
The Quintessential Quintuplets : A Tale of Five Routes and a Harem

A fanfic about The Quintessential Quintuplets. With each Quint having their own route and a different girl Fuutarou meets when he's just a kid, how will the story turn out? Ichika Route : Finished (Will be rewritten) Nino Route : Finished (Will be rewritten) Miku Route : Current Route Yotsuba Route : To Be Written Itsuki Route : To Be Written Harem Route : To Be Written - My first fanfic, go easy on me. I may not be the best storyteller, but I'd still like to share a story with you guys. - How do you all like the new title? Tell me in the comments. Formerly known as : 5 Cake Slices - Reposted because of reasons.

LoliConnoisseur · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 01 - Meeting the Quints

"One barbecue set."

Fuutarou ordered his usual meal. The barbecue set is composed of Rice, Barbecue, Miso soup and pickled vegetables and it costs 400 yen. After stopping for water on the way, Fuutarou went to his favorite spot. Unfortunately or fortunately a redhead was headed for the same place.

"Hey come on!" The girl uttered. This girl has serious look with medium-length hair and an expressive ahoge. She has reddish-orange hair colour. With a pair of star-shaped hairpins near both of her eyes as accessories. She has dark blue eyes, an average height, and a well-endowed figure. Her uniform is different from what his school wears. "I'm here first. That seat over there is empty so you can move over."

'This girl...' Fuutarou thought but then smiled mischievously. He brought his face close to hers and said,

"Oh really?"

The girl took a step back, as a tint of pink crept through her cheeks. The girl was completely baffled by his course of action and while she's in daze, Fuutarou sat on the chair while putting his tray on the table.

The sound of the tray hitting the table broke the girl in daze. She looked at him, fuming but it went away as quickly as it came. She then sat down and placed her tray on the table. At that moment, Fuutarou saw her food. Her tray was completely decked out. Her food consists of Udon noodles, two Grilled Shrimp, Grilled Squid, Grilled Oak, baked potato and a pudding.

Fuutarou looked at the food and the girl back and forth, and chuckled softly. The girl caught Fuutarou staring and fidgeted at his gaze. Her cheeks were red, a bit embarrassed but decided to focus on her food. Fuutarou saw this laughed inwardly and focused on reviewing his test.

"Excuse me but where are your manners?" The girl said as she reprimanded Fuutarou.

"Hmmm? Oh don't mind me I'm just reviewing my exam." Fuutarou spoke without looking away from his notes.

"You must be desperate, studying while eating. Let me see." The girl said as she grabbed his exam. "Uesugi Fuutarou, the score is... 100 points."

"Ah, how embarrassing." Fuutarou said in a monotone voice while giving the girl a smirk.

Hearing what he said, the girl pouted. "You... You showed this on purpose didn't you!" The girl exclaimed, absolutely fuming.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He told her while acting the victim.

But then an idea suddenly popped into her mind. Safe to say she isn't dumb as she looked. "I have a great idea! And while you're already here! Please teach me!"

"I really don't mind but it's going cost you know?" While Fuutarou didn't mind teaching for free, he needed the money for extra.

"Really! Thank you so much! And please don't worry about the money. Oh and my name is Nakano Itsuki, nice to meet you and please take care of me!" The girl, Itsuki introduced herself.

"Well I'll introduce myself even though you already knew my name. My name is Uesugi Fuutarou nice to meet you." Fuutarou said while finishing his remaining food. "Thank you for the food." He mumbled and stood up. "Well I'll see you later Itsuki-chan." Fuutarou said as he smiled at her. "Oh and please reconsider ordering too much or you'll end up a bit fluffy." As he chuckled silently and walked away.

"Wha-!? Uesugi-kun!" Itsuki shouted as her face was red as a tomato and if you look closely, smoke is rising from her head.


While walking towards his classroom, Fuutarou received a message from his little sister, Raiha.

-Are you eating alone again? Call me

'Raiha? I guess I'll head to the bathroom'


-Onii-chan! Dad just found a good part time job for you!-


-Well it turns out that the family just move here recently and is looking for a tutor for their daughters. And they said that they would pay 5 times as much. You can now earn extra while working that job too-

"Well thats great Raiha. Did they say their name Raiha?"

-Hmm... I think they said Nakano? Uhhhh yeah that!-

"Well thank you Raiha. Let's talk later, classes are about to start."

-Bye bye Onii-chan! Love you!-

"Love you too Raiha."


"I'm Nakano Itsuki, nice to meet you and please take care of me!" Itsuki introduced herself in front of the class. Fuutarou looked at her amused.

After introducing herself some whispers can be heard.

"Wow she's so cute!"

"Look at her uniform! Isn't it the Black Rose uniform?"

"Oh she must be from a rich family then!"

"Her sizes are- OUCHHH!"

"Alright everyone settle down. Miss Nakano please sit where it's free."

"Yes" Itsuki replies and nods as she walked into the chair next to someone she knew.

