

Pool of crimson blood that seems to have dried recently can be seen every where, numerous lifeless body lays around the ground that used to be military training ground of once glorious family.

A ghastly silence with hellish scene was accompanied by unstable breathing of a teenager carrying a blade with occasional drop of blood dripping from the sword.

A body of male corpse, laid on the floor. He was sprawled on the ground holding his own chest , his eyes closed with inability to perceive anything forever as he was deader than dead with gaping hole on the chest. He looked like he died peacefully with all his goals and dreams fulfilled

But the young man holding the sword knew that wasn't the case. He knew the dead man's goals and dreams were anything but fulfilled .

He knew if it was him laying in the ground he might look as peaceful , as dead are supposed to look peaceful if they die without any idea about coming death.

What was he supposed to do in this situation.

Cry ? Laugh madly like crazed person ? or Run away

No matter what he was supposed to do he couldn't do it as he was terrified

All those memories , those days he thought was hard to get by , those orders that used to make him annoyed, irritated and scared aren't going to repeat them self anymore but if he can get rid of the moment he was experiencing and future he was going to experience from the moment onwards he would like to live his whole life being annoyed and scared following this young master but there is no if any more.

A bloody smell flowed into his nostrils, but it couldn't affect him as he was busy being terrified of the future that was going to follow him. He looked toward the dead young man again but this time his eyes was full of hatred ,irritation and annoyance .

What the f...u..#K was this . Whom did this son of a bitch offend this time to be killed that even his family that was one of the five great Nobel family of the Crimson Moon country was completely annihilated with no dogs and cats left.

Well it was his habit of blaming his young master for every negative situation he experiences. If not young master then its fate or luck that's in the fault .

When he just arrived his eyes nearly popped out for whole 5 minute he thought it was not real but noo it was . He hurriedly threw the badge that was used to identify as the member of family as he was afraid the attackers were still there. As his life was of utmost important as being member of dead family will lead to no favorable situation if murderers were still around.

Slowly with caution he checked all building but all he found were corpses some poisoned some cut apart some with gaping hole and some with severed neck. After 30 minutes searching and finding no living person he got hold of his courage and started searching for survivor but

no survivor was found throughout the estate at first he was ecstatic as this was the world where everyone was taught to seek profit and power for them self in every situation no matter what with his inherent nature of greedy , cowardly and selfish nature he fostered as nothing was profitable than finding a destroyed family that was once a among the strongest five family of country even if it was his.

And he was just a orphan selected by the family to be servant of their own child . So subconsciously he thought there wasn't any loss for him as he was alive and kicking and all those wealth left to be collected , all for himself.

He couldn't even imagine how much wealth this family had accumulated through out its 500 years of existence and if he could get his hands upon the wealth.

He never thought it was his family but his young master's as who gets ordered around as slave in his own family even if it was his choice.

Just thinking about it made his heart beat faster , his eyes as cresent moon filled with greed

His life would be nothing but bliss but on second thought he was terrified as he was well aware how his young master used to rob treasure and kill its owner if the owner was some random nobody. He needs to think of some way to hide all the wealth after done collecting .

So he calmed himself down breathing in and out to calm his mind that seems to have been affected by some external energy generated because of carnage and started thinking about knowledge his parents had taught him since he was a child.

First and foremost comes life second comes treasure that can grant him power and third comes riches.

So he ran toward the badge that he threw earlier who knows if the guards will arrive and blame him as accomplice of killers, he wasn't acting like his usual self of being calm collected and calculating all his action only after careful planning.

He had seen his young master blaming people without any reason just for the fun of it. With this badge he can at least defend himself but lets hide it first in case killers are still near who knows if murderers with dark elemental talent are still around....

but his mind kept on thinking about all the gain he can accumulate if he is fast enough he couldn't perceive the danger that he might get into. But maybe it was luck or Fate we might think no killers were around.

