
Timed Flattery

Lucarys Frost 295 AC: Whitegaard Castle Solar

"You will sail to Old Oak or Oldtown and then make your way to Highgarden, whichever you prefer, it does not matter. I'll presume you'll be there within two moons at the latest. Once there, do try to ingratiate yourself with the Tyrells and…procure some information on things of note. No need to send word my way till you deem fit but if you have urgency, then find a way."

Kadderon stood with his hands behind his back and a far away look in his eyes before regaining his thoughts and nodding in affirmation. 

"Understood father, am I to presume that you have chosen my future wife then?"

Seeing my son look so disinterested in his own future bothered me more than I showed, he was too dutiful, too… perfect for an heir.

"Aye, I have, you will marry Margaery Tyrell, Daughter of Mace Tyrell, your marriage will lower our taxes on imports and exports, but it'll also bring us the most benefits compared to other houses. Plus, I figured you'd like this one compared to the rest."

Kade seemed to twitch at that, did he truly think I wouldn't care at all for his happiness. That one stung a little more than it should have.

"Ah, thank you father, I appreciate the concern you have given to my future wife. I'll secure the alliance and return home before you know it. If I may?"

Kade had tilted his head in questioning, my response evident as he could speak freely.

"How is she? Margaery I mean."

Caught a little off guard, I couldn't stop the smile.

"A rose with budding thorns, beautiful, serene, kind, and mischievous in her ways of flattery. Beware the thorns of the rose before they draw blood, son. Or you might just fall too intoxicated with the smell."

My answer, having satisfied him I guessed, he left me alone to deal with my own thoughts. My second son Alastor and first born daughter Lina would need to hold my contemplation on marriage matters. Alastor was a strong and upcoming boy, who by all accounts seemed to be growing into quite the strategist and mercantile minded. His martial pursuits were not slacking in the slightest but his mind just seemed to pick up other things more. Lina though, Lina was what happened when you take every ounce of artistic and diplomatic prowess all the Frost lineage had and put it into one person, someone who could draw and paint masterpieces even at her age. Each work I saw, each time I would see her art, I would be lulled into a peaceful embrace and when coupled with her voice, I can't deny falling asleep a few times by just how calm it made me.

I had thought the crown prince might be a suitable candidate but after reading the reports I would receive back on the royal family, I think the second son would be better for her. If he didn't work out, I could always see Robert's bastard line, maybe just cave in and ask Eddard stark about Sansa. The lack of worthy candidates for my children was concerning but at least I had time. For now, I should worry more about the Dowry for Margaery's hand, I think a ship and a few recommendation letters to the academy should do fine. Now, I suppose I should invest some time in reorganizing the new training regime for the influx of recruits, oh how I miss the days all I did was train with a sword. 

??? Martell 295 AC: Dorne, The Gardens of the Sun

Yawning and lying down on the fresh and full of life grass, I looked to the open sky reaching my hand out till grasping at the air. 

'Soon, I will avenge my family name, soon all of those that spurned the sun will fall in darkness. I can feel it in the air.'

Thinking out loud, I sat up and brushed my black wavy hair out of my face as it cascaded to my shoulders. My golden eyes scanned the grassy yard till I found what I was looking for. Stretching back and lunging up and forward with my knees bent, I jumped and landed onto my feet before walking over to the four sisters. Obara Sand, the strongest, tallest and most martially inclined older sister who was twirling around a spear and practicing her motions. Nymeria Sand, second oldest and beautiful with a slender but fit frame sitting on a bench and writing on a scroll while reading another, conversing with Tyene Sand.

Tyene was probably the most playful, with short hair and warm chocolate eyes, she was the second smallest but also the fastest and most flexible known to dabble in daggers and poison. She played with a dagger watching my approach like a viper and its prey. Sarella Sand stepped in front of Tyene and all but barked at her for staring, she was the most inquisitive and learned among the group, always seeking out more knowledge. These four sisters who had been with me for as long as I can remember. 