"Oh Itsuki, it seems that we are classmates. Luckily we're near other, and it'll be easier to teach you." Fuutarou said as he smiled.

She smiled brightly as she didn't have to look for her tutor. Fuutarou sees this and smiles. Their interaction didn't go unnoticed by their classmates as that got them wondering what's their relationship.

The teacher started to discuss the lesson. Itsuki was struggling with the lectures and Fuutarou noticed it. He took notes and called her silently. Itsuki turned her head towards her tutor. He passed the notes he wrote to her. Itsuki's face beamed as she received the notes from her tutor.

After the classes ended, Fuutarou and Itsuki went to the library together. Fuutarou asked what subjects that she fails to understand. Itsuki blushes as she said "A-all of it."

Fuutarou who is surprised, stares at Itsuki and chuckles. Itsuki who was red went redder as smoke can be seen rising from her head. Fuutarou then walked around the library looking for books that can be used to teach her.

After getting the learning materials, Fuutarou taught Itsuki and gave her a short quiz at the end. The quiz has 20 Items and the questions she got right were 13. Itsuki smiled at the score she got. Fuutarou was proud at her as she learned quick.


Fuutarou now outside with Itsuki walked together.

"Thank you so much for today Uesugi-kun!"

"Your welcome Itsuki. Also it seems that I'll really be your tutor Itsuki."

"Huh? What do you mean Uesugi-kun?"

"Well I got hired by your dad to teach you." Fuutarou said as he watched Itsuki's face as she went in different expressions.

"Really? U-umm Uesugi-kun can we go together? I can show you the way to our house."

"I would like that and Itsuki just call me Fuutarou."

"I c-can't do that."

"Why not?"

"B-because it's immoral." She mumbled.

"Is it? Then I'll just call you Nakano-san."

"Ah please call me Itsuki. If you call me that you'll just get confused."

"Why is that?" Fuutarou asked

"You'll see." Itsuki Replied


After walking for some time, Fuutarou and Itsuki finally arrived to Itsuki's house. its a thirty-story super high-rise apartment. Fuutarou was shocked as he looked at the height of the building but his astonishment lasted for only a brief time as he and his family live in a nice apartment.

"You live here?" Asked Fuutarou.

"Yes! Me and my sisters live here."

"Sisters?" Asked Fuutarou who was bewildered.

"We're Quintuplets!" Replied Itsuki happily.

"Ah I see, that's why you said that I'll get confused. Well with a beautiful face like that I'll surely get confused." Fuutarou said as he smiles.

'He called me beautiful again!' Said Itsuki inwardly. "T-thank you U-uesugi-kun." She blushed as she was embarrassed from his compliment.

While they were talking 4 people came out of the apartment. Their focus is on the girl and called her out.

" " " "Itsuki!" " " "

"E-everyone..." The girl in question, Itsuki replied. The 4 girls breathed sigh of relief. And then looked at the boy companion of their sister. 4 of them has their of expression. One girl has a teasing smile, another showed hostility, the other one showed a cautious expression and lastly a curious girl.

"Ara ara, Itsuki-chan brought her boyfriend home." The girl with very short hair that has a single long strand on the right side. She has white-pink hair colour. With single earring as her accessory which is placed on her right ear. Like Itsuki, she has dark blue eyes, an average height, and a well-endowed figure.

"It's not l-like that Ichika!" Itsuki exclaimed as she rebukes her sister. The girl or Ichika giggled at her sister's reply.

'Ichika?'When Fuutarou heard that name he was suddenly bombarded with flashbacks of the one he met in Kyoto, five years ago.

"Itsuki get over here!" A girl who was showing hostility earlier said as she pulled Itsuki into their small group. She's a cute and cold-looking girl with waist-length or hip-length straight hair that has square bangs hanging over her eyebrows. She has reddish-pink hair. Her accessories are twin butterfly-shaped ribbons on both sides of her head. Like her sisters, she has dark blue eyes, an average height, and a well-endowed figure.

"Ahh! Nino not so rough." Itsuki said as she let her sister or Nino pull her.

(AN : Get your mind out of the gutter. This is a wholesome scene where two girls are getting touchy with each other... Wait.)

"Where were you earlier? Were you doing naughty stuff with this boy?" Another girl asked. She's an emotionless looking girl with medium-length red hair that has strands of hair hanging over the right side of her face . Her notable accessory is a set of wireless headphones that have a triangle-shaped logo on the ear cups. And because they're sisters, she has dark blue eyes, an average height, and a well-endowed figure.

"Wha- what are you saying Miku?!" Itsuki shouted as she found her sister's question absurd. The girl or Miku only nods didn't speak more than that.

"Hello! I'm Nakano Yotsuba! Nice to meet you!" The girl or Yotsuba introduced herself. Yotsuba is a fair-skinned teenage girl with short, straight hair that stops just around her neck and has a light-orange hair color. Her most notable accessory is a bunny ear-shaped ribbon. For the nth time, because they're Quintuplets, she has dark blue eyes, an average height, and a well-endowed figure.

