
Big Boss Bitch

My eyes were shrouded in darkness once again, i would assume that I'm blindfolded again because the last thing I remember was passing out in Lil Nug's arms.A person removed the blindfold and untied me, I stood up to be awoken in a grand and big hall. The room's aroma was nostalgic, it must've been the same from the torture chambers. Suddenly I hear a voice;

"One, two, three, four

Bodies dropping to the floor

Five, six, seven, eight

We just kill for fun, it's great

Pulling your teeth one by one

Making your wife watch the fun

Families torn apart by guns

Bodies buried by the tons

Killing is just so much fun

Specially killing someone's son

Ripping thier heart out when they beg

Watch their soul as i break thier neck

One , two, three, four

We are rotten to the core

Five, six, seven, eight

Your all dead it's just your fate."

It was Skirt Skirt, his skirt was drenched in blood and his face was tainted too. He approached me, he gutted me and instantly wriggled his fingers around where my sore is. I was screaming in agony, he lifted my chin with his index finger and grinned at me.

"If you cannot withstand this, are you really a man? Triple B once drenched my entire body in broiling water four times because I advanced to enemy lines without his consent. If this hurts, you will never be able to take anyone of us. Lil Pot joined two months ago and she had her neck branded through a ritual just because she left the crib without consulting her family members. She was supposed to go through worse but Triple B pardoned her little mistake."

He smiled at me once more and ran the blood on his hand across my face.

"Skirt Skirt, Didn't I tell you not to play with the new one?"

"Sorry, boss!" Skirt Skirt exclaimed

In a split second, Skirt Skirt rose up and bowed. The boss of the mafia the room, along side of him was Lil Nug, Lil Dookie, the dark figure who was too in the torture chambers. He pulled up to me and began to speak to me;

"Hello there! Sorry about yesterday I was running an.....ERRAND until I was rudely disturbed by a certain someone."

He glanced to the dark figure.

"We didn't get a chance to exchange pleasantries, so allow me to introduce myself. I am the leader of this family, pleasure to meet you, I'm Triple B."

My mind was instantly shrouded in confusion and my heart felt heavy, my subconscious told me to run. I spoke with fear;

"No.....no...that can't be....You died.

You were killed in the Great War, CSI found your body engulfed in flames and burned to a crisp. You died! You alone have murdered countless lives, including children. I spent five years of my life trying to track you down. I joined the task force because of you, hoping to put an end to you."

"Sorry to dissapoint you, but I am indeed alive and well. Bad news is it's been so long that I'm still a virgin. Hilarious, isn't it?

But in all seriousness, I never died."

He locked his eyes and grinned.

"Thanks to my trusty and amazing chauffeur, Big Beef, I know right? Odd name for a driver but she is pretty dangerous so I'd recommend staying clear from her, she managed to transport the body which we obtained two weeks before the war, performed a very gruesome autopsy and extracted all its blood out. Then we simply tossed that into the fire thinking it was me because my whereabouts was that specific place where the burned body was found. Why extract its blood? We didnt want you to find that it was another's body. It would be a little impossible but call me crazy if I wasn't too careful. I know that wasn't necessary but I wasn't going to take the risk. Round of applause to GG and Big Sally for finding the body and performing an autopsy."

Triple B looked to the dark figure and the massive feminine bodyguard near the corridor.

"I'm sorry but you are far too precious to let go now. You have seen a lot so I just can't and won't let you leave so instead you will become one of us. Keep one thing in mind if you ever betray me or go behind my back and do something reckless, I won't resist to take you out."

Instantly his smile reshape to a stern face and his eyes turned red.

"Let me introduce you to my family

My three commanders: Lil Nug, Lil Dookie and Skirt Skirt

They run the ship whether I'm around and not.

"Pleasure," Lil Nug said.

"Hi dude!" Lil Dookie spoke

"Do anything the boss and I'll slit your throat," Skirt Skirt warned.

"Next is my chauffeur: Big Beef, she spends most of her time with her little dog. Annoy her, nothing but annoy her dog, you are in for a world of pain. She is one hell of a getaway driver though. "

I turned around to see her in front of me in a flash. She warned me;

"Just lay a finger on my dog and you will regret being born...Other than that nice to meet you!"

Her face instantly turned cheerful.

"Resumin to my bodyguard: Big Sally, she has a big heart and she will basically break your arms and snap your spin in half if anyone hurts us."

"Delighted to have you, man."

She crushed my hand as I extended for a handshake.

"Moving on to GG: he takes care of all the tasks that require a little more.....'hands on' approach, if you know what I mean. I cannot order my family just to take lives whenever they feel like and especially when the world is dangerous. So I make him take out all the.....um....'disturbances.'"

The dark figure vanished. He was not seen anywhere.

"Sorry about him. He doesn't like to talk to people much. I would stay clear of him, if he wanted he could've killed everyone of us if he wanted to. Another here is Lil Pot: she is a new recruit and, wow! She has a talent to kill. She trained for two weeks and she already took out Fat Joe's joint 7 blocks away, and they had 27 recruits for frontlines. She can kill worse and more if she is high.

"Hiiiii! We are going to be best friends since we both are new!"

She wore a black top with jean shorts. She has butterfly knife on her hip and a pink pistol in her back pocket.

"Last is our....um....'hoe'....meet Big Bone. She uses her erotic ways to trick our enemies and kill in an instant. She is quite dangerous in close combat."

The leader was embarrassed and squirming in his seat. Lil Pot asked;

"Why is he blushing?"

"He is not blushing, our boss is a simp. He doesn't like when the family does erotic stuff so he is embarrassed like a ten year old boy. But he doesn't mind any woman's breasts outside the family."

"My god! Stop!" Triple B shouted

"That's all for now here, others maybe on duties or slacking off, go see the Head Priestess, Lil T to heal your wounds and then come back to main hall for your first task. Oh wait! You need a name first. You can kill, I can see that. From now you on, you will no longer be a part of the force but one of us. Your name, my friend is...