"Oi! Trystane, why don't you come and play with us?"

Tyene provocatively said as she spread her legs a little wider while on the bench. I could only chuckle and wonder how I was going to survive another year in their company. While Tyene was the one that roused me the most, All of them but Sarella liked to tease me, Sarella was most bashful and modest for such lewd provocation. Though, I can't blame a woman for wanting the young viper, I was known in Dorne for being a master spearman, fierce warrior and with my way of guiding water, I was a prime candidate to have my seed haha. I'm sure many of the women I've been with can attest to that. 

"Don't tempt me too much, otherwise, I'll have to show your sisters just how much you yearn for my playful side haha."

Having her eyes widen before honing in on me in a predatory manner boiled my blood but I couldn't play just yet. 

"Obara, Where is Oberyn? I thought he was to be here today, no?

Sweat gleaming off her olive tanned skin, she flicked her spear down and looked at me.

"He sent word he'd be a little late with duties from your father."

Ah, I see now. Shame as I wished to have that rematch and claim the title as best spearman in Dorne finally. 

"Well what duties are they?"

Boredom and curiosity pricking at the back of my mind, I asked.

"It would seem a courier from the North came and he sent father to speak with him. Something about him knowing him best and past engagements."

Mhm… I can't think of anyone, wait! It has to be him! 

"Tell the stable boy to prepare my horse, I'm setting off shortly!"

My sudden words and departure to get ready must've stunned the lot as they all looked to each other before starting to prepare themselves.

Oberyn Martell 295 AC: Sunspear port

Seeing his large figure walking to me, I wasn't sure what to think. Once a friend when I was young and dumb and then someone I admired and thought to have all the answers. His father was my hero after the rebellion but seeing him now, he looks almost identical to his father. 

"Greetings lord Frost, How come you grace us with your visit, I might ask?"

Lucarys Frost looked from side to side before looking down to me.

"I came for the women."

I was stuck to my spot and couldn't speak before I couldn't take it anymore and laughed harder than I had in a long time, his booming laughter following shortly after.

"You never change!"

"Aye, A man can change but women are the bane to every man!"

Hearing him speak now, it was just like when I was younger touring the kingdoms and sneaking off with him to do who knows what getting into all sorts of trouble together. My companion, confidant, friend. As we finally rested into a low chuckle, I had to shift the topic.

"So why are you really here, Lucarys?"

His chuckle caught in his mouth as he looked at me, a sudden weight drawn on our surroundings. He looked to the skies above the sea, to the clouds in the distance and even further, his eyes shined in the light and his shadow ever encompassing. 

"I believe war will come within the next ten years at the most, possibly sooner if I believe it to be true. Change is at the cusp and with it, tribulation and obstacles for all of us. Before that happens, I wish to end past grudges and deepen already good friendships. I would have my daughter marry Trystane or my son marry one of your daughters."

I was shocked, startled and almost skeptical. I didn't doubt his words about war as anyone could see how we hanged on a ropes edge but marriage?

"I can understand Trystane but you do know my daughters, no?"

"Gods be damned for the prejudice against a child just for how their parents decided to spit them into the world. I don't care about that. I hear you have some good daughters and my son is a damn good man to be. He is strong for his age, has a good mind too. As long as he's happy and our families are tied by blood, that's all that counts." 

Seeing the larger than life man lean on the port railing as he chastised the gods, a smile crept upon my face.

"I'll inform Doran and we can let them meet for some time, see how they mesh and mingle so to speak. In the meantime, I know just the place for your northern barbarian urges to satiate upon haha"

Lucarys side eyed me but a smile was there as he chuckled and shook his head.

"Another time mayhap, for now, let's see how dull your spear has gotten, old friend. I heard the Red Viper has lost his touch in the arts of battle, haha!"

