
Chapter 1 Death

  "Hang in there miss"

" You'll be fine"

Those were the words I could faintly hear as the light became dim slowly

Eyes too heavy to stay awake


Pain was all I could feel at that dreadful night after I was shot by God knows who

Never had an enemy or involved with mafia gangs...

The pains was slowly blinding me, sucking my soul as I almost melted away like a cotton

I can't die....not like this

I tried to stay awake but it was more difficult than moving a mountain..I was literally fading

" Bring in the oxygen" shouted by one of the doctors in the surgery room

At this time,I could feel he was already frustrated and maybe..sweaty

The monitor kept making inaudible sounds

My breathing became more shallow as I passed out and that was it



I felt a sharp pain on my head as if being hit by an hammer


I slowly opened my eyes while rubbing my messy hair that was so tangled up

Adjusting my eyes abit because of the rays of sunshine coming through the window only to be met with a strange room

Getting up from the bed as fast as lightening to observe my surroundings

Modern room covered in marbles, high ceilings that gave an open feeling

I was currently sitting on a king size bed covered in pink sheets and pink duvets

Looks like a room of a princess..

But wait....

Thought I died in the surgery room after being shot close to my warehouse

How the hell did I get into this strange room??

Thoughts after thoughts kept streaming into my head as I stood up to check out the room in more details

I saw a walk-in closet place around the corner of the room with a set of mirror, table and chair placed together with sets of cosmetics lying ontop the table

What a luxurious life

I went to the mirror but what I saw left me dumbfounded,I became short of words as I couldn't believe what I was seeing


" How so??" I only managed to ask myself but was more shocked at the tone my mouth produced

I knew I didn't sound like this

Looking at the reflection in the mirror I felt downcast because

I looked like a freaky seventeen years old!!!

That was when it hit me.... I've been reincarnated...

I touched my face,it felt so soft and silky,I was more fairer and had dark eyeballs with a dark as ink coloured hair just above my shoulders

Slender build and all bony

Was the former owner of this body suffering??


Having had this chance of a second life,I wasn't going to waste it

I'll change my fate, and get back at Michelle who caused my death

At my warehouse,I was confronted by Michelle who pointed the gun at my head

I could still remember those words

" You freak!! Bitch I curse you..you took everything from me,my name,my things and my man

You're such a vixen,I wouldn't let you off so easily,in school you were the teachers favorite while I came in second

You had good results and pass each course with ease while I struggled and then you pretend to teach me while you were showing your strength and making mockery of me,we left high school, University and got jobs but you....you built a four star restaurant and had Junior chefs under you while I was just a secretary for a horny fat pig of a man"

" And you stole Adrian from me,you wench!!! You knew I loved him but you got him enchanted to you that he looks like a fool...if I can't have him,then you wouldn't not in this lifetime or the next, Wench!!!"

Before I could explain; before I could say I had nothing to do with Adrian,she pulled the trigger but I somehow managed to dodge but was still hit anyways,on the neck actually...

I'll get my revenge on you Michelle, just you watch out

And just then my head started to pound as if ten men were beating a drum on my head, it felt painful..and just then the memory of the owner of this body came streaming in

She had suffered alot,she was the third miss of the Brenton family but was held captive by a fierce man,whom  she had been staying with since she was fifteen after being kidnapped by human traffickers but was sold off in an auction house and was bought by Raymond,the fierce man

My life was much more better than hers!!

I thought to myself because I had lived a life full of luxury as my father was a business man who specializes on Jade mining

Though it was a tricky and risky business but still,luck was by my father's side so I lived really comfortably

Still dwelling in my thoughts I was really surprised when the door burst opened and a fair looking man who would be around twenty five years old,short and curly hairs that looks really eye catching because of high maintenance,thin and red glossy lips

Eyes so fierce and cold, eyebrows joining together simply giving a disapproving look

But those eyeballs...those oceans like eyeballs,so blue and clear

As if being stared out by those eyes you might become so transparent and small

Eyes so discerning and translucent,pure and as well evil roams in between

It must be him, Raymond...

" You finally woke up, I see you have gotten so bold little brunette,the less trouble you make,then less you get harmed and I've told you that several times" he immediately shouted at me when he came in and looked extremely angry and I wasn't so surprised because from the memories I obtained, earlier I tried to jump from the roof when I was given just a single moment of freedom and I happened to be caught by Raymond before I hit the ground but I still had some lingering fear in me

So my name was brunette...not so bad

I only pouted my small lips like an abandoned puppy as I just stare at him feigning grievance with a puppy like eyes

I was really good at playing the pity card

But I guess my act just made him so speechless and loss of words because he just stared at me without saying a word and just looked at me as if trying to decipher if I was the real brunette or a fake...


New novel from your pal💙♥️pls rate🙊I know it's kinda short but plss...

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