
The Rabbit Hole

let's say you find this huge hole in the forest, are you jumping in? of course not but what if you trip into it, well follow our main character as he falls into a wonderful and scary land as a Rabbit.

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 21 F Rank




Name: Midin

Strength: 8

Mana: 33

Agility: 9

Intelligents: 25

Stamina: 8

Endurance: 20






Fighter Rabbit



New Stealing (F)

New Quick attack (F)

New Dodge (F)

New Multiplication (ZZ)

Mine (F)

Explode (F)

Hardening (D)

Entice (F)

Telekinesis (B)

Dark (E)

Light (F)

Earth Bullet (F)

Wind (F)

Water (F)

Magical Arrow (F)

Slam (D)

Slash (E)

Heal (D)

Fireball (E)

Water Blast (F)

Wind push (F)

Earth wall (F)

Back stab (D)

Passive Skills


Bomber (S)

Description: when there is more than 5 enemies infront of you, bombs will appear above their head, they have a timer of 5 seconds.

Eagle eye (S)

Strong Will(S)

Battle sense(S)

New Magic Master (S)

The Greatest Shield (S)




Gloves of Hanuman

Description: increases the user strength by 150%. You will get an extra boost if fighting other boxer types.




Loincloth of toughness

Description: Any damage done to user will be reduced by 110%. You will get a boost if you are fighting a boxer.


Jeez I look huge, I'm built, I don't think I've ever had this much muscle before. I don't think I've ever worn a Loincloth before. These gloves are made of mostly cloth too.

Since I died, I don't feel tired anymore, if anything I feel really refreshed.

So I I guess I'll head to the guild to take the tests to go up in Rank, I can get to F Rank easy, if I'm correct I need 5 more levels for D Rank. That's when it starts getting hard.

I told plink and wobbler, that they could come but we weren't going to the dungeons, just a test, they chose to stay at the apartment. I went straight to the guild. Walked in and then i saw that homeless person, at the trashcan.

(Midin) hey Morale I'm here to Rank up

(Morale) who are you, nice muscles, I always loved muscles.

(Midin) it's me, midin.

(Morale) Cap, you never looked that good, what happened?

(Midin) I'm a Fighter Rabbit.

(Morale) I mean I know that but you face has changed?

That's confusing maybe my face looks more muscular, most rabbit faces look the same.

(Midin) well I leveled up alot since we last talked, I'm half way to D Rank level.

(Morale) Your level 15, it's been one day, how is that possible. Alright let's get your F Rank test ready.

(Midin) alright.

(Morales) before you go in the room, there is actually two monster that can be in this dungeon, one is the FrogFolk, and LizardFolk.

We went to the test Rank, I jumped into hole.

It was a swamp, and a very foggy one at that, it was hard to move in the water. I have to fight in this? Wait I have levitation.


Now I'm just floating over the swamp, this is easier to see now and easier to go where I want.

I should probably activate Battle sense so I don't get jumpscared my something.

Battle sense

Right when I activated it, I say a glimmer of something, it came flight at me, it's and arrow, I dodge easily, but when I looked down I saw little frog people, then when I was going down to attack, they got attack from behind by spears, being used by the lizardfolk, they are bigger and stronger than them.

All I have is my fists, since their already fighting, I'm going to attack them, so I can get both of their gems.

I flew and punch one of the frogs into the water, the lizards tried to use a spear to stab me, but when they stabbed me, it broke their weapon, I turned around and punch the enemy in the stomach, killing it instantly. It's nice the menu auto takes the gems out of the body for me.

After that I looked for a hole, but when I found it, it was filled with water, so I had to swim, I don't believe in myself, so I just used levitation again, and pushed my self through.

(Morale) your already back? And you don't have any blood on you?

(Midin) well the hole was filled with water so it kinda just cleaned it off all my hair is wet, and I feel like a mop.

(Morale) here, your officially a F Rank.

(Midin) thanks, I don't want to sell the gem I got from the demon, I'll probably give it to plink, for her evolution.

I left the guild, I headed to the dungeons to find a swordsmith, so I can have another weapon for plink to turn into, there was several swordsmiths, they were all very long lines, I found one, that had no one in it, I walked In, it felt safe in the shop, I wen't to the counter, and rang the bell...

*Ring, Ring*


(Unknown) customer hello I'm klyde, and I'll be making you sword today.

(Midin) ok klyde I want a sword for my F Rank dungeon.

(Klyde) F RANK that's the highest I've ever done, are you sure, people don't like coming here because my hands shake alot when I'm making things so people get mad when I mess up.

(Midin) oh don't worry about that I'm fine even if the sword sucks, just need one.

(Klyde) here you can look at my menu, so you can confirm.




Name: Klyde

Strength: 23

Mana: 1

Agility: 1

Intelligents: 25

Stamina: 20

Endurance: 20






Swordsmith Rabbit



Sword Master (SS)

Sword smithing (Z)

Blessed (A)

Calm Breathing (Z)

Passive Skills


Sword Love (S)

Description: the user will love everything to do with swords.


(Midin) alright, by the way how many gems you wan't, just give a number doesn't matter

(Klyde) well sir, let's say 10, but if you want a high quality one 20.

(Midin) alright I'll be back in two day, have a nice day klyde.

I left and headed to my inn, I got into my room, and wobbler and plink were playing with wobbler's magic.

Plink come here.

(Plink) *jumps over to me*

(Midin) here plink you can have the gem we got from killing the demon. It's a Z Rank gem so it should evolve her.

I won't be showing how much he's making, or showing how much he's giving, it'll get repetitive, but when. the manga comes out it will show.

xXSpiderGamingXxcreators' thoughts