
The Red Queen Of Gotham City

Gotham city the hotbed of organised crime, with gangs like the jokers, two face, penguin and many others, with a city full of big time criminals and facility’s like Arkham or Blackgate that are supposed to keep people like this locked up, however one such gang of criminals known as the Oucasts or the Circus, led by the shadowy Red Queen and her right hand Jest, took things to another level and made sure to make it clear that they were not to be trifled with, but when they started kidnapping people to join their “family” Batman went after them, but found a sad truth behind why.

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4 Chs

The Bat Incident.

(A small theme park just outside Gotham)

The Red Queen, a criminal that even Batman has to admit is incredibly smart, she outwitted his attempts at tracking them down for a good while by using intermediators who would do things without any link to her, she made sure to cover her tracks expertly, but this time she slipped up and now he has her, he glides down and heads into the main building of the theme park.

(Main building)

When he gets there he sees a lot of goons wearing Jester costumes, Clown suits and other circus like apparel much like Joker only these appear to have a white and black theme like Harley, he listens in on the conversation two of the goons are having "So, you think Bat I'll pay us a visit" the other laughs "He can try but if he try's to apprehend the Queen then Jest, I'll cut him in half" the other nods "Yeah, but let's hope that he doesn't show up, last thing we need is him ruining our recruiting for our "family". Batman then knocks the two out before beating up the others, as he's about to leave a large tv on the wall turns on and reveals The Red Queen herself in her Red and white Jester outfit on her makeshift throne with her right hand Jest standing motionless beside her in a black and red variant of her costume "Is this thing on, Oh hi Batman, come to finally try and ruin my recruiting for family members" Batman nods "Recruiting, you mean kidnapping" she laughs "Call what you want, but it works wonders now do me a favour and leave, I don't need the trouble" Batman shakes his head "No...I'm taking you down" her face darkens "Well, then Gotham's gonna need a new bat" the tv turns off and Batman heads further into the building.

(Red Queens throne room)

"Who does that idiot bat think he is, Ill show him" she turns to Jest "Jest, dear can you sound the alarm for the family" he nods and pulls a lever which gives off a silent alarm telling them the bat is here.

(Near the throne room)

Batman realises they have a silent alarm and begins fighting several goons before being surrounded by them, one of the female jesters manages to knock him out "I got him" the others laugh "Yeah, now let's take him to Red" they nod and take him to Red binding him to a chair in front of the throne.

(The throne room)

Batman groggily wakes and realises that he's missing his belt and his tied to a chair, his eyes adjust to the light and he sees The Red Queen on her throne in front of him with Jest beside her still standing motionless "Oh, your awake how about that" she gets up of her throne and holds his belt in front of him "You must be quite rich, all these expensive things but tell me did you earn any of it" Batman looks at her surprised "I thought not, I think your some rich boy who suffered from a criminal and now thinks he can stomp any criminal due to intense combat training" Batman is shocked, how did she figure him out so easily "Surprised, well, mind control and mind reading can do that, to you" Batman looks her annoyed but just gets slapped and Red walks back to her throne "I want to share with you my philosophy but also how I "recruit" new family members". Two goons bring in a homeless man tied and gagged and set him down in front of Red, she puts her hand on his head and begins brain washing him of any of his past memories and replaces them with ones of being part of her family after that she releases him and he goes with the goons to get changed. Batman looks at her in suprise "You" she nods "Another name people gives us are the outcasts as we take in those who don't have a home or family and welcome them here with open arms, most join us willingly and only need to be given a suggestion to obey me while others like that one who just left require more control then others" Batman struggles to get free "You won't get away with this, I will bring you and your group in" he feels a pain in his shoulder and grunts and looks to his side to Jest with a red bladed knife with a black and red handle in his shoulder "I doubt that" he then takes the knife out a moves with inhuman speed back to Red. She strokes his cheek "Thank you dear" Jest nods, Red then laughs "Oh, Jest would you send our unwelcome guest back out please" Jest nods and uses his telekinesis to throw Batman and the chair he's tied to out of a story window, when he gets up he realises that Red's men brought him back to Gotham, he sighs and heads back to the bat cave to plan a different form of attack.

(The Throne Room)

Red grabs Jest and kisses him "Thank you, Reven dear" Reven returns the kiss "Of course Jessica" Jessica and him then head to their own personal quarters and put a sign on the door saying "Do not disturb unless absolutely essential" she then begins to form a plan to deal with the bat, but also unwind a little with Reven.