

Inside this huge room, there are two different people:

"Dad? Who's that?"

A boy in a sleeping dress, laying down on his cozy bed,

"A new member of this house, he'll be your friend."

"I thought I've said it already that I don't like any of 'that'."

And me who is new to this such place.

"But… It's good for you to have a friend, right? Him, by your side… so that you won't be lonely when I'm not around."

"I said no!"

I see. This is what reality looks like.

…so gloom.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm sick of this! If I say I don't then I don't!…"

He berserks.

"Saijou stop it. You'll hurt yourself!"

"…I don't want a so, so-called friend!!!"

I wonder why…

"Saijou, listen. Listen!"

"You won't listen to me either!"

Ah~ Is it because…

"Leave me alone!"

"Shh. Saijou, listen to this instance. You know-"

"Stay away from me!"

I am really not comfortable to be with?

"Dad, go away!"

"Listen to me first!"

Is am I… irritating?

"Get out all of you!"


"Get out! Get out!"

Gross? Worthless?

"I said, GET OUT NOW!!!"

A total nuisance to be exact?

"Hey, you!!! Get out of my room! You're a nuisance!!!"


So it is.