
The Sanctioner of Demons [ Mlbb Fanfic ]

This is a story of a young kid, who's life been blessed with joy and happiness. He lived in an Empire, who's known to be prosperous in both Military, and Economical influences throughout the Land. Together with his beloved parents, whose well-respected of their feats as the Knights of Order, lived in a harmonious life. One day, a tragedy struck. The conflict of man and demons changed the young one's life. Will the young one withstand the trials of fate? Or will he lose the path of humanity and, become what he detested? What will it be? No one knows.... [ Mostly based in Original Mlbb Lore Story ]

Phel9195 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

The Prophecy

Narrator's POV:

     In the midst of Despair, a mysterious black-hooded man has descended to the Land of Dawn.

It's motives and identity is unknown, but delivers an important message.

That'll surely change the Wheel of Fate that befalls to the Land.

Unknown Man's message:

"This ceaseless war brings forth of a 'Hero'. A hero that'll emerge from the 'Cycle'. It's 'Hatred' grows gradually that'll serve as a 'Source of it's Power'. It's 'Unbending Will' will be known throughout the Land."

"It's existence will be tested. 'Tribulations' shall fall upon that'll determine whether it's fate shall 'Fall' or 'Rise'."

"The 'Fate' of this Land depends on it's people, the 'Hero' is not an exception.  Actions and decisions determines fate, that'll change the turbulence of history, forever."

Narrator's POV:

     The message have spread throughout the continent, and many have wondered:

"Who's the hero?"

"To whom race does the Hero will emerge?"

"When will the hero appear?"

. .

Many have wondered... Many have belief of the 'Hero' foretold by an unknown messenger.

. . .

Questions and confusion have struck to many.

Some regarded the message as 'Blessings'.

Some believed that it is a message from the Gods and Goddesses.

. . .


  All races celebrated upon hearing the message of the unknown.

. . .

      Except the Demon race.

*demon's growl*

. . .

The message of the unknown, outrages the demon race, the demons that resides within the depths of the Earth, the place where only the strong lives. The place called the Abyss.

*demon growling intensifies*

. . .

Abyssal demons crawls to the crack of the Earth, and reaches the Land of Dawn.

The race where they regarded the message as 'Bad Omen'. An omen that they all thought that'll end their "Dominance", and "Supremacy" to all races.

. . .

     The outrage drive them to Confusion and Agitation. They've crawl to the crack and marched the mountain that blocks the corruption. They SIEGE countless places they could FIND!

Demon Race POV:






. . .

Narrator's POV:

     That era,  'Carnage' dominates the land.


The helpless and the innocent dies, and mercilessly killed. 



. . .

Bloodbath shrouded ordinance.

*army marching*

The great Outrage has risen, and intensifies Chaos.

*battle cry of the warriors*

     The message of the unknown, alarmed the continent, and a Great War gone more fierce and bloody.

*sword clashing*

     The 'Chosen One', the 'Hero' of the said 'Prophecy', brought "No Hope" but rather 'Destruction'.

*the war intensifies*

The Prelude of Battle Symphony.

. . .

     Their Actions and decisions, triggered what fate have inflicted.

. . .

Is fate cannot be changed?

. . .

It all depends on your decisions, and actions.

. . .

     In a far away land, which it's location is unknown, the black-hooded man, marches on it's humongous altar, and head towards the veranda.

It gazes the horizon, where it stretches boundlessly as the eyes can see.

Unknown Man's POV:

"There's no turning back. Your resurrection is drawing near. Everything are all according to what you have predicted. Soon, your resurrection will change the world eternally."

Narrator's POV:

   The unknown, continuously gazes in a boundless horizon and everything, fades.

This story is for the sake of FanFiction. I don't claim the Original Mlbb Characters as mine, they all respectively belongs to MLBB.. All credits belong to theirs.

There might be similarities of Mlbb's story plot but trust me, I based this on Mlbb lore. And I want this fanfiction believable.

Thank you very much for reading this Fanfiction.

Phel9195creators' thoughts