Olenna Tyrell 296 AC: Highgarden

Seeing Margaery swoon like a little girl every time the boy was doing anything was infuriating. I had thought she would have him around her finger by now with all the months they spent together but oh, that boy was clever. He was far more of a threat than what he seemed, enticing her poor little Margaery then acting like nothing happened only to keep Margaery in a constant state of borderline heat. He played with her like a master of his craft, a foe that they were not ready for. Margaery let out a breath of air forlornly to the side of myself as we watched the boy batter Loras's shield away before feigning a thrust and catching Loras's counter in an arm lock before flicking his blade at Loras's neck barely pricking him.

Oh the boy was good, too good, with a sword, with his wiles on Margaery, in the mind games he would play against Willas on their games of Cyvasse. Hells be good, he even knew how tossing and dance and play the fucking harp! What boy knows how to play the damn harp… well except Rhaegar. Sighing, I regained my composure and tried to usher Margaery to our spot outside for our daily tea. Getting no response from my nudge, I looked back to see her enraptured in what was happening, of which I couldn't tell why till I came back. Down on the courtyard, the boy Kadderon, a young man I suppose had taken off his shirt and now was sparring with Garlan, and Loras at once the fool. Though I could catch what he was doing seeing his side eyed glace to Margaery, anyone could see if they had half a brain with how the boy was built. 

Huge of stature similar to tales of the Clegane's and robust full of life and hard muscle. He was a prime specimen to show off a warrior's body, lacking any imperfections along his skin other than the few scars from what I could guess were stabs or slashes. Though I was interested to see how far the boy could go as the fellow guards of her house stood on the sidelines watching the three go at it. Garlan, while the oldest, mainly held the size advantage in how broad he was while Loras was more lithe but fit and held a lot of speed making him a dangerous swordsman. The young lord Frost was just unexpectedly stronger and faster. His muscles would tighten and almost seemed to explode with power when engaged with one or the other, I just hoped his arrogance would curb in time.

Kadderon Frost 296 AC: Highgarden courtyard

Circling around the open space the three of us used, I could tell Garlan was taking this seriously by how he held his posture, tight and yet ready to react. Loras was like a shrew, ready to dart at a moment's notice but in what way, I could vaguely see his path. Loras and Garlan looked to one another and in that moment before they enact on their plan, I struck. A downward slash and motion carrying upward follow up slash before swinging the back of the right heel in an arc making contact with Loras's forearm as he had tried to capitalize. Garlan rushed forward pushing me back with his shield for a couple feet before I caught my balance and grabbed the top of his shield before vaulting over it in one quick move landing between him and Loras.

My weapon of choice this time was a classic arming sword and that was it. While I would have used a shield, the bet I made with Loras had me forgo the shield. As Garlan braced himself once more, I took a short step to Loras and kicked out at his raised sword hitting his hand and causing him to drop it before grabbing that same arm with my left hand and pulling him towards me before pushing him between me and the charging shielded Tyrell brother. The resounding thud and yelp that followed was satisfying, especially seeing Garlan's face as I picked up Loras's sword from the ground with my left hand.

The man kept his sword pointed out above his shield as he took step by step closer to me before he thrust outward with his sword. My two swords caught him in a slick parry before skimming the blade down to the hilt and pivoting the blade so it would sour through the air. His eyes momentarily caught on the flung blade, I kicked his shield hard, sending him tumbling onto his backfoot only to receive no reprieve as I hacked and slashed at his crumbling defenses. Garlan was the shield of the Tyrell's, the stalwart defender able to take blow for blow but right now, I was watching him topple to the ground as his shield finally gave in. 

Garlan looked down at his feet where half his shield lay in the ground and at me as I held the two swords, one outstretched pointedly at him. 

"I yield"

"I do not!"

