
The Richest CEO in the Universe

Who is the most powerful person in the world? If you asked Kyro he would state matter-of-factly "Naturally, the richest person is also the most powerful." ----------------------------------------------- The year is 2045. December 5, at 12:03 EST it happened. A sight humanity had been fearing for centuries. What seemed like an infinite number of Alien spaceships invaded Earth from every conceivable direction. Faced with an ultimatum, to surrender or die. What will humanity choose? Faced with a self made challenge, to become the richest CEO in the universe. How will Kyro achieve it? Follow Earths richest man Kyro on his journey to dominate the markets of the universe. ----------------------------------------------- Cover is not mine! If you own it and would like for me to take it down please message me privately.

Swedish · Ficção Científica
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2 Chs

The preparation

The first thing Kyro did was make a plan.

"Lets see... How can I use this knowledge to make the most amount of money possible?"

He knew he had to act quick. There was no telling when the spaceships would arrive at earth. Luckily it seemed as if they were still gathering troops at the edge of the solar system, so he had at least a day to get ready. Although this seemed like good news, he couldn't help but wonder why the alien spaceships even bothered to gather such a big army. From what Alfred had said it seemed as though the spaceships were far more advanced than anything humanity had to offer; it all just seemed a bit overkill.

"Well, thinking about it won't do me any good at this point." Kyro mumbled to himself.

He knew he had to be decisive. He opened his computer and without a second thought sold everything he owned at a discounted price. He sold his house, his cars, fancy watches and much more. Realistically these things would've never sold so quickly, but because was the richest man in the world everyone wanted to buy his items. He probably could've sold them above the market value, but that would take time. Time that he didn't have.

He also sold trillions of dollars worth of shares in a multitude of different companies. Naturally he did not sell it all at once. If he sold them all at once they would only plummet in value resulting in him losing billions. Instead, he would sell a tenth of all his stocks every hour, so by the tenth hour he would have sold them all. Of course, this method would still lose him a lot more money than he originally had in stocks, but it was the most efficient way to quickly liquidate all his assets.

The only stock he didn't sell was SpaceZ. Now that Kyro knew that alien life existed he suddenly had way bigger ambitions when it came to SpaceZ. Perhaps the chaos would result in a drop in SpaceZ stocks, but this was a temporary setback Kyro was willing to stand.

To some Kyro's actions would seem like a stupid move. After all, it wasn't confirmed that the aliens would attack earth, let alone cause any chaos. But Kyro had always been decisive. Perhaps this is one of the qualities which made him such a great businessman, and in turn the richest man in the world. Of course the 300 billion dollar fortune his father left him before he passed away certainly helped... But it still required precise business skills to turn a mere 300 billion dollars into a 3 trillion dollar empire in just a decade.

A lot had changed since his late father had passed away. In the 2030's the economy boomed and the world entered what many called its first golden era. 3 trillion dollars may seem like an absurd amount, but Kyro certainly wasn't the only trillionaire in the world. However, now he had something that every other trillionaire lacked: knowledge! Specifically, knowledge about an event that was about to turn the world upside down. As Sun Tzu best phrased it in The Art of War "In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity." Kyro was prepared to grasp this opportunity no matter what.

The first step of the plan was to liquidate all his assets. The first step was easy, but Kyro encountered a dilemma when it came to the second step of his plan. He had thousands of ways to make money knowing that massive chaos would soon descend. The problem was that money was likely to lose most - if not all - of its worth if the chaos turned out to be big enough. What worth would money have if anyone would sell their life savings for a loaf of bread in a heart beat?

The obvious solution to this problem would be stacking up on items that weren't dependant on money to have a value. Gold for instance is a precious metal that's limited in number and has historically been in high demand even during economic recessions. Gold would be valuable even if the world turned upside down.

But Kyro had bigger ambitions that would make playing it safe impossible. The moment he learned about alien life he had to set his sights far beyond earth.

He wanted to quickly get his hands on some of the aliens advanced technology!

To even have a tiny chance to achieve this he had to monopolise the resources which were valuable to aliens. That way he would be able to use those resources to trade directly with the aliens! Of course, this is only possible assuming the aliens don't just blow earth up. But there was really nothing Kyro could do to prepare for such an event, so he just bet everything on earth being spared.

He thought long and hard about what resource the aliens would want the most "Technology? They must have everything we have but better... Natural resources? If they are able to travel through solar systems they probably mine resource-packed meteors everyday... Food? They probably don't even eat the same food as we do... Data? No, that would- wait! Data!"

"Knowledge is power - even aliens must know this! The first thing they probably want from Earth is our data, to find out if we have anything of value to them. If I can buy up as much data as possible, i will be able to have a secret ace in future negotiations!"

"But buying up data will definitely be cheaper during the chaos. Who would hog their data when the end of the world is nearing?"

Kyro needed something to trade for data when the aliens invaded. Something people would be desperate to get.

And so the worlds richest man Kyro sold everything he owned and began buying up toilet paper, gas masks, canned food and similar strange products.


In the White House, Washington DC, United States of America.

Headlines regarding Kyro's bizarre actions quickly started dominating the news. They all looked quite similar:

"Kyro Tusk is Selling Everything! Has he Gone Crazy?"

"Did Kyro Tusk Get Hacked?"

"Is Kyro Tusk Preparing for a Zombie Invasion?"

The headlines got so big they eventually reached the leaders of the world.The president of the United States Jack Spencer was one of the leaders who first got news on Kyro's bizarre actions.

Jack read through the leaflet on his table with a frown on his face "It doesn't make any sense, Kyro is infamous for only caring about money. Why would he consciously make a move that would cost him billions? There must be something I'm missing..."

Jack stood up, and paced around the Presidential Desk. "Over the last 7 hours he has already sold 2 thirds of all his stocks. The only stock he isn't selling is SpaceZ... Could this all have something to do with SpaceZ?"

Eventually Jack made a decision. He immediately picked up his phone and dialed a number.

After just one beep a low voice answered the phone "Mr. President, what can I do for you?"

"Hi Jacob, immediately make preparations in case of an emergency."

Jacob was clearly surprised, but he stayed professional "Sir, such a big decision would need congresses approval."

"Fuck the congress, I use my presidential decree, just make sure we're ready for anything." Jack was clearly annoyed.

Stunned speechless, it took Jacob a second to respond. "Yes sir, right away. Oh right, what kind of emergency?"

"Prepare for all of them." Jacob answered and hung up the phone.

Finally he sat back down on his chair and went into deep thought. "I refuse to believe you've gone mad, Kyro. This will definitely be used against me in the next presidential run if you're wrong... I'm betting on you here."