
The Ro dropped

This is going to be my first fan fic. The main character Jack Saber after dying at an early age of 18 will get another chance at life when he is reincarnated by a God of unknown with a system and some wishes to live his newly found life to his hearts content. P.S the worlds the MC goes to range from worlds like Danmachi and Fairytail to Pokémon. This being the case because I want to make it like that however I might just make separate fan fics like a series from world to world. But we will see how it goes.

JackbladesFF7 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

CH 1 Jack Saber

Jack Saber was an 18 year old man who was content with his life. He had just graduated high school and was planning on going to college. While in high school he was not the most popular person there he was well known. Jack was the kind of kid who had many 'friends' but never felt like anyone was someone he could tell everything to. He was even on the basketball team and was one of their best players. This being the case he would have some girls interested in him but didn't care to much for it while he would go on dates he never found anyone to his liking. This was due to the fact that he always found himself engrossed in games an anime. This being the case he was very disinterested in the world he was in.

Jack felt like he should have been in another world like in those anime's he watched and games he played. Those worlds were so vibrant with color and interesting while the one he was in felt bland. His parents knew to an extent how Jack felt as his parents knew more about him than anyone and his parents would also be the only ones he talks to about anime and games as he felt like he would be treated differently by the people at his high school if they knew this about him. His parents could tell that he was truly happy when talking about the things he liked. His Dad was a famous baseball star and his Mom was a nurse. They both always did the most they could for their son and would always try to make him happy. He would show an excitement that his parents wouldn't see unless he was talking about anime and games. This excitement would only be matched when he would compete in any kind of sport. He was really competitive and this showed on any sport he played even if he was bad at it.

After his graduation he would find him and his family driving to a video game store to get a new game that he wanted. They eventually got their but as they walked in the store they realized the store was being robbed. As the robbers were hiding behind the counter they didn't notice them until it was to late. Jack's Dad stepped in an tried to cover his family. But the sudden movement of the man caused the robber to shoot at him. This was the robbers first time robbing so he was very green and jittery. While also being a bad shot the bullet came no where near the Jacks Dad and looked like it was shot outside through the door. However maybe due to unknown forces, luck or karma it had shot straight through Jacks heart who didn't even notice the robber as they walked in.

(From an outside perspective) See as Jack and his family were walking in. The parents were the ones who went over to the counter to wait for the son to grab the game. So they noticed the robber right away. But since Jack was looking for the area where his game was at he was still in line for the entrance.

(Back to normal) Jack couldn't even process what happened until he fell on the ground covered in blood. While the robber escaped through the back Jacks parents quickly started calling for an ambulance and other services as they rushed to his side. Jack was barely able to hold on as both his parents were putting brave faces in front of him. Almost in unison both Jacks parents said " We love you!" as they were trying to stop the bleeding and save him. His Mom being a nurse she quickly stepped into action trying to see where it hit him and what she could do. As she noticed the bullet when through Jacks heart she started to cry as there was already a large amount of blood coming out and going onto the floor. As every pump of the heart trying to keep Jack alive only made more and more blood come out. As their was so much damage to his heart Jacks mom knew it was impossible. She put on a brave face and just held his hand as his father followed suit. Seeing what they were doing and understanding the situation not just from his own pain but as he could also see the amount of blood. He was slowing going in an out of consciousness and he put on a brave smile for his parents who were showing him the same love as he has had all through his life.

As he blacked out he could feel the slow coldness taking over his body until he did not feel anything anymore. As his eyes opened again he couldn't see anything not even his body as he was in an endless black void. His mind started to freak out and if he could feel his breathing or even had the ability to breathe he would be hyperventilating right now as the endlessness and emptiness of the void was crushing to the mind. Then a light appeared out of nowhere. This light would expand and become brighter and brighter. So bright in fact that the void became white. The light then shrunk down to the size of a regular side house with a rectangular shape. The light switches and played images that Jack realized was his life from birth to death. While watching his life flash before him he couldn't help but think he wished he lived it to a full extent and enjoyed what that world had to offer more. Then all of a sudden the light disappeared. This happening caused Jack to start freaking out again as he would do his best to stay calm. Then out of nowhere an unknown figure appears and teleports him to a different location.