
The school prince (she) is only close to me (he) Remake

Tanaka Takeru is an unassuming boy, usually, with average looks, most of the time, who doesn't really bother socializing with other people, because of his old weirdo friends and siblings, and has a very introverted personality, he just prefers staying indoors whenever possible. Nanami Yuriko is a beautiful and handsome, yes handsome, girl, always catching the admiration of everyone around her, and with a great and very sociable outgoing personality. These two who by this description look completely polar opposites and have no reasons to interact with each other, and this is about how they got to know each other P.S: Some points from the original will be changed, some events will be changed or removed/replaced, and the pacing will also be changed, or so I hope, for more character development. But overall, the story is mostly the same as the original one Cover* Artist: irkawaza_haaw [Twitter] *Y'all better like the cover

Lazy_Author_san · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs

Chapter 8

(A/N Notes: I felt extremely useless this week, and by that, I mean that I only wrote one chapter this entire week, and it was for this story, and I enjoyed writing it)


As Yuriko and Takeru made their way to the pastry shop, they looked at some of the shops in the area as they passed by them, yet none of the shops really got picked their interests, but at least that allowed for a more normal mood to return between the two

"Takeru-kun, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Why didn't you buy more contact lenses?"

"… Well…"


Flashback starts


Takeru went to his house's bathroom to wash his face, he removed his contact lenses and put them in the case, and washed his face, but when he picked up his contact lenses case and opened it… He accidentally washed the lenses away due to his muscle memory of washing his glasses

"…" *Brain.exe 404 not found* "Ah shi-"

His first pair of contact lenses went down the drain




Takeru had removed his contact lenses to wash his face and was now putting them back


But he accidentally dropped one of the lenses on the floor, so he began searching for it

"Where is it? Where is it?" *Crack* "… Dangit"

His second pair of contact lenses were turned into pieces




He went to wash his face, so he removed his contact lenses as usual, and… Someone accidentally pushed the case outside, which happened in chapter 3, which I expect y'all to have read it already to know what I'm talking about


Flashback ends


"… I don't really like contact lenses, and honestly I was only using contact lenses to hide my heterochromia"

"Why did you hide it?"

"To avoid the attention of chunnis (weirdos)"

"I see, but why didn't you hide this strand of red hair as well?"

"… … … When I saw that every method of painting my hair could possibly make me lose my hair, I gave up on it"

"That was a good choice because now I have this soft hair of yours to pet"

And Yuriko lightly petted Takeru's head as she said that, making him get a little embarrassed and pouty. They continued talking and walking for a few more minutes until they arrived at the pastry shop

"We arrived, shall we go in?"



Seeing Takeru's excitement, Yuriko could only happily smile at how cute she found his expressions to be as they both entered the shop. Once inside, they began looking at the sweets on display, searching for which one they wanted to try the most

"So? Have you decided on what you'll have, Takeru-kun?"

"Ah! Yes, I will have… … … The red velvet"

"Got it"

Having already decided on what she would have, Yuriko turned to one of the attendants and made the order

"One red velvet and one cheesecake, please"

"Got it, anything else?"

"Yes, I would like a black coffee, and what about you, Takeru?"

"An iced matcha tea latte"

"So it will be one red velvet, one cheesecake, one black coffee, and one Iced matcha tea latte, correct?"


"Then you may take a seat, that we will bring your orders to you two in a moment"

"Thank you"

With their orders done, Yuriko and Takeru took a seat at one of the few free tables

"So how much of a sweet tooth do you have, Takeru-kun?"

"Me? Well, I do quite like eating sweets from time to time, and what about you, Yuriko-senpai"

"Hmm… I would say that I don't particularly like nor dislike sweets, but I don't mind eating it every once in a while… Though I also don't mind coming here again with you, Takeru-kun"

"I-I see…"

Takeru looked away with a slight embarrassment showing on his face. They continued with their small talks for a few more minutes until their orders were brought to their table

"Here are your orders"

" "Thank you for your service" "

And with that, they began eating the sweets they ordered

"This is good!"

"Is that so? Mine is good too"

The two tasted the sweets to their hearts' content, but as Yuriko kept seeing Takeru quickly finishing his red velvet, she became curious about how good it was, so she…

"Too slow~"


She picked and ate the last piece of Takeru's red velvet, which after a few moments of looking at his now empty plate began to pout toward Yuriko angrily

"Haha, sorry, sorry. It's just that your expression as you ate it, made me really curious about how it tasted"


"Haha, here to pay back for your red velvet"

Yuriko cut a piece of her cheesecake with her fork and brought it closer to Takeru, he was taken back a little bit not expecting Yuriko to do that

"Here, say 'Ahn~', Takeru-kun"

"… Ahn"

With an initial and brief hesitation, Takeru ate the piece of cheesecake she offered him

"So? Is it good for you?"

"… *Swallows* … Yes…"

"Fufu. That's good to know"

Takeru felt somewhat embarrassed by that action of Yuriko, which he tried to fake by drinking the rest of the beverage. And as the two were only paying attention to each other, they didn't notice that they had become the center of attention in the shop, as everyone inside either felt diabetes from watching the two or jealous at the two openly flirting with each other… While a few other couples in the shop felt a sense of defeat at seeing the two acting like that

Not long after that, Yuriko finished both her cheesecake and coffee

"Takeru-kun, if you excuse me, I'll be going to the restroom"

"Hm, okay"

With that said, Yuriko got up from the table and walked away taking the plates and cups with her as she did so, while Takeru simply waited for her to return. But as that happened, two certain boys entered the shop

"So yeah, man. You have to step up your game"

"Yeah, yeah, I know that already hm?… !"

It was Yamada and Daichi who entered the shop, and Daichi had just seen that Takeru was in the shop as well

"What's wrong?"

"*Whisper* It's him!"

"Hm? Ah! That guy?"

"*Whisper* Yeah!"

"… *Whisper* Then go step your game, tell him that Nanami-san is yours or something"

"… … …"

Daichi kept alternating his sight towards Takeru and Yamada as he kept thinking

"… Yeah, you're right. I'm going to step up my game"

"Cool, now I'm going to order here while you go do that"

Daichi then walked toward Takeru as he made an intimidating aura around him


"Hm? Yes?"

"I have some matter to talk with you"

"… Okay?"

Daichi then sat down on the seat Yuriko was sitting before so that he could face Takeru

"I'm sure you know who I am"

"Ah! Yes, you are the… You are the… You are… … … I have no idea who you are"

"I'm Yamamoto Daichi, I was in the student council room yesterday damnit!"

"… … …???"

Takeru could only make a confused face at what Daichi said, mainly because he never really noticed Daichi's presence in the student council room when he went to call Yuriko so that he could go home with her

"I'm the vice president of the student council at your school dangit!"


Hearing that Takeru made a surprised face of someone who finally managed to find the answer to a puzzle as he made a fist in one hand and hit the palm of his other hand

"You're that cowardly virgin!" *points a finger at Daichi*

"Don't call me like that damnit!!!"

Takeru was always incredibly tactless and had a venomous tongue in these situations, especially with people like Daichi or whom he didn't have that much interest in

"…" <Why is Daichi-san on my seat and talking to Takeru like that?>

And unknown to Daichi, Yuriko was watching him talk to Takeru as she made a surprised and concerned face, as she partially hid behind a wall


(A/N Notes: Those that read the original version, definitely knows what's going to happen next)