
The Sinji Chronicles

[Title pending...] [Title found...] [Error..] [Welcome to Raylen, User] This story starts in the life of a village orphan. Way over his head. Watch as he pursues his dream outside his familiar environment. Finding wonderful sights, experiencing harsh realities, and maybe. Just maybe. Love. What seems to be at least. Join him as [YOU] being what you are will see just how small the village orphan really is among this vast land of Raylen. You decide how far this journey goes. Whether or not it ends depends on where you end. You will probably laugh, get frustrated, and sigh, at how the story progresses along with or without the MC. You will know the plans that endanger, even benefit the main character. You will come up with many ideas of how the story is going, and feel the satisfaction/dissatisfaction of being right or wrong. That’s because you are [The Reader] P.S. Cheesy Synopsis aside, this will be a slow burn type of book, that builds up and varies at pace. I want to write the scenes that come to play in my mind in as close as possible. Some chapters will be easily worded and if I have editors and transmits one day, then maybe they can find a way to split the chapters in ways it would make sense. But when I write each chapter, it’s as I said. I write it in that chapter because it was all part of the same scene in my head. The MC is also apparent, but the other characters are characters in which I want able to stand on their own. I want some of y’all to even believe that they could be the main characters at some point in a whole different way. Expect some slips…call me out on it actually.

drako4278 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


[System initialized]

The first thing I heard when my eyelids opened was the system message. Raising myself up from the ground so I could sit up, everything returned to me. The hunger. The bright light of the twin suns shining over the ruins. Everything was an overload of sensory information that gave my brain a splitting headache.

To my side was the dead body of the wolf. Looking at it, I could see the words that I heard so much about from everyone back at the village.

[Wolf(Starving): Dead]

[Body Condition... Salvageable]

A few moments of silence passed, before I couldn't resist. "Hahahah!" A loud obnoxious laugh sounded out through the ruins. Though very strained, my laughter couldn't be contained.

Finally, I myself had one. Everyone else among my peers already had there's by the age of 13. Some of them were rumored to had there's since birth.

The system itself was accessible to all. It had existed since the beginning. A force of nature in its own right, similar to gravity and time. It was one of those laws of the world that existed for time immemorial. It was part of life. Yet sometimes, some would not have it. While they weren't considered disabled, when compared to those that do, they usually would not be able to measure up.

Those that had access to the system, had a guiding hand for their path. Skills were easier to use, and depending on proficiency easy to create. Of course as I said before, the system itself is just a guiding hand. It will give you the ability to see what your status is in comparison to the average person.

The system allows one to see what exactly they are capable of using and growing. Skills, as I mentioned, can be created, but the system would only allow you to see that skill in your list, if you can use it proficiently.

If the skill were to "level up," it would use the base model of the skill as its measurement. Like saying that the [Skill: Cut] was level two, would be saying that it was double the amount of power it could do before. This is only an example. Skills leveling up don't mean that it will always double in power. Something with that skill will improve enough that the system will rate it as such.

Can you use skills that aren't in the system you have? Yes. These skills however, aren't skills that you will be able to level up, unless you practice enough for it to become a skill. Like how a regular farmer cutting a person with a knife, isn't the same as if I use my [Cut] skill.

The system could list statuses of yourself to the extent you would be able to know how much hits/pain you could take. So yes, having one is an absolute advantage against those that don't. The catch being, that the system is really only tailored to oneself. YOU would have to work to get those skills. Want to use the system to be proficient in blacksmithing? Then you would have to work to gain the skill.

While yes, if you have the skill registered to the system, it would mean you could use the skill without much thought, as when the skill is registered, the system would be able to guide you to do it instinctively. Catch being that the skill would at the maximum be only used to the full extent of the skill as when it was registered or leveled up. Almost as if you would only be able to do it based on the limit that the system set itself when you first created it.

For example, using the [Skill: Cut] while absentmindedly swinging a sword, would give you the base damage of 6 against the enemy. Then using the [Skill: Cut] while swinging a sword with full power would do 12 damage. That's just at a basic level though. Basically, I am saying that the damage or effect of the skill will change based on how you use it.

Speaking of skills, though. "The system created one before I fainted right?" I remembered it right before I passed out for... gods knows how long.

'Status,' I thought to myself.

'There it is,' a smile forming across my face.

[Status: Starvation(Extreme... Stats effected) Near Death(Title Activated)]

[Title: "One who walks among Death..." Title effects... Hidden]

[Name: "Sinji"]

[Two titles pending...]

[HP: 4/10(16)]

[Title Effect had been activated... +2 Vitality... HP recalculated]

[HP: 4/12(18)]

[STR: 7(14) DEX: 5(10) INT: 9(12:Recovering) END: 13(15)]


[Cut: +6 damage(adds on to base weapon damage)]

[Proficiency detected... Proficiency Created]


[Meat Cleaver(2): +4 slashing damage(Adds on to associated base weapon damage) Increases proficiency of handling meat when cooking/preparing. Side note: You have an in depth connection with Meat Cleavers]

"...." My jaw practically extended open while I was looking at my status. "What do you mean '"in depth connection with Meat Cleavers"'!" I yelled. 'What am I, a butcher!?' I exclaimed to myself.

[Job detected...]

[Butcher(3): +3 damage with weapons related to butchering. +2 strength. Increased proficiency of handling meat. Weak Points are more apparent to you when you fight beasts you are familiar with handling. Side note: Since a young age in the village, you were raised on your own dime. Eating as much as you did without doing a lot, you were put to work as a butchers apprentice. You didn't complain. You wanted to eat.]

[Associated attributes updated]

[STR: 7(16)] [Meat Cleaver Proficiency(2): +6 slashing damage]

"....." The sound of the wind could be heard as silence ensued.