
first battle

Peter and persefeny wer walking to the land of wind to do as thay do. then a dark cloud was coming closer and closer to the ground. it landed with a "whooooooosh" and "clingclancling" and "booooooooom" then it opened its doors and people surrounded them and pointed ther guns at them then Peter said I callapon fire and a red yellow glow formed around him and then formed in a large oval and we hurd a "rrrrrroooooaaaaaarrrrrr" and a tiger apeard in the circle then Peter said I name you flare it was a red yellow tiger with black stripes. then Peter said "flair get me and persefeny out of here" and we hoped on the tiger. and the tiger leaped with a trail of fire behind us and then the tiger turned and made a ring of fire around the enemy's and ran into their ship ware we saw a boy in a cage then the boy said "help I'm the prince and my family wants to ruin the land I'm the prince of pollution and I gard the rose of pollution it's in my bag then Peter said shore and told flair brake the bars and flair didn't listen then persefeny looked at the tiger then looked at the charms thay already had "i call upon water" then a blue mist appeared around her and in front of her then we saw a giant snake "I name you fang fang work with flair and brake the bars" persefeny said. then flair blew fire on the bars and fang gushed water out of his mouth and then shrank in size into the size of a necklace and then slitherd onto persefeny's neck then persefeny said "fang take us to the castle of wind" and then the snake slitherd out of the flyer and grew justy to fit 3 people and we hoped on. then a trail of water appeared and the snake slitherd on it and the tiger followed as the trail disappeared behind flair. the castle was a few miles away wen we wer at the end of the trail. Peter said "i call back flair" then persefeny said "I call back fang" and we made camp for the night.