

The next thing I remember is waking up in a bedroom, it was very nice, nicer than anywhere I thought I could live in my widest dreams. I walked around checking the place out, it had an open concept where the living room, dinning room, and kitchen had no wall in-between, I noticed a small note on the kitchen "wash up and after getting ready have a nice meal to start your day." I felt it was slightly passive aggressive, but a nice shower and meal sounded divine after having lived on the streets so long. The bathroom was extravagant, one of those fancy all in one toilets, even played music, a shower that looked like it could hold five or six people, and two sinks. The shower was warm, after years of mostly bathing in the river it felt amazing, the last warm shower I had was at the shelter before I wasn't allowed back. I finished showering and saw that on the counter was another note "why don't you have a shave, get all gussied up" I noticed the razor on the counter and then got a good look at myself in the mirror. My hair had been cut in my sleep I looked like I did back when I was younger, short wavy hair like a model, to fit that look I decided to shave it all off, immediately I thought of my self as the next big hit in the model industry. But fleeting dreams aside I was starving, I went back to the kitchen to check for food, the fridge was stocked with days' worth of goods, enough to fill a family's stomachs for a week "not going hungry tonight" I thought before getting some stuff to whip something up. As I finish eating, I got a knock on the door, apropos timing I thought, I open it to find a woman in full business apparel standing in front of me. "Good morning Mr. Kilana I see you've done as instructed, good a man with due diligence. Now if you follow me, we have a long day ahead of us" she says in a tone so formal and proper id scoff at it had I heard it on the streets. As I follow her, I notice the apartment I woke up in is inside a large facility the halls were a futuristic dull gray chrome color, and only had panels here and there to decorate them. We walked down about three passageways before finally coming to a door with a sign saying 'training room' "I do hope you remember your way here since this will be the last time someone guides you" she says with obvious annoyance. "As the sign says this is your training room" the door opens to reveal a large room with several pieces of training equipment, "all necessities are provided from dumbbells and mats, to treadmills and bicycles, if you wish for any specific piece of workout gear we will get it." The room has more than I could even think to ask for, machines I didn't even know the use of, even a mini fridge stocked with protein drinks. "I… I can't think of anything I'd need but I gotta ask what is it you people are gonna make me do?" her business smile quickly draws from her face "well like you saw during the test there will be certain… creatures, both man-made and not that we will be requiring you to take care of, in return you will have everything you could possibly want, money, food, housing, even cars, oh of course after we ascertain that you are not a threat and can go back out into the public safely." I briefly thought 'how could I possibly be a threat' before remembering what took place just yesterday, "so that means I wont always be locked up in here right?" The annoyance now showing on her face "as I said after you are determined to be of no threat to yourself or those around you we will supply what ever type of living accommodations you wish for, however before that you must do several tasks and undergo several evaluations to see your mental health and fortitude." "what are these tasks?" I asked with concern "as said previously there are these creatures, your job will be to take care of them, simple no?" I nod my head in agreement "good then from here we will go to the meeting room and get you situated on your first task." She heads out the doors, and I follow behind, this time the walk is much shorter only a several feet before we reach the next door labeled 'situation room.' Inside is a large oval table with about a dozen or so chairs and the back wall alight with a screen showing a map of an unfamiliar location. "Glad to see you awake slayer" a large grizzled man says in a deep voice, he looks like a typical commander you'd see in a cartoon, large and square. "I see you've cleaned up too, good hair only gets in the way when you're out in the field, now I'm assuming you're dying to know just what it is you'll be doing but first I'd say introductions are in line." His face has a giant smile much less hostile than the woman who brought me here "now are names are classified information, you'll learn them eventually but, not for a while. Now you may call me command, I can see it on your face, why not commandER? Well cause it's just not my style." The man bellows with laughter, "ahem it was funnier in my head I see, anyhow the lass who brought you hear is to be called the doctor, as she will be handling any and all physical care needs you have. You got a cut ask her, you have a stomachache ask her, you feel any significant changes in your mental state immediately ask her. The next person sitting here to my left is to be called sarge, as the name implies, she will be handling all of your combat training, same deal, you want to know how to punch harder ask her, and so on." The woman stands, she is wearing a black combat gear and has a black eye patch covering her left eye, "pleasure slayer pleasure, I'll whip you into the finest fighter this side of the trench." "Now that that's out of the way we can commence the debriefing" he grabs a remote to the screen as I sit, "over here in San Marc we have what we like to call a fracture, a literal rip in space and time, it leads to an unknown location with unknown origins the best guess is another universe, but yours is as good as mine. The creatures that come forth through the fracture are monstrous beings that barely resemble life as we know it, normal weapons can kill them but, they are severally ineffective. The only things that can easily kill them are things from their own world, whether be rocks, wood, or even plate or their owner armor like muscle. So, weapons like knives and swords work much better than a bullet or grenade, that's where our scientists, and you come in. They developed a serum that allows a normal person to be transmogrified into a hybrid of their world and our own, basically creating a perfect fighting machine. However, even with this serum after putting it through some tests its wasn't perfectly safe and didn't have a one hundred percent success rate so we were troubled with what do to then someone came up with a plan. As you know the laws in this country on homeless are very loose, so they decided to take in random applicants with the promise of money, and you know the rest." I sit there bewildered "how can that be legal?" I say with fear in my eyes. "well as you know the things you took care of were hybrid failures, so to say no longer human, as such the law no longer covered them in any capacity. However, both on a biological and physical level you are still human, therefore legally you do have some rights, but money is a scary thing. That's why I suggest you listen to us and don't think of trying anything that could be seen in a negative connotation okay?" His smile never left his face and that's what scared me the most about him, he could just say all of that without batting an eye. "I think I understand most of it, basically monsters from another world, and do what I'm told to do right?" "See what did I tell ya you had nothing to worry about he's a bright man with a strong head on his shoulders." Command says to the doctor "a strong head may keep him alive for a minute but that's not all you need when you're facing those things, you need smarts and in no way shape or form has he proven himself the intellectual, however, I will keep hope that he proves me wrong. Now can you give him the run down on the mission so we can leave." She snarls as she talks, her annoyance now almost turned to rage, "yes, so this mission will be your first so it won't be that difficult just go to the location provided exterminate the creatures there and return home safe, sounds easy right? Now if you follow Sarge she will lead you to your escort." We leave the room and head down several more corridors until we finally arrive at a double door that is labeled 'transport docking area' inside are several vehicles for both air and ground, two helicopters one being loaded up with several people standing around and the other already on and waiting. "now Slayer you are to refer to yourself as such, you have no name, no address, no past, got that?" I nod in agreement "good, joining you will be a team of some of our best men if you find yourself in a sticky situation they'll know what to do, now good luck out there I'll see you on the return trip." She heads off to the other helicopter and jumps in the cockpit, and I get in the one closest to me. One of the men get in next to me "nice to meet you sir, what's your name" he says in a cheery proper way "classified" I tell him "not allowed I see then what are they having you go by?" I take a long pause while the engine turns on "Slayer I've been told I'm now Slayer."