As Garlan submitted, Loras launched a new campaign with a vengeance using Garlan's discarded blade. His footwork is the most impressive but still flawed in lieu of his outstretching movements causing too many gaps and openings. Weaknesses that I made use of after one too many times. Slamming the end of the hilt down on top of his blocked blade with my free weapon, He grimaced in pain but didn't relent the blade so I kicked out with a side kick at his calf causing the man to lose balance as we grappled blades. Loras was the first to fall and as the dust settled, came to see my knee on his chest.

"Do you now submit the Thorny Knight of Flowers?

Loras looked abashed and relented after a few struggling moments. 

"You win Kadderon"

As we both got up, Garlan came closer to help us up.

"That was splendid as always Lord Frost, truly one of these days, we might slip you up finally haha."

A good man in the sense that we got along though his loyalties were so far laced with Willas that it was almost like worship or something close. The very thought always irked me into having to wonder how such a thing came to be. Spending the majority of my time with the two brothers when not with Margaery, I learned much of the lands of the Reach. A beautiful land, I must admit though far too comfortable for a warrior's way I had guessed. While spending almost several months here in the Reach while my father had traveled to Dorne and then back home, I was to leave soon as well with my wife. A woman I was to wed in a few nights time here and again once home. Two ceremonies since our two families lived so far apart, it did offer a far greater number of guests at my torment. 

While guests were expected, enough guests to fill two great keeps and having to go through two ceremonies was a lot to take on. Speaking of the marriage, Margaery honestly surprised me, mostly with how kind, manipulative, and charming she was. While she looked for not only ways to better her family but their allies and the people under them. She knew the beginning of how to get the best deals from the help she gave that only boosted her reputation. Her charm radiated off her wherever she went with an air of benevolence and care. Most times together were filled with tales of our childhoods and embarrassing stories of our siblings though I knew my siblings far less than she did. Our times when enraptured for one another's bodies were another thing, she was like a hungry carnivore wanting their meal while I would toy with them and make them beg. 

A satisfying dynamic though I knew eventually she wouldn't last and I'd have to satiate her lust with more than just meat haha. Still, the prospect of marriage was weirdly alright by me, though I never experienced it before, I figured it wouldn't hurt. My thoughts drift to how marriage life would be and then to my siblings and lastly my 'friends' back in the North. 

Lina Frost 296 AC: Whitegaard Castle

Flipping through the pages of the tome, my eyes glazed over the manuscript as I held the candle close for light.

284 AC 

Maul passes away due to old injuries and leaves the mantle of House Frost to Lucarys Frost. His passing would shake the internal politics of many houses and eyes would be set upon House Frost for year to come.

285 AC

Lucarys Frost improves the construction of the port Cities and establishes the western coast of the North as his Domain.

Lucarys bolsters his armada, increasing it to 75 galleons, 200 galleys, 300 longships, and 100 carracks. 

Lighthouses are built all along the western shores as beacons to not only show the way but to spot any hostiles.

Many of the eyes once set upon house Frost now subside as the power of House Frost doesn't subside.

The Ice Strife, a Galleon built with an additional eight scorpions on each side in the under compartments and one more for the front and back as well as the bigger size to accommodate the new additions were made. With a white ship that had mist and fog follow, it would seem the sea would freeze wherever it sailed. Rumor had it that if you tried to board it, your ship would freeze in the water and slowly crack as if hitting a glacier underwater. Though it seemed to stay in port just fine so no one could confirm the rumors.

287 AC

Second born daughter would be born to Lucarys and Dacey Frost, Helen Frost. 

Rickard Nightstark would be born to Benjen and Alyssa Nightstark.

House Frost would donate a lease on builders to the Wall for two years providing maintenance to speed up the reparations. Lucarys would hold council with Eddard Stark and put forth the plan to repopulate the New Gift as long as they paid their taxes to the Wall and a small portion to House Umber so as to have patrols pushed that way. A new House could be raised up to resolve the issue of protection later on. 

Eddard Stark would agree and it would be placed with the next matters to settle at a lords summit.

