
The Reign of a Mafia Queen

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  • 5 Chs
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What is The Reign of a Mafia Queen

Leia o romance The Reign of a Mafia Queen escrito pelo autor TANG_LIHUA publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Her Deceiver

Raising her head she looked at him with a hint of disbelief in her eyes. He slapped her. But she knows that this would happen. She expected much worse. Probably death according to her experience. Now his expressions are visible. He looked broken rather than angry. He looked like a man who is in pain. Another tear passed as he inhaled audibly and exhaled as if it is releasing his pain. But something looked more in him. The heaviness in his heart. Or might be the decision he too His hand reached to her face making her flinch as her eyes flickered snapping them between his fingers and him in a split second. But his forefinger only traced the outline of her face from her loose hairline to her chin adoring her features as if he is going to miss them in the future. His thumb rubbed her cheek gently caressing them, his eyes showing the sincerity of his affection and action but also held the hint of broken feeling and missing feeling. "You wanted to be free that badly". "From me"? "To this extent". He asked her, the back of his hand smoothly rubbing her jaw and cheek. His thumb caressed her lower lip from one end to the other end. "Fine then. I will leave you. I will release you from this cage---". Now his eyes spared the time to look into her eyes and his hand took her hand in his. "----Not because you wanted. It's because that is the only thing I could do other than hurting you". His teeth ground with each other as he said. "I'm afraid-----afraid that I might hurt you someday and I'm fucking more afraid that regret eats me like shit when I do that to you". His face twisted in anger saying that as his hand-applied more pressure making her yelp in pain. With a hsss sound, he pointed his finger to her aggressively and said in his tears gritting his teeth. "Hsss. I fucking loved you, I loved you so much and I never once treated you badly. I showed you my love in the most possible way ever. I made efforts in convincing you to accept the real me but you fucking betrayed me. YOU FUCKING BETRAYED ME. I agree I deceived you, I agree I betrayed you but this isn't the right thing for you to do this to me. My men lost their lives because of you. I betrayed you and you betrayed me but it is a different thing for you to do this to me". "But the feelings are mutual Andrey. . . . . They are mutual. The pain that we feel, knowing that our loved ones betrayed us is mutual. You can't blame me. I felt the same. But in your case, betrayal costs things, Andrey". She said referring to the lives of his men. His jaw clenched as the hot tears trailed out of his eyes and it hurt her for making him cry. Deceived or not, betrayal or not, she loved him and it hurts her when she sees him crying. Never once did he cries in front of her, not atleast like this broken. That didn't feel well with her. "I fucking love you enough to let you go". Saying that he slammed the papers on her face for which she caught them. "You betrayed me for your freedom...... Since you hate living with me, let's separate our ways".

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A Special Indigo Girl

Wanita cantik bak bidadari yang menjadi idola di kampus nya ternyata memiliki kemampuan lebih yang tak diketahui oleh siapapun kecuali keluarga nya. RAINA QUEEN ELVARETTE, sesuai namanya yang cantik Raina berwajah cantik sangat cantik dan memiliki wajah yang begitu tenang serta dia juga memiliki kepandaian yang tak diragukan lagi. Raina adalah seorang indigo sejak kecil kemampuan indigo nya tak membuat dia terlihat aneh seperti orang indigo pada umumnya, karena ia sangat tenang. Kehidupan yang sesungguhnya menjadi seorang indigo di mulai sejak ia menikah dengan AXEL CHANDRAWINATA teman satu kampus yang juga merupakan idola kampus. AXEL CHANDRAWINATA memiliki ketampanan yang luar biasa, kepandaian yang luar biasa dan pasti nya cool luar biasa. Axel memilih Jiwa yang kuat, oleh karena itu setiap Raina dekat dengan Axel pasti aura negatif yang mengincar Raina akan menjauh. mereka berdua sama-sama cuek tapi Cinta tumbuh diantara mereka seiring berjalannya waktu sampai ke jenjang pernikahan. "Kenapa kamu baru bilang sekarang bahwa kamu seorang indigo?!" tanya Axel dengan nada yang cukup tinggi. "Maaf aku berniat memberitahu mu lebih awal, tetapi selalu terhalang dan juga aku begitu takut untuk mengatakan nya," ucap Raina menunduk dan menangis. Apakah Axel akan terima dengan Rahasia yang di sembunyikan Raina selama itu? atau Axel akan menceraikan Raina yang baru menjadi istrinya itu? Ikuti terus ceritanya ya agar rasa penasaran kalian terjawab❤️❤️ Oh ya ini merupakan karya ku yang juga ada di apk Novel Lain jadi, bukan hasil jiplakan karya punya orang Lain ya tapi punya sendiri dan juga disini banyak perubahan dari apk sebelum nya yang sudah tidak di lanjutkan lagi cerita nya jadi disini bakal sedikit di rubah dan dilanjutkan.

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  • Taxa Geral
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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
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  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo
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I love this story. I can already tell that The main girl is gonna be a badass. I can't wait for the next updates. I wanna find out what happens between kai tang and athena queen


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