
The Restoration Mission for the Fallen Soledad Empire

Tabitha is given the responsibility to use time travelling magic in order to complete her listed missions and generally prevent the destruction of the Sacred Tree that supplements the Empire's growth. [Fusion Fiction]

SoldierWriter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Special Chapter/Page

[Tabitha Obiel will not be part of this as she is the protagonist]

[This page will not limit the basic details of what makes the characters great mages however will not be too detailed to the point of showcasing spoilers.]


[Personal Databases]

[1. Lilith Aurelia]

[Age: 16]

[Birth date: 13th of September, Year 978]

[Magic Circle Level: Six]

[Specialty: Fusion Magic (Master), Technology Magic, Inventory System and Unique Magic]

[Personal Spells: Eight]

[Experiments in Progress: Five]


[- Short blazing orange hair that almost looks red (wolfcut style)]

[- Wears formal clothes most of the time in pants]

[- Wears heavy makeup paired with red lipstick]

[- Looks mature and fairly tall compared to any other females her age (except Tabitha)]

[Additional Information:]

[- She is known as the "Greatest Successor of the Duchy Households"]

[- Her office and palace are too separate places. Her office is located in an area within the ruler-less capital's walls, while the Aurelia Household's territory is in the eastern-most side outside of the capital.]

[- The Aurelia Duchy, in general, is given the task to manage the eastern and northeastern boundaries close to the Living Forest. Lilith Aurelia is currently busy with not only handling data from that but also supporting the main magic technology enhancement companies.]



[2. Rougeus Malafur]

[Age: 21]

[Birth date: 20th of June, 973]

[Magic Circle Level: Six]

[Specialty: Fusion Magic, Assassination, Swordsman, Technology Magic, Inventory System and Unique Magic]

[Personal Spells: Eight]

[Experiments in Progress: Two]


[- He has a medium-long ebony hair that "looks like the night sky" because of the violet glow of his innate mana]

[- He is short and looks like a young boy in nature however he is a direct partner of Lilith Aurelia in professional occasions.]

[- Most often have a gloomy and unapproachable disposition however he is eccentric like the other direct heirs.]

[Additional Information:]

[- He is currently residing in an office that is close to the Sacred Temple, working with but also competing for the actual successor title (despite being the direct heir) with his cousin Suri Mardok]

[- He is the brilliant assassin of the Malafur Clan.]



[3. Hanzen Zarosa]

[Age: 21]

[Birth date: 1st of February, 973]

[Magic Circle Level: Four]

[Specialty: Advanced-Weaponry Magic, Inventory System, Advanced-Technology Magic, Alchemy, and Unique Magic]

[Personal Spells: Eight]

[Experiments in Progress: Thirteen]


[- He has a uniquely soft blue hair that tickles his ear (not literally).]

[- Aside from Rakhiel whose looks are otherworldly, this man looks like a prince charming from a book (not literally).]

[- Due to his job, he is always seen in a laboratory coat or apron. In formal events, he wears a prince-like aristocratic formal attire for men.]

[Additional Information:]

[- Hanzen works at ManaTech, a magic-technology focused company where he is a leader of his own team.]

[- He is called the 'Prince' of the heirs.]

[- The reason why his circle level is lower compared to the other heirs was because he wasn't interested in magic itself but rather equipment-making imbuing it with mana. Thus, all his experiments supply magic to the brain core rather than the heart core which increases the mana of the user.]

[- He was close to Rakhiel Obiel's mother before she passed.]



[4. Rakhiel Obiel]

[Age: 18]

[Birth date: 2nd of February, 976]

[Magic Circle Level: Six]

[Specialty: Weapon Master, Fusion Magic, Disguise-Technology Magic and Unique Magic]

[Personal Spells: Six]

[Experiments in Progress: One]


[- Rakhiel has a feminine look because of his lean body and long rose-gold hair that's usually styled like a female's.]

[- In actuality, Rakhiel is a muscular lean, tall gentleman with a sharp look if he removes his disguise by lowering his overall mass.]

[- He is the tallest out of all the heirs.]

[- Regularly, he wears dresses (cross dressing) ]

[Additional Information:]

[- He is a known playboy.]

[- He is the sword of the group.]



[5. Lanessa Guisen]

[Age: 17]

[Birth date: 30th of March, 977]

[Magic Circle Level: Six]

[Specialty: Advanced-Elemental Magic, Advanced-Binding Magic and Advanced-Fusion Magic]

[Personal Spells: Seven]

[Experiments in Progress: Zero]


[- She has a peach-colored hair hanging until her waist.]

[- She is petite and fair. Her appearance makes her look like a princess but her attitude is far from that.]

[Additional Information:]

[- Lanessa had lead an irreversible act towards someone when she was young, thus the reason why she (not a day missed) prays and asks forgiveness while offering blood and mana to the Sacred Tree.]

[- Despite how strict and aristocratic she acts, Lanessa is the most child-like and carefree person of the heirs.]

[- She used to be best friends with Lilith Aurelia]

[- Lanessa has no desire to become the head of the family nor the Guisen Duchess, however she had pledge that she will sharpen herself as a weapon for the family in return.



[6. Mariah Zarosa]

[Age: 15]

[Birth date: 5th of December, 979]

[Magic Circle Level: Six]

[Specialty: Alchemy, Technology-based Magic, Detection Core, Advanced-Fusion Magic]

[Personal Spells: Eight]

[Experiments in Progress: Zero]


[- She has a blonde bob-cut hair down to her shoulder, and curtain-like bangs in front.]

[- She has a soft blue eyes instead.]

[- She is the palest of all the direct or indirect heirs.]

[- Just like Lilith, Mariah wears an expressionless face but aside from that she looks bored and indifferent in nature, only making expressions of annoyance on other occasions.]

[Additional Information:]

[- Unlike the other Zarosa members, she is the only unique one. It is because she had advanced at circle 4 when she was just 8 years old. Due to the sudden mana surge within her cores caused by the unqualified body, some aspects of her had gone lighter.]

[- She is the official genius mage of all the heirs.]

[- In the history of Soledad Empire, she is the only one who had acquired three cores. The additional one permeating within her eyes as the 'Detection Core' or exclusively called 'Eyes of Truth'. Those eyes are able to see through disguises and filter out the lies in their words.]

[- Despite her title she is just lavishly enjoying her time as a 'wanderer' of sorts.]



[7. Suri Mardok]

[Age: 17]

[Birth date: 20th of May, 977]

[Magic Circle Level: Five]

[Specialty: Advanced-Elemental Magic, and Advanced-Fusion Magic]

[Personal Spells: Five]

[Experiments in Progress: Four]


[- Suri has a clean-cut brown hair.]

[- He is tan and a bit more muscular than Rougeus.]

[- He looks fairly approachable and friendly, and his overall body language had a refreshing aura to it compared to the other heirs.]

[Additional Information:]

[- His favorite cousin is Rouge.]

[- Despite the neck-to-neck competition of him and Rouge for the successor role, he actually just wants to help his favorite cousin to succeed smoothly with a healthy motivation to strive hard.]