
The Promise - Craig and Yuki

There are two types of promise. One, the promise that is meant to be broken.Craig was hurt and he's never gonna believe it anymore. It's plain bullshit until-- Two , the promise that has to be broken. Promise- a big word alright. Craig Anderson, the guy who hates promises. "Promising, it's plane bullshit! Those were just word spewed by those people who loves to play with people's hopes." He hates all the people who made promises including this guy named Yukii Amon. But what made him to be like that? Because he was once promised too. A promise that change him to what he is right now. And who is Yukii ? Let's find out! Will you risk yourself, believing on a promise again? That promise that was once broken? Or was it really broken in the first place? Who knows.

Jzey_Roses · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 9: Pin and Jin

A deep sigh escaped Pim's mouth as he laid on his bed. He's been wondering how totalk to Craig without feeling awkward. He wanted to say sorry to him but he seemed to be not in a good mood earlier. Craig had this dark aura sorrounding him that most of the students at the the campus did not dare to look at him.

Then, there's the incident in the soccer field. It has something to o do about being threatened, atleast that's how he understand it .

"I guess they're exes huh?" Pim blurted out as he stretched his body, on the bed.

Though seriously, it isn't really obvious. Well, aside from theidea of Prez always calling for Craig to the SC Office. And there's the mark too. Pim heaved a sigh again. Thinking about the mark brought back the angry face of Craig earlier. He must have misinterpreted how he reacted earlier, which Pim want really to explain to but was never given a chance.

"Hey, what's with that deep sigh?" Pim immediately got up from bed after hearing that voice. He smiled and stood up then walk towards the door.

"Miss me?" The guy standing -6-foot tall, dark skinned, and a well-toned body- teasingly asked, which he only answered with a smile. 

Pim hugged the guy tightly and nuzzles his nose on the latter's neck earning a chuckle. 

"What's that laugh for, Jin?" Pim snorted.

"Pim Adamzkie, stop acting cute before I pounce on you." Jin teasingly said, which made Pim blush. He immediately moved away and walk towards his bed and sit.

"So what's that deep sigh for? " Jin asked him as it took the coat he's wearing leaving only his collared shirt. Pin wonder if it would suit like how it looked perfect on Jin.

"You remember the friend I'm talking about before?"

"Oh, that Craig Anderson you are so fond of?" Jin stated with a snort