288 AC

After Receiving approval from the crown, The New Gift would be repopulated with mostly immigrants from the other seven kingdoms, mostly Kings Landing and some from the Reach, Westerlands, Riverlands and Vale. Many Northern Lords were very skeptical as this invited the possibility of spies and worse elements into their domain so a large vetting process was conducted where only ones approved could come North.

289 AC

The Greyjoy's would rebel and would strike out against Lannisport, Seaguard, and the North's west coast. 

Lannisport would burn as all their ships would be destroyed and wrecked near the port. 

Seaguard would hold off Greyjoy's killing one of Balon's sons. 

The worst was when the Greyjoy's sailed North, they had committed an act every Frost would remember and caused their own downfall.

Lucarys of House Frost would put down every Ironborn raider in the open sea and sail his armada southward with 30,000 Northern Warriors. Lucarys would bombard the Iron Isles and sack most of the Islands before the rest of the navy and army of the United forces could even reach the Iron Isles. Taking Blacktyde, Orkmont, Old Wyk, Great Wyk, and Harlaw. Leaving only Pyke to be besieged by not only Lucarys but also the united forces. 

Lucarys "the Burnt Sea Dragon" Frost came to be after the Greyjoy Rebellion. 

Lucarys met with Tywin and offered him a deal. One Valyrian steel sword named Brightroar for a leniency on taxes and tariffs as well as one million gold dragons. Tywin accepted and Brightroar was back in Lannister hands.

This act astonished many of the lords of Westeros as they had no idea House frost had the famed Lannister sword Brightroar.

290 AC

House Frost offers an incentive program to bring in more immigrants from their trade partners in offers of jobs and homes for hard work and loyalty. After much weening, and questioning, House Frost brought in another 20,000 people from all over Westeros, 20,000 people from different parts of Essos, and even 5000 people from their whaling partners in Ibben. Using a significant amount of gold, Lucarys bought thousands of slaves and gave them a choice to learn a trade and live on his lands no longer as slaves but as free men.

Lucarys and Lorkan Ice agree that the Ice family would become spymasters for the Frost family while the Frost family would offer home and protection for the Ice Family. 

Tutor programs would be offered for every person to learn the common tongue and if they wanted, the old tongue. Mentorships were offered for all fields of work mainly in sailing, different craftsmanship, horse breeding, farming, herbology, and mining. The remaining almost 15,000 left after all that were brought into the academies and training programs to become Footmen, Bowmen, or Mounted Knights though they were commonly called Legionnaires, Rangers, Frost Knights. Each person would be in training no matter the field for several years.

Kadderon Frost Wards under House Stark growing ties with the Lord's children.. 

Alastor Frost will be a ward of House Whitespear.

291 AC 

House Frost would host a new festival at Whitegaard Castle inviting every lord in the North. A grand Melee and feast was to be had with a plan made by Lucarys and Eddard Stark. To bring forth better internal relations, this festival would hopefully tie more houses together. Invitations were also sent to the major houses but also house's Dayne, Hightower, Rowen, Velaryon, Royce, Blackwood, Redwyne as well as a few other houses though even House's without an invitation would appear for its splendor alone. 

Lina Frost 296 AC: Whitegaard Castle

Closing the tome as I yawned for the Seventh time, I set it to the side, wondering how Kade is doing. 'Is he eating enough? Gods know he eats a lot, and his appetite only grows. Oh, who am I kidding, he's probably lapping in Tyrell hospitality down south. Though the castle has gotten quiet with everyone gone. I wonder what tomorrow will bring' Time for my weary mind to rest, I'll need the energy for preparations to begin on everyone's return home soon enough.

Thanks to the few who comment and review, like and share with friends. It does encourage me seeing such things to keep going when I can. SUPER_BOY, thaks alot dude, I don't know why but seeing your comment right before I went to bed made me get right back up and wright half of this so thank you.

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