
The Punishing Alpha is known as my mate!

everyone loves New York that's exactly why I'm here I moved there this year after my mother past away just like anyone would do I had to get away from my abusive father I'm pretty sure anyone would I'm just now turning 18 well In to months time little did I know life had a different date for me. Ivy is 17 years old and has a best friend the same age as her with Ivy being 6 months older. But the thing is Ivy is a powerful She-wolf and Mia is just a normal human but is not week. Ivy is a little over middle class but less than high class she is not poor but she is stuck with her crazy father well not anymore. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes we arrived at our cute apartment wake up Mia. "Great all settled in!!!" KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "what who would come at this time mainly when she didn't tell anyone!? "I got it Mia!" Woah this guy is so hot it's crazy I mean head over hills. "Umm.... h-hi who are you" I all Ivy could muster before getting cut off. "MINE"

Cass_Royal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 8


Meanwhile in Asher's office



"Alpha I am sorry what am I supposed to do about the rouges they just won't stop coming sir!?" Beta Chase asked and although he looked calm he was panicking not because of the rouges but because Asher was angry. Chase is strong and a little fierce but he still can't compare himself to Alpha Asher.

A loud growl could be heard throughout the mansion from Asher out of anger and frustration.

"Figure it out damn it" Asher growled out.

"Y-yes sir" all the men yelled with a little whimper behind there voice.

Beta Chase stood there silently waiting for his next order.

"OUT!!!" Asher yelled

"Yes sir" Chase said as he quickly left the office.


Asher through everything off of his desk in frustration the minute he was left alone and the only thing that could calm him down was his mates touch, her voice and her face, Asher wanted it all but he had to protect her along with his pack from the rouges.

Alpha smelt her close so he left his office waiting impatiently for her.


Back in the car


"Ok well we're here!" Asher's mom said.

"Good luck Ivy" Selene said as they got out of the big SUV

"Hey shush we are trying to incurage her as our future Luna, REMEMBER!?" Isabel yelled at Selena.

"Gasp, sorry Luna please forgive me I meant to say-"

Selena was cut off by Ivy

"HEY, stop acting so scared around me I'm not the demon it's self unlike a little someone I know-"

"Ouch, is that supposed to be me"

Ivy heard a deep voice and a few Gasp around her. She slowly turned around frozen in her spot.

While Ivy was slightly panicking her wolf on the other hand was howling in joy like a rouge dog

'Mate my mate is here kiss him.

Hug him and get close to him hurry up!!'

Her wolf urged her.

"Hush up you love sick puppy." Ivy argued with her wolf but was snatched out of her thoughts when the scent of her mate ran by her nose.

"Hi sweetie" Asher's mom said saving Ivy from embarrassment.

"Hi mother it is good to see you" Asher responded indifferently.

It is not that Asher dislikes his mother but he just gets tired of all the sweet things she calls him and sometimes gets annoyed. And although his dad is mostly out taking care business and the other neighboring packs he knows his dad still enjoys it.

Ivy thought it was a great time to escape so she tried to slowly walk away.

As she started to think it was a success Asher's deep voice filled her ears.

"And where do you think your going?"

Asher said with a little amusement in his voice.

"Oh me... well ummm I..I... am just going to the bathroom. Ivy said stuttering and sweating from nervousness.

"Oh ok Lemme show you the bathroom" Asher said knowing she was just trying to sneak away.

'Our mate is smart' Asher's wolf chuckled in amusement.

"Agreed" Asher said to his wolf.

Meanwhile Asher was speaking to his wolf Ivy slowly walked away taking advantage of the chance to leave. Sinse she doesn't really know her way around the place due to there not so friendly encounter.

Ivy couldn't find there so called room so she thought it would be the perfect time to roam around the big mansion.

There were a few creepy rooms in the slightly lit hallways although the mansion was lit up like the sun this side of the house seemed to be a bit darker. She passed by them a little creeped out but ignored them because there was still more to explore...Well that's what she thought anyway.

She got a cold feeling someone was following her but the minute she turned around no one was there so she kept walking taking in all the pictures on the wall and the beatiful scenery.

It has been around 10 minutes of walking so Ivy started to turn back but she was interupded by a loud growl that made even Ivy shiver. *very rare*

"Oh sh*t* she cursed a to herself knowing all to well who it was.

'Oh no this can't be good' said Ivy's wolf said in fear although just like Ivy her wolf was bold a lot more than Ivy but at this moment her wolf was a little fearful knowing to say that saying her mate was angry is an understatement.

Ivy stood frozen as she saw the shadow of a big muscular but not to buff man's silhouette.


Ivy shout whispered.

A loud growl was the only thing she got back.

As the figure just moved faster and faster with his steps.


Asher asked in the most deadly way.

'Why is he so angry!?' Ivy's wolf asked.

"I don't know" Ivy responded.

As she could see Asher's face which was filled with sweat, eyes so red they looked nearly black, vanes coming out from his arms and thought his body was so handsome if It were a different situation like him working out then she would feel different but the simple fact that he seemed angry made it totally different.

"I asked a question!?" Asher yelled making all of Ivy's thought's go away.

"I..I... umm well you see.. I was j..just looking at the house or mansion or whatever b...because I wanted to get to know the place and plus I got lost looking for our room."

Ivy said with a few stutters due to nervous although she wasn't doing anything wrong... well she thinks.

While Asher was breathing unevenly hard she mustard up the courage and boldly asked

"Is there something I did wrong?"

She innocently asked.

Asher decided to try and calm himself.

"I am sorry it is just I thought you....you tried running away again and I can't handle myself knowing my mate is somewhere that I don't know when there are people around me who wants revenge that act loyal to me on the outside but on the inside they want to hurt whatever and whoever is around me."

Asher said with a little pain mixed with fear in his eyes.
