

  Ariana's POV

  It was the day of my big final rehearsals, ever since that last incident, Ms. Bennie had not been responding to my practice, she would just sit and watch me do whatever without any contribution whatsoever, I wondered why she was being so hostile o towards me, I hadn't done anything wrong to her. Today is the day of my big final rehearsals before I'll do my commercial and then it will be aired, although, I had practiced on my own, I was still a nervous wreck, all the models were already seated, waiting to see what I've got that made me to be chosen as the face instead of them, from the corner of my eyes, I saw Samantha smirking, she probably wished I'll fail so I could be replaced.

  "Spot please" I managed to rasp in my nervousness and Olivia came forward with her makeup kit and did a retouch on me.