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Leia o romance THE SEX SLAVE escrito pelo autor DaoistlO3elA publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Endings Don't End You

Royal Global (n.)- An institution which is the store house for lies, betrayal, love, revenge, friendships, craziness, misunderstandings, money. If you're a student of Royal Global (RG) then either you're hella rich or you've got some good relation with it's owners. Otherwise you're dead meat studying there. •━━━━━━━«-»━━━━━━━• Sofia Alice Jackson-a senior at high school-is the typical description of a wallflower with her small band of friends. She is quite hideous and mysterious with her long sleeved shirts, reserved personality and lack of emotions, or so everyone believed. All her life she just read about high school romances and adventures and crazy parties, never actually experiencing it. Her life was a war at home and invisibility in school. She lived two lives, it seemed. One life at home, as a goody-two-shoes and another at school as an A-grade student who didn't give a damn to drama. But life had other plans for her this time. When her best friends decided to leave her for good, her whole life became a mess. It was like someone had pressed the restart button of her life and everything she went through was a new adventure. New friends. New priorities. New love. New experiences. A roller coaster ride with, murders, lies, betrayals, break-ups. Will they be able to survive it all? Join Sofia and her gang, in this whole ride of endings in Endings Don't End You •━━━━━━━«-»━━━━━━━•

Allisa_Fawn · Adolescente
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"Avin's Chronicles: From Heart to Storm"

Here's a revised synopsis with a different main character name: --- Avin Heart awoke to an infinite expanse of white. He struggled to comprehend his surroundings, only to be interrupted by a melodious voice that seemed to resonate within his very soul. "Ah, you're awake! Child", The melodious voice speaks to Avin  Avin's heart pounded. "Who are you…?" he stammered, trying to make sense of the voice that speak to him. The entity chuckled and spoke. "Think of me as a deity that lives in a vast stellar space. Now, Avin do you know why are you here?". Asked the deity to Avin. Avin pondered, but he doesn't remember anything other than his name, Avin turned to the golden light that floated before him and asked. "Can you tell what's happening to me, I don't remember myself and why I am here".  "Avin, you don't need to dwell on it too much. You died in your previous life. Your memories will return in due time. But for now, I have a request for you," the deity said, her tone both gentle and firm." Avin felt a mixture of confusion and curiosity. " A request? What kind of request, and why me?" --- *Note: The storyline contains original characters and some inserted ones, featuring an Overpowered MC, Handsome MC, and elements of Harem and R-18 content. The narrative transitions from initial cliche beginnings to a more developed plot over time, switching from First person POV to Third person POV for improved storytelling.*

IceGlaze · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
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