
Chapter 1 : Then there was nothing

Lilith's P.O.V

"Lily" I felt someone shaking me. "c'mon Lily you gotta wake up now" I heard again as I opened my eyes welcoming the sunlight with a groan. "Welcome back to the land of the living now c'mon let's get our stuff and get off this bus" Christina my best friend said while she was getting all our suitcases we packed for the summer. We made it out the bus no problem and headed out to the camp gates as we waited in line to sign in. While we were waiting I asked Christi what I missed .'' Well...I overheard that Jackson's group of hooligans was going to smoke bomb the councilors' cabins tomorrow night. 'Of course, they are, I thought to myself. "So I was thin-'' She started as I yelled out "NO".I looked over my shoulder and saw some people look over at us.``no no no no no'' I whisper-yelled over to Christi.``but why not "she half whined half complained while crossing her arms and letting out a huff. I was about to answer when the counselor asked us our names.''Christina Lola Campbell and this is Lilith Rene Knight''


After we unpacked we unpacked we headed over to the docks to explore. While walking along the dock Christi all of a sudden pulled me into a bush making one of the branches scratch my leg."Ow, what the hell Chris" I yelled while rubbing my bloody ankle." shh" she put her finger on her lips pointing towards something. I looked towards where she was pointing and saw Jackson's group of hooligans laughing at something Samuel said, while they were all making something colorful." what are they making" Christi asked confused."I think their smoke bombs" I said quietly while looking around for a better place to hide." I KNEW IT "Christi yelled out next to my ear which made me jump and clamp my hand on her mouth. Both our eyes widened for different reasons. Hers because she yelled out loud, mine because Daniel and Mason were walking our way." be quiet, and move back slowly, DON't make a sound" I whispered calmly while keeping my eyes on the bush."HELLO who's there...we know you're there so just come on out" I heard Daniel yell out to the bush we were in. We were almost in the clear when all of a sudden I heard a sneeze 'great' . I thought to myself," Might as well tell them all we're here to spy on them Christi" I sarcastically whisper-yelled at her while giving her a look that could kill." hey, I needed to sneeze. It's not my fault I couldn't control it" She shot back with a less terrifying glare then mine. I just sigh and look back over to the group to see if the boys were still coming. My eyes suddenly widened as I saw them right in front of the bush leaning closer and closer as we were leaning towards where we came from. Right as Daniel and Mason stuck their hands into the bush we hid behind a bunch of canoes that were sitting on the sand for the campers.


After Daniel and Mason left with their group for lunch I let out a sigh of relief."OMG, that was close" Christi whispered next to me as I nodded in agreement. "OK let's compose ourselves and go have a decent lunch and forget this yeah, OK," I said to her as we got up and dusted ourselves off.


I was talking to Christi about all the activities and stuff we might do in the camp when all of a sudden I bumped into someone. It all happened so fast and one thing led to another and I was on my back on the ground and the only things I felt were the pounding in my head and the searing pain from my throat all the way to my shoulder down to my chest. The next thing I know the lights go out and the pain fades. Then there was nothing.