
The Ruler Of Khansaar

Rehan, a modern day college student who is a big fan Indian movies especially Southern and Bollywood movies gets a heart attack while watching the movie Salaar in his laptop. When he opened his eyes ones again after regaining his consciousness he finds himself lying on a big bed inside a luxurious room and when he goes in front of a mirror he finds that he has became Vardha raja Mannar, the now ruling king of Khansaar.

Pritam_Mohapatra · Filmes
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7 Chs

Instilling Slavery

Not just her but everyone who saw this act of superhuman power of Vardha began to fear him more than Deva.

[Congratulations Master all of these people have began to fear you.]

"It's not enough Neela. I want them to fear me more. I want all of their hearts and minds and to tremble just by nearing one initial of my name."

[That can be done using your brainwashing ability Master.]

"That's a good thing."

[Master do you want to deploy your brainwashing ability now ?]

"Yes go ahead and do it."

[Order received from Master. Activating Brainwashing ability. Ability activated.]

After getting this message from Neela, Vardha became happy and a small smile appeared on his face.

Soon he moved towards the most terrified Obulamma who is just sitting on the ground with fear still lingering on her face.

Soon Vardha crouched down in front of her and then he held her chin and made her look into his eyes and soon Obulamma saw the eyes of Vardha turning completely black.

And this made Obulamma to feel that she is being pulled into that black void where she saw she is standing in a very pitch black place with Vardha standing in front of her.

She also find her son and Radha Rama in the clutches of Vardha and soon he began to burn them both alive.

Their screams and loud voice of pain made Obulamma very scared. But then she saw Vardha left both of the burning bodies.

The bodies which are still burning rise up on their feet and began to move towards her. Seeing the burnt bodies coming towards she became very scared.

Soon both of the bodies stood before her began to put the blame of their deaths on Obulamma's head which repeated for continuous times.

Radha Rama: "Obulamma you killed me. You are the reason I died."

Obulamma' son: "Amma I was your son. Your only son. But you killed me as well."

Obulamma: "No no no. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't kill anyone."

Radha Rama: "Yes you killed us."

Obulamma's son: "Yes you killed us."

The words of Radha Rama and her son began to echo in the ears of Obulamma which made her burst out of cry and cover her ears.

But still those angry and painful shouting of Radha Rama and her son kept coming in to her ears. And this made Obulamma very much shocked and terrified.

But then Vardha moved closer to her and he called her making her look at him...

Vardha: "Obulamma..."

And when Obulamma looked at Vardha all she could see is a giant mountain of black smoke and at the top of the mountain a pair of red eyes looking at her which made the spirit of Obulamma to scream out of fear.

This mountain of black smoke with red eyes is Vardha who is looking down straight in the mind of Obulamma and said,

Vardha: "You are just a slave of mine who is enjoying wealth and power since I have given it to you. I am the one let you live till now. But what did you do ? You tried to keep my enemy with you and go against me. I have tolerated a slave like you since you a just small insect in my eyes. But you dared to enter in my eyes. This was the price that you have paid. This is the price that you should pay when you try to go against your GOD. From this moment on I am The GOD of Khansaar will shower my wrath on you and your loved once."

Saying this Vardha in that form of his emitted black smoke which soon took the form of Radha Rama and Obulamma's son.

Vardha: "I brought them back to life. Now I will kill them again and it will be all because of you."

Saying this Vardha reverted back to his normal human form and as soon as he reverted back, his both hands began to burn as he move closer to both of them.

Seeing this Obulamma immediately crawled towards the feet of Vardha. And soon reaching at his feet, Obulamma held them and began to beg for mercy from Vardha.

Obulamma: "Karta please spare these two kids. One is someone whom I have grown up as my own and the other is my own blood. Please Karta spare them."

Hearing her words, Vardha looked at her in anger and said, "What did you call me ?"

Obulamma: "Karta."

Vardha: "What did you call me ?"

Obulamma: "Karta."

Vardha: "What did you call me ?"

Seeing his anger increasing, Obulamma remembered something and said, "My GOD. My GOD please spare these two children. I beg you."

Now with a smile on his face, Vardha dispelled the flames from his hands and then he stroked the head of Obulamma with his hand and said, "Very well. I will spare their lives. But for that you have to worship me. Tell me will you worship me ?"

Hearing his words, Obulamma immediately held his feet and said, "I agree to worship you My GOD."

Hearing her agreement, a smile appeared on the face of Vardha and he immediately placed his hand on the head of Obulamma and in that moment, a black smoke came out of his hand and completely engulfed Obulamma.

And once the black smoke disappeared, the only thing Obulamma remembered that she is the utter follower and worshiper of Vardha Raja Mannar.

After making Obulamma his own worshipping slave, Vardha moved towards Vedha and also took him under the influence of his brainwashing and made also made him his worshipping slave as well.

And then he moved towards his step sister who wants his life, Radha Rama. Reaching near her, Vardha made her stand up and look at him.

And then looking at her he said, "My dear elder sister I still remember that morning from seven years ago on the day when we voted to remove the Ceasefire. You had visited me in the prison and told me that you have hated me from the time I was born in this world and wanted to kill me but just because of Raja Mannar you haven't done anything to me. And for that I had given you one chance to repent your sins you have committed against me and the rest of your life peacefully. But now look at you what have you done with your own life. I always thought that when i will meet you again I will see the same Radha Rama who once stood tall as the pride and honor of Raja Mannar but now look at you other than pride and honor you look like disgust. I really feel pity and sad thinking about the late Raja Mannar what he must have going through right now in hell seeing you like this disgusted, defeated and lost."