"Hi there Yotsuba, my name is Uesugi Fuutarou and it's nice to meet you." He introduced himself and this got her sister's attention. They all looked at him and can't help but noticed his features. He stands tall with 178 cm, has a blonde messy hair and has a single earring on his left side. Totally has the image of a bad boy. Though one girl mutters, "Fuutarou-kun". Fortunately or unfortunately her sisters and the boy didn't hear what she said.

'Wow he's so hot and looks like a bad boy, I like him already!' Nino thoughts as went ahead and walked in front of him,"My n-name is Nakano Nino! Pleased to meet you!" Nino who's a bit red said.

"Lively aren't we? Well hello there Nino, my name is Uesugi Fuutarou. Want to go out sometimes?" Said Fuutarou as he teased Nino.

'Oh my god, he wants to ask me out on a date already!' Nino said inwardly.

"Ye-" But when she was about to say yes, she was cut off by her sister, Ichika.

"Fuutarou-kun!" Ichika said though there's annoyance and jealousy mixed in it though Fuutarou noticed. "Only I can tease my sisters."

Nino displays annoyance as she was interrupted by her sister but pouts hearing her statement and Fuutarou's reply.

"Haha, sorry I just found her easy to tease." Fuutarou replied as he was sure that she really is the one he met at Kyoto.

"Ara then that's good. Also my name is Nakano Ichika, though I think you already knew that." Ichika said as she hinted their past.

"Oh it's because your sisters has been saying your name earlier. Though should I reintroduce myself?" Fuutarou replied.

"There's no need for that Fuutarou-kun fufu." Ichika giggles in response. "Oh and Miku, introduce yourself." Ichika smiles as she motions her sister to tell her name.

"Nakano Miku." Miku introduced herself.

'That's it?' Thought Fuutarou as his sweat dropped.

"Yosh, now that the introductions are done, why are you here Fuutarou-kun?" Ichika asked as she smiles but her eyes aren't smiling at all.

'She's still scary haha' Fuutarou laughed inwardly. He went close to her ear and said," What else? For you of course." He looked around and made sure that only her heard what he said. Seeing that there's confusion on the faces of the quints except Ichika, he breathed a sigh of relief. But then he noticed that Ichika isn't responding at all he took a step back and look at her face.

Ichika who was stunned by what he said blushed. 'There's no way he actually came for me. It has to be a coincidence. There's no way he knows that Itsuki was actually my sister when they first met. Please don't do that again its bad for my heart.'. "M-mouu Fuutarou-kun don't tease me like that!"

'She's so cute when she blushes' Fuutarou then replied, "Haha well actually I was hired by your father to tutor five of you. Didn't your father tell you?"

"Eh? He didn't say anyth-" Ichika was cut off when she heard her phone ringing. She looked at the caller and answered the call.

-Ichika, I hired a tutor for you and your sisters.- Nakano Papa said. He has a calm and eerie voice

"Thank you Papa, also he's here with us right now. We just met him."

-Can I speak to him, Ichika?-

"I'll give him the phone right now." Ichika replied

Ichika then gave the phone to Fuutarou.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Nakano." Answered Fuutarou.

-Good afteroon Uesugi, It seems that you already met my daughters.-

"Hai." Fuutarou replied.

-Uesugi, I except great things from you.-

"Yes sir."

-I'll talk to you at a later date.-

"Okay." Fuutarou replied as the call ended. "He really gets to the point... So do you guys want to start today or tomorrow?"

" " " " "Today please!" " " " " The quints replied.

"Alright!" Fuutarou smiles at his tutees.

His smile make the quints in daze as they stare at his smile.

"Girls?" Fuutarou asked as he finds himself amused at the girls reaction.

" " " " "Ah!" " " " " At his reply the quints woke the girls up from their daze as they led him up their apartment.


Author Section :

In the next chapter, Fuutarou will be teaching the quints in pentagon. Also Fuutarou isn't as poor as he in the anime. He has a secret part time job influenced by the one he met in Kyoto. Note that its part time not full time. His attitude is also influenced by his childhood friend. Not sure if I captured their actions, responses and personality. I'd say it's a 8/10. The only thing that's hard to capture is The Quints Father. Really hard.

2409 words without the author section. Not really sure if I'm going to post another one tomorrow but I'll do my best. 2500 words in one chapter is torture. Even though I said that I'll make 2-3 chapters, it seems that I underestimated writing.

Anyways thanks for reading this fic. The fic is free to be criticized so if there's mistake I'll fix it. This fic is posted on Fanfiction .net and Webnovel.

I finished on 10:54 pm even though the time I'll post this is 12:00 am. Well considering that I have to set up some things in my account before I post it, is enough time. I'm also using my phone to write and that's why it's a bit hard.


Future Author here, this chapter was made on Feb 11 2023, Saturday.