
The Returner's Masterplan

Is this it?... the humanity's end?! Player Sung Hyeon returns from the tragedic future and promises to change it this time! What awaits him? Monsters? Villans? Power? Fame? Money? let's stick with him in this journey and find out!

NISH_nim · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


Hyeon returns home after successfully trying out his new abilities.

He opens the door slowly places his shoes and tries to walk to his room silently.

Hyeon! Where were you? Don't you know what time it is now?(It was already midnight as hyeon got lost in his training and forgot to keep track of the time) And you didn't even take your phone!? Where were you gone kid? Hayan stared at Hyeon's face with a suspicious and worried look.

Crap! I was so excited about trying out my skills, i forgot to take my mobile in the rush. What should i say now? Hyeon started thinking while bowing his head down slightly.

Should i say i went for a walk? No that would be too suspicious

What should i say? Damn it!

Ahhh yes! a idea struck Hyeon's head

Why aren't you speaking kid? I asked you something! Hyeon repeated.

"Ahh.. Noona! I just went to play to Jin Woo's house! He called me to play in his house in the afternoon! He said he got a new Xbox series. And it was so fun i forgot to keep track of time. Also i forgot to take my phone as i rushed in a hurry! " Hyeon replied.

"I'm sorry Noona i made you worry. This won't happen next time! I promise." He added


You brat making me worry! Okay i forgive you. But next time inform me when something like this happens!

Or else you know what will happen right? Hayan looked at hyeon with a scary gaze.

I-I know Noona! I will be careful next time! Hyeon quickly replied.

Okay dinner's ready wash your hands and come to the table. The food's served in the table, and be fast or the food will cool down. Saying this much Hayan walked inside the kitchen

Hyeon sighed in relief and quickly washed his hands changed his clothes and entered the dining room to have his meal.

Hyeon and Hayan walked into their own rooms as they completed the kitchen chores after having the dinner.

Hayan entered his room.

Haaaaaa.... today is a tiring day. So much to do!

I am tired after all that work go check my skills.


Hoo! What is this

Hyeon opened the notification bar in a eccentricity

Notifications were piled up one after another from the morning till the midnight in bulk.

Mana Control Ability Registered.

Mana Strengthening Ability Registered.

Pear Blossom Sword Ability Registered

Mana Infusion Skill Registered.

and soon

But there was one notification that caught Hyeon's eye


Open the notification to see the contents.

Open notification! Hyeon tried giving the command through his mind.

The notification message opened

User! For the sake of growth of user's shitty physique system will assign you with daily trainings. User will get rewards as user complete the training.

Note: Penalty will be applied if user doesn't complete the task within the specified time limit.

Time remaining 2.3 Hours

Huhh! It's already 10.30 now! Where do i go for all the training now? Whatever even if i could I'm too tired to go anywhere right now! I'm going to sleep now! Even if there's a penalty what great might it be that i won't be able to handle.

Saying this much Hyeon laid down in his bed and slowly closed his Eyes.

Tip Tip Tip.

Some seemed to be dripping into Hyeon's face.

Huhh where is this water dripping from?!

Did the terrace leak?

Hyeon tried to feel woth his hands around him to cover his face with the blanket.

Huhh... something seems wrong...?where is my bed and where the fuck is my blanket?

Hyeon slowly woke up trying to figure out what was happening in a daze. The room seemed to be painted with complete white! Moreover the windows seemed to be missing not only the windows were missing. The table , the bed his stuffs everything disappeared!

What is happening? Why the fuck is my room like this? Ah...wait a minute is this my room in the first place?

There seemed to be a large shadow behind Hyeon in the well lighted and spacious room.

Hyeon slowly turned his head back with a little nervousness.

At a sudden peek he felt petrified by the overwhelming beauty? of the thing standing right behind him!


Hyeon screamed and crawled back at an astonishingly speed as far as he could from what was staring at him from the beside.

A body giant enough to be compared to a titan, with not a single peice of skin covering any part of its body but only the muscles that seemed unpiercable were in glance remaining of which were covered with crystallized armor with gaps that could be rarely penetrated by any large weapons.

The only part which looked vulnerable was gruesomely ugly with tentacles lurking from part of its face where the eyes would locate. The tentacles were made of a blade like structure with the crystallized materials that made the armor which looked sharp enough to slice through steel like butter.


System! Damn this stupid system always doesn't respond when it's required.

System replied. Huhh what...i was sleeping so peacefully! Which bastard dares disturb my sleep.?!

Hyeon glared at the system panel that seemed to be looking for someone who woke it up!


Haha...i was just...

Anyways did you call me user?

"Yes! tell me what the fuck is that?" Hyeon replied pointing at the monster.

Ohh that... it's your penalty! You got a penalty mission for not completing your mission! Everything in this space will regenerate infinitely until the 3 hour timer goes off! Fight with all you have user! My best wishes!!

Now I'm off! See you later user!

The system panel closed.

"Hahahaha....i am supposed to fight this monster? For 3 hours ? And with also the infinite regeneration? I take back what i said! Someone save meee "-Hyeon

Monsters details:

Hell Spawn


Penalty Quest:Survive for 3 hours!