Hearing these words of Vardha, Radha Rama became very angry at him and looked straight into his eyes like an angry hunting animal.

And this was the chance Vardha was looking for as he immediately turned his eyes completely black and took her inside her brainwashing.

Just like Obulamma, Radha Rama saw herself in black smoked filled room where she saw the throne of Khansaar and a silhouette sitting on it.

Soon she moved closer to the throne and saw her late father Raja Mannar sitting on the throne and seeing him she became very happy.

Soon she moved closer to him but the moment she became very close to him she saw him taking out a sword and pointed it towards her intending to kill her.

This scene made her very confused but then she saw Raja Mannar standing up and pointing his sword towards her, he moved closer to her.

The murderous intent leaking from his body immediately got felt by Radha Rama and she instinctively began to take her steps backwards.

But then she felt her feet stuck on the ground and in front of her, she saw Raja Mannar standing very close who is ready strike her down with his sword.

Before Radha Rama could understand anything, she found a sword in her hand stained in blood and the murdered Raja Mannar fallen on the ground.

Seeing this she became very shocked and the fallen Raja Mannar pecking his head up asked her, "w... why have you killed me Rama ? I always told you that you were my pride and honor. But you killed me. Why ? I was trying to save you from Deva and Varabha. But you killed me, your father ? Why Rama ? Why ?"

Radha Rama: "No it's not like this. I didn't killed my father. I didn't killed my father. I DIDN'T KILLED MY FATHER."

Vardha: "Yes you did. You have killed our father. This is the truth. You are the one whose hands are stained with the blood of Karta Raja Manner. You are the one who tried to destroy our Manner tribe from Khansaar."

Radha Rama: "No it was you who killed our father. You are the one responsible for it."

Hearing her words, a smirked appeared on the face of Vardha as pointing towards a direction he said, "Is that it ? Then look for yourself who killed our father."

Looking at the direction to which Vardha pointed at, Radha Rama saw that she is holding a sword in her hands and moving towards an injured and limping Raja Mannar.

Soon she herself putting her one foot on the injured leg of Raja Mannar and squeezing it hard. And then pointing her sword at the heart of Raja Mannar and she took her sword high in the air.

With a killing and evil look on her face Radha struck her sword in the heart of Raja Mannar and then taking her sword out the heart of Raja Mannar, Radha Rama immediately beheaded Raja Mannar with one slash of her sword and the blood that got spilled by these two strikes got on the face and body of Radha Rama.

Seeing this Radha Rama became very scared and terrified but the thing which shocked her core the most was the visual of the beheaded body of Raja Mannar waking up holding a sword in his hand walking towards Radha Rama.

Although this body of Raja Mannar was beheaded but still it talked with Radha Rama, "You were my first born child. The one whom I loved the most out of my all children and yet you are the one who killed me. After me I was seeing you as a capable successor of mine for the throne of Khansaar but you killed me. I protected you from that traitor husband and greedy brother of yours. But what you have given me in return ? You killed me. Today i will avenge myself with my own sword and hands."

As the beheaded Raja Mannar came closer, Radha Rama became more terrified and horrified. Not only this but the constant scene of her striking her father in his heart and beheading him kept running and running continuously in her head.

With this she also saw her hands stained with blood along with her saree and face. This made Radha more vulnerable scared.

The beheaded Raja Mannar now stood before Radha Rama ready to behead her and when Raja Mannar swung his sword to behead her, Radha Rama became scared and closed her eyes.

But then she felt nothing happening, so she opened her eyes. And there she saw that Vardha has stopped the sword in air and is now standing between Radha Rama and the beheaded Raja Mannar.

This made Radha Rama very confused as she couldn't comprehend as to why Vardha Raja Mannar whom she has hated her whole life and wanted kill is protecting her.

Raja Mannar: "Vardha let go of my sword. Seven years ago you had put your life in danger to save Radha Rama and now you are also doing the same even after knowing that she killed your father."

Vardha: "She is my sister. And this is my only reason to save her."

Then Vardha kicked the beheaded body on the chest and made the body to fly a few meters away from them.

Seeing this Radha Rama came on her knees and thanked Vardha for saving her but then Vardha replied, "You have killed our father. This fact can not be changed. You done a grave sin and for this I should punish you."

Radha Rama being terrified remembering the scene of Vardha melting a human alive. So she immediately held his legs and begged for mercy.

Vardha: "If you want to save your life and want my protection for your life time then you have to worship me. Tell me will you worship me ?"

Hearing him Radha Rama hesitated for a few moments but then she saw the body of Raja Mannar waking up. So she immediately said yes to Vardha.

And hearing her yes, Vardha gently stroked the head of Radha and just like with Obulamma, Vardha began to release his black smoke which engulfed the entire body, heart, mind and soul of Radha Rama which behan to make her the slave of Vardha with Vardha speaking, "From now on you are my worshipping slave and lover."

And once the black smoke disappeared Radha Rama has completely changed into the devoted slave of Vardha along with being his lover for whom she is ready to give her body.

After completing the slavery and lover making of Radha Rama, Vardha moved towards his old accomplice Krishnakanth and also made him his slave to whom he ordered, "Krishnakanth your daughter has my Seal on her body. So she belongs to me. Go and bring her to my Khansaar."

Hearing the order of his Master, Krishnakanth immediately called Bilal who is taking his daughter Aadhya somewhere.