
Mom! You are in my Blacklist.

Haaaaa~ I hate this so much....God, this isn't funny, like seriously this isn't funny at all. So, you say that if i got killed by a wolf, I will reincarnate as a wolf.....and if I got killed by a worm...I will reincarnate as a worm? That isn't logical at all. I don't believe gods, spirits nor magic, but if you ask me now. I will say yes! I do believe in those.

Right now, I will throw away all, the fact that I'm not even a human at the back of my mind! and concentrate on this new world! After all, I didn't want to linger in the past too much. My previous life is like black and white. Every day is work and more work, exam and more depressing stuff that everyone has to experience once.


OWWWW!! Mom!, why did you just throw me on the ground?! What?! You are just going to leave me just like this. Mom! I can't even lift a leg! and what is that? I-i-is that a w-w-wolf?! I mean I'm a wolf, yeah, but that one look scary! Hey, hey! why are you rushing toward me?! WAAAAHHH!! Mom! help me! don't just stand there! I need to run!

"waaaaa" (Help!)

I run.....I did it! I run! but that guy is faster than me! what should I do?


The big bad wolf nod and turn away....wait! did I just see the disgust look in his eyes? I mean I just born! I don't even have a single hair! What do you expect?! some wolf goddess?! actually nah That would be scary....imagine all the wolf rushing toward me.


Oh hey, mom, nice to meet you again.....what you are going to do? ah! yes, I'm backing away! you just let that wolf chase after me and actually with murderous intent in his eyes! I'm scared that next time, you will throw me into the forest and left me there.


What?! You get annoyed? You aren't happy because I disobey you? c'mon now, every child would be afraid of their parent if they throw their child in danger and just stand there and watch.


Hmph! I'm not going....m-mom! w-what are you doing?! m-mom! don't grab my tail! ow!ow! It's hurt! m-mom, I'm sorry, I'll listen to you from now on! Please let go of my tail....

"Awoo....." Puppy eyes attack! There's no way, you can resist an innocent puppy eyes!


Oh, I guess, you can resist puppy eyes. Mom! you are not human!.....well, I guess, you aren't human in the first place.

Well then, mom, then where are you taking me to? outside? but outside are too hot! I have no fur to cover myself! I will get burn! I will have skin cancer!....wait, can a dog have skin cancer? I think so, unless you shave off the fur and leave it in the desert, I guess. In the case of this scenario, Me! except there is no desert, only heat.


.....? did mom just drop me outside? mom! why did you throw me out of the house!? I will complain to dad! open the door!

"woof woof" (open the door)

"Awoo~" (please~)

Whatever! I will just stay right in front of the door until you open it. There is no way, you will stay in there forever!




<At Night>

S-so cold....I wish I had fur....I think 3 or 4 days later, I will have one but still....I will die! There is no way, I will die the first day, I born in this world.

"Awoo..." (Mom...)

Mom, Please come out!, I'm sorry, I won't rebel against you anymore! Just let me in! Please! I don't want to die like this!

Mom, If you let me in! I will do whatever you said, I can even go to the depth of hell!

Mom, If you let me in! I won't bite you!

Mom, If you let me in! I promise I won't punch you, kick you nor curse at you!

Mom, If I can get in! I will kill you! even if I can't kill you, I can still die with you and pull you to death with me!





Mom....you are in my blacklist despite knowing each other for 2 days only

why is my Mc sound like a mama boy?

JustAfatSlothcreators' thoughts