father shut him with his hand.

"This *Cough*…is not your fault. I…Uff… been like this for months." His father answered.

"What's going on dad?!"

"I-I fucked up. You know my 'nightly adventures', right?" Rick nodded.

"I managed to stumble on one in a billion chance of f*cking a woman *Cough!*… with a disease-related quirk. I basically got super AIDS. It's been killing me for three years."

"B-But we have money! We can call some healing quirk to patch you up right?!" He tried to reason.

"I tried. It didn't work. I'm *Cough*… so sorry. To leave you alone. I-I wished I had more time, I wished I could see you grow more."

"Nonono! We are going to the hospital! Hang on!"

Rick picked his father and ran to the car, starting the engine and running to the nearest hospital in the GPS at maximum speed.

He arrived there and in a single jump, he went from the car to the reception with Jane in his arms.

"Please help! My father is bleeding!"

The receptionist saw his father coughing more and more blood and pressed a red button.

Five guys in white appeared with those bed in wheels and put his father on it. Rushing through the corridor. He followed them.

"What does he have?" Said one of them.

"I-I don't know! Something about a quirk enhanced AIDS?!" He anxiously answered.

If they understood him they didn't show it. One of them collected some blood and ran in another direction, the rest entered a room full of weird machinery.

"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to wait outside. This is a delicate situa-" "I cant! I have to be here!"

"Sir, Please! If you want this man to live you have to leave! He is in good hands."

He was left there standing, hopeless yet again to do anything.

He hated being hopeless. He hated it more than anything.

He was left there, outside the room. He didn't know how long it passed until they called him.

When he saw his father he couldn't help but release sob.

His father was full of tubes. His eyes were dark and his skin pale. He never saw him so… weak before.

So vulnerable.

He always looked so strong. An unstoppable man.

It felt unreal. Was he dreaming?

"D-Dad?" He approached him slowly.

"Rick… Don't look at me like that. I'm fine *Cough*…" Jane whispered, out of breath.

"You are not fine dad! What do we do?!" Rick yelled.

"Stop yelling… It's giving me a headache."

He apologized, but his face looked just as afflicted as before.

"Son. When I pass away-"

"NO! You can't go! It's too soon. That has to be something, anything we can do!"

"Stop yelling God damn it! I had three years to try everything… There is nothing to do. Stop bitching and man up!" He said between coughs.

Rick stayed silent.

"Good. Now, when I kick the bucket, I want you to open a hidden compartment under the rug inside a false floor. There lies the biggest treasure of our family. Take care of it."

He nodded.

"I know our time was short with the J.A.M.S., but… I don't regret anything. I know what I raised, and I couldn't be more proud of it. My only regret is being so short-lived."

"Dad…" Rick muttered with his head down, crying rivers.

"Swallow those tears. A true man does not cry!"

He tried, really tried. But it was proving to be impossible.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Jane continued with a content smile.

"Rick. I want you to never forget our time together, never forget the happiness you got until today. I want you to never forget how to live, how to enjoy life. Things might look grim now, but there is always hope, you just have to search for it."

"A man never dies when his heart stops beating, he dies when he is forgotten. As long as you remember me, I will live forever! *Cough!*"

Jane could see his son's subtle trembling, and hear his hiccups.

Rick always had a drive, a mission. He never hesitated, and now he was there. Aimless.

It was not what Jane wanted to see.

So he gave him one.

One last mission.

"Soldier! You do not have permission to die! Not until you marry a hot chick, have children, and all that crap. That's an order!"

His son stood there stunned.

"Am I clear, cadet?"

Rick nodded, but he didn't want a nod. He wanted an answer.


"SIR, YES SIR!" Rick answered in salute (o7)


They shared a moment of silence until Jane spoke again.

"When you ever feel hopeless, wondered what is the point of it all. Son, always remember."

"Dying is gay."

Rick could restrain the burst of laugher that came from his throat.

They both laughed together for a while until suddenly one of them stopped.

Jane's eyes were open, but not moving. The beeping from the heart rate monitor stopped.

Nurses rushed in with a heart defibrillator. They tried and tried to reanimate the man.

But there was no reaction.

One by one they left the room, sending pitying looks to the man that saw through it all.

He was left there, unmoving. Unresponsive. Alone.

He never felt so alone.

He wanted to cry. But he wouldn't. He would respect his father's last wishes.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see a piece of paper fell from his father's hand.

He picked it up and read it:

Things to do before dying:

[ X ] See Rick graduate.

[ X ] Teach his son how to drive, and buy him an awesome car.

[ X ] Go to a brothel with his son and hook him up with the most expensive bitch.

[ X ] Drink with his son.

[ X ] Have a spar with his son.

He clenched the paper near his chest. He closed his father's eyes with his hand.

In his first life, he was born an orphan.

In his second life, he became one.


Writing notes:

[1] I was inspired by that scene of John Wick where he drove his car in the airport before his dog got killed. Always wanted to go full speed with a car on an airport highway.

[2] This is my first time writing an R-18 scene, I hope it was not too cringe.

[3] This is my first true battle scene. Was it good? What did I do wrong? Any tips?

Author Notes:


Sorry for not updating sooner. I had another exam last weekend and unfortunately, I did not pass in Medicine, which was a predictable outcome.

I'm cool, already knew that was probably what was gonna happen, and I still have another try at the end of this year so it's still cool.

A bunch of stuff happened, which pissed me off more than not passing in the university and this stressed me a lot.

I also spend a lot of time making Mc's family tree to introduce all quirks of his family and how they play a role in his biology, which every chapter will have some of it at the end to not overload you guys with info. Each chapter will have a generation (their quirks) explained. It's gonna be cool.

And what did you guys think of Janedoe May's death? Leave it in the comments.

Thanks for the reviews, the memes, the comments, everything. It was awesome.

I was hoping to get to this sooner just because of the support but I couldn't. It was sad.

I will finish this fanfic, and I will try to post 2 chapters each week. So rest assured.

And this is it, see you all!


And if you could provide me with those sweet reviews (actual reviews, likes and dislikes…) it would be great.

Spamming some web novel premade author's thought.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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