
The Siren Home

When Meredith finds herself in the Siren Home about to be auctioned to the highest bidder, her only hope of escaping such a life is a strange, young billionaire who wants nothing to do with saving a lost soul. Will he help save her or will her fate be sealed like the rest of the young ladies in the Siren Home?

Amadi_Amarachi_1220 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Be Careful Who You Call a Friend


Her life was over! Her life was doomed! These words kept ringing in Meredith's head as she trudged to her bed. She wanted to scream or yell at somebody because of what had become of her life but she had no strength to scream or cry after everything the wicked nun had told. There was no escape now, she belonged here, in this prison where she was only a commodity for men's pleasure.

She sank into her bed, ignoring all the curious eyes that followed, probably eager to learn if she had passed the test. Even Niki was watching her but she didn't care nor was she scared of her. Her life was over, she stared at the high luxurious ceiling of the home while tears dripped down her cheeks.

"What happened? Did you fail the test" Valerie's voice drew her out of her sad thoughts about never seeing her sister and mother.

"If you failed the test then there's no need to panic. It means you can be right here with us, enjoying what girls at this stage do since you are pretty and young. And I could teach everything you need to know about finding the right man here and getting constantly chosen" Valerie continued as she sat on Meredith's bed like they were friends. But in her heart, she was rejoicing because Meredith wasn't as special as they had all thought.

"No, I passed the test. I passed but I wish I didn't. Now my life is ruined forever. I have to spend my first time with a man I don't even love or even desire" she wept

"You passed the test?" Valerie asked with a breaking voice. She passed the test… those words repeated in her head as she felt like she was losing her mind. Meredith was indeed special and she would become the Prize of the Siren Home and that meant freedom and luxury for her. No! she screamed in her head, thinking quickly on what to do now to ruin the girl completely.

"You should be happy! You have achieved the dream of every girl in The Siren Home"

"But I don't want any of this! I want to be out of here and home with my mother and sister. I don't want this!" Meredith wept louder.

"Hey, stop it okay, stop weeping. If they hear you, things will get even worse for you even though they value you. You don't want to be locked up and starved for days. If you really don't want this life,I…" Valerie hesitated, looking around the room suspiciously before she lay down beside Meredith. The only way to make sure you weren't heard in the Siren Home was to whisper while lying on your bed.

"Maybe, I can help… i understand how you feel and I felt the same way when I was brought here" she whispered, her face close to Meredith's own so no one faraway could hear them.

"How did you end up here?"

"It's a long story and a very sad one, but I never wanted to be here and even now, I wish to regain my freedom. But there's no leaving for me and I would help you" her sad tone evident in her voice while she forced a smile.

"Help in what way?"

"Help you escape from here" she lowered her voice even more.

"You can do that? I thought you said there was no leav…"

"Shh… that's what we say to the new bees to scare them into staying. Of course, you can escape if you are smart enough"

"Why haven't you then?"

"You ask too many questions. Do you want my help or not?"

Meredith nodded as Valerie proceeded to explain how she could find her way out. Even though Meredith couldn't understand why Valerie was helping her, she was filled with hope that she could get out of here and expose the Siren Home to the world.

"So, all you have to do is make sure he goes to sleep, then you can run as far as possible to the nearest police station. Before anyone can get you, you will be safe at home with your family."

"But I don't even know who would be the highest bidder and I don't know when the auction would take place. I don't know about this plan. Where do I get the sleeping pill?"

"You ask too many questions, gosh! Listen to me carefully first. Once the auction is done and the new client drives you home, you have to make him comfortable and slip this into his drink" Valerie said, taking out something from her sleeping dress, which she handed to Meredith.

Meredith snatched the pill and stuffed it in her own pocket. There was hope of getting out of here, her mind sang happily. Yet she was still confused about Valerie's plan.

"I am sorry for asking many questions. But I know nothing about seducing a man. What if he's not patient while I do the trick you told me too before I put this into his drink"

"Lower your voice… someone may hear you. You can seduce any man you want, any man at all. You are pretty and the most wanted girl. The only issue you would have is if he is a hot-blooded young man who would want to be in control. But such guys rarely have the kind of money with which to purchase innocent girls like you. So, you are most likely to get an older man"

"What… I don't wan…"

"shh, it would make your escape easier and you wouldn't have to do anything with him… just trust me. This could be your only chance to leave here"

"But what about the tracker… they track us right?" Meredith asked again, her mind still filled with doubts.

"You don't seem eager to leave here… maybe you like the attention and luxury life after all"

"Of course not! I would never be okay living like a…" she wanted to say Slut but she thought better of it because it would offend Valerie. While she spoke, Valerie stared at her with contempt and envy but Meredith had no idea because she was angry at Valerie's suggestion that she may be okay with living here.

"Then, stop asking all these questions. The tracker only works here… once you are out there, it does not work effectively and that's why your client has to keep a watch on you 24/7. Trust me" she held her hands like they were close. "Once you can stare into his eyes, bite your lips and say what he wants, he will lose his senses and then you get the drink next" Valerie explained for the third time. She hoped really badly that Meredith would buy her idea.

But Meredith still had questions about it all. She was about to ask another question when the Nun's voice echoed from the device on the ceiling ordering the girls to get ready for the day. Suddenly, the room was brought to life with the running around of girls who wanted to be ready before the door buzzed open for them to go to the bathroom.

"I have to go… this would work" Valerie said as she hastened to her own bed.

Meredith wasn't okay with the whole plan but she was willing to take her chance. She would not be reduced to a common tool for men's pleasure. No, she won't! she thought about this as the door buzzed open and they all stood in line to go to the bathroom. Before they left, someone told her

"You should be careful who you call a friend here. Be very cautious"

She looked back to see it was Victoria who had said it but she could not understand why she did. As they stood there, the door buzzed open but instead of the girls strolling out, there was a bouncer at the door and another was walking into the room to escort Niki out. There was a menacing smile on her face and Meredith wondered what it was the evil soul was being taken out of the room for.

"If she's headed to the management's office that means they need her to hunt someone down," Victoria said.

"Hunt someone down?" Meredith swallowed hard.

"Yes, why do you think she's in here? Why do you think they keep her here? She knows the fragrance of every girl, almost like a dog. and She's an assassin and when a girl manages to escape from here, she's the one to either find her or kill her depending on her assignment"

Meredith's heart began to beat, her hands sweaty as she looked up to the ceiling, wondering if someone had heard her conversations with Valerie. The drug was still in her pocket and she was determined to use it at the right time despite the terrifying news Victoria had just broken to her about Niki.

Far behind them, Valerie prayed hard that Meredith would attempt to escape and finally get into trouble or even worse, get killed.