
The regressed hunter (DROPPED)-read last chapter for more information

Violet was a healer for her party. As a hunter she also knew how to fight but she was a bit weaker than the others hence she usually didn't really fight and just focused on healing. One day they were fighting some monsters when all of a suddend three hords of monsters suddendly joined, as well as a hidden boss so her party left her behind. What will happen to Violet and how will she deal with their betrayal?

AkiraDaoistW67wuv · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Dungeon raid part two

If it was the old me I would have probably pissed myself as I knew how weak I was in the past compared to most of the hunters in our guild and outside of it. I quickly got rid of the useless thoughts and my emotions as I took a deep breath and entered the dungeon. When the newbies saw how beautiful the entrance was they were mesmerized and they quickly forgot where they were, going as far as lowering their guard, which could be really dangerous, especially in a dungeon during a raid. I mentally sighed and slapped my palm on my forehead as a gesture of pure astonishment and bewilderment at their carelessness as I thought: "Newbies..." I could feel magic being used so I looked around with eagle eyes to see a witch with a horde of goblins protecting so I cursed in my head and got ready to fight as I knew the rest of the party couldn't fight since they were bewitched. I quickly scanned the area to try to find a better spot to fight and sighed in relief when I found it. After coating the daggers with a bit of poison I got ready and used the skill haste, quickly killing a group of goblins and used the skill feast to kill the rest, being careful of not looking at the witch's eyes as I didn't want to get bewitched and making sure to say out of the witch's range attacks. After getting rid of the troublesome goblins I casted a shield spell on myself and pushed forward, injuring the witch once as I then used my other skill freeze to freeze her than destroy her, making the hilt of the sword hit the freezed witch but I knew this wouldn't be the end. It couldn't be this easy. I was able to nullify their bewitched state and they frowned, understanding what they did and what happened. When I finally got them out of their state we went forward, reaching another room, the same room that connects te treasure room of this dungeon with the dungeon itself and I frowned as I thought: "Isn't this too easy? Isn't something going in a strange way? I somehow have a bad feeling this isn't the end..." I quickly drank a healing potion and a stamina potion asI heard the noise of skeletons and I blamed my mouth as I didn't have any counter measures for skeletons and cursed my crappy luck. I was about to give up when I heard her voice in my head asking. "You need my help?" I asked: "What do you think?" she said. "Let me take over" I said: "Ok but don't do anything stupid" and I blacked out. When I opened my eyes I was in the bossroom, the nebies were knocked out but were still all in one piece which was positive. I took a look at the boss 'she' slayed and cursed, thinking of a way to fix this mess or at least make it so the newbies never speak of this accident again as I knew my parents wouldn't let me go if they found out. Nathan understood what I was worried about so he said: "You could use the binding contract. It should work just fine with them" I sighed and thought: "Will the others find out about it?" he said: "No. It's a contract from the system after all, it's similar to the one we did with 'him'" I nodded and bought the binding contract as I woke them up and made them sign it, thinking of what to tell my parents. As soon as we got out of the dungeon I could see my parents talking with one of the managers from the guild association and I called Ethan as I said: "You are lucky nobody found out or I would have skinned you alive. I'm going to your office, prepare a driver I'm going to avoid talking with my parents for a bit" he said: "Already did. I already guess that this would have happened so I called my personal driver. Hope you don't mind" I smiled and said: "I'll see you in 10 minutes" I hang up and waited for the driver to arrive and when he did I greeted him ang got in the car. As soon as I got there Ethan said: "I was able to register you as an official hunter. The guild association will support you as a future talented hunter or so they said. Looks like you will be able to get what you want sooner than you thought, boss" I hit him in the head and said: "I didn't ask you to do that. You should have told me...well...I guess it worked in the end so I will let it go but next time tell me what you are planning you big idiot. I don't like surprises I'm not ready for" he said: "Yes boss. I will be sure to remember that" I was about to say something when I heard the phone ringing to see it was Melody so I answered the call to hear her say: "Boss we were able to find out who was the one that gave his brother the memory pill" I asked: "How is it? Would we be able to touch him right now?" she said: "I would like to suggest waiting. I don't think it's a good idea to provoke them right now" I nodded and said: "Ok then. Tomorrow we will plan out what to do" I hang up and sighed as I said: "Ethan, lend me your sister and make her my manager until I'm 18. She is one of the few people I trust with this job" he asked: "Did something happen?" I said: "I'm not sure yet and this is exactly why I need her" he said: "I should be able to convince her to be your manager but no promises. You know how she is" I nodded and said: "I should go now. My parents are already here. Let me know when you convince her"