With silver light of twin moon accompanying him he visited all the important places that used to house treasures. He will have to live his life from now onward as the family was destroyed but everything was empty not even weapons of guards was left behind. Without losing hope he busied himself on his grand plan of finding treasures to fulfill his greed, he started searching around without giving up

but luck was doing nothing but spitting on his face

No shit was left behind building housing Treasury was empty not even copper coin was found all glass self destroyed guards killed with some evidence of fight ,corpse of an elderly laid there "maybe a powerhouse" , soul weapon hall was empty not even scrap left behind , book pavilion was empty with one record about crappy seer art left behind that can only be used to scam villagers which was obviously thrown away by looters finding it ridiculous to carry as it was laid down below the broken vault.

dried bloody foot steps every, it seems alot of people visited here

Utterly angry at his luck he made his way toward beast soul hall with only some hope, praying to god to leave behind at least blue class beast soul to awaken his ability so that low class sect might take him in as disciple. but

no nothing whole hall was destroyed .He searched among the rubble without giving up for whole hour but nothing no shit could be found not even white class beast soul

This was very Familiar place he used to visit with young master almost once a week as awakening day was just around the corner and young master was very eager for the awakening so was he

He used to bring his lackey around promising them glorious future after he awakens his soul talent with gold class beast soul that his father had ordered from the empire becoming the most talented heir in whole family and becoming the strongest genius of capital even surpassing the prince.

His bragging included even about giving red class beast soul to his most trust worthy subordinate which kaal tried his best to become knowing well, young master was just bragging as red soul beast was highest beast soul found in the country. Even young masters sister had to be satisfied with red level beast soul.

He would not have been terrified if at least one of these places had something left as he thought he would accumulate wealth and buy good enough beast soul from looting all the beast soul in beast soul hall and visiting the traders union and exchange as he might get golden level beast soul after collecting all wealth from now ruined family to fulfill young masters fantasy on his behalf, as a good lackey.

being affected by the carnage he wasn't even thinking straight as he was used to keeping life first, power second and wealth third like a mantra since childhood even when bullying people

and was going around searching for wealth and treasure. Without knowledge what would happen to him, if someone finds him owning all those imaginary wealth.

But kaal was never the one fate loved or so he thought

All those dream he dreamt for last 1 hour have gone poof

Those occasional story of people finding treasures and wealth and powerful beast soul that led to chain reaction in making of powerhouse was not going to become true for him as he thought.

This led him to having emotional rollercoaster from shock of finding the whole family murdered to ecstatic of having all the riches to himself , to disappointment of not finding any thing of value and finally terrifying realisation of not having any one to rely on without any wealth to make his ends meet , no one to provide him food , no any future of having lackey to order around , and finally no awakening of his soul talent as no beast soul was left behind and the wealth accumulated by his parents was not even enough to buy blue level beast soul.

This led him to realisation he was nothing ,even his parents were nothing in this dog eats dog world where this behemoth of family was murdered he doesn't even have any means to lead his life from now on so with huff and puff without care for any danger he ran around the area of family trying to salvage some gold coins even copper coin was enough it could at least fill his stomach but he was disappointed

No shit was left behind as every thing was swept clean not even copper coin and this led him to keep on searching for hours for at least valuable weapon used to kill ,that led him to the current situation where he found his dead young master impaled by sword through the heart.

Where he was cursing the dead like a mad person even if he knew young master was not at fault. Slowly he calmed down which seemed to have made his eyes cold and he smiled bitterly and layed down beside his dead young master looking at the twin moon .

"You know Sacar I dreamt of beating u up everyday , punching and kicking u until u are black and blue so that even mistress doesn't recognize u for all those silly orders , to relieve the anger i fostered being your lackey"

If it wasn't for your childish order to get the badge from scarlet tiger and know about about your love rival pestering your princess, I would be another dead body beside you" I should be thanking you but just thinking I need to live like a peasent from now on being bullied i cant help but curse u.

Only if it was after awakening of my talent.

Shit how unlucky can i get just before awakening ceremony whole fu.cking family got destroyed .

He closed his eyes and kept silent for about 10 minutes controlling the breathing in some sort of mysterious pattern and opened it with determination. As he seem to have made some sort of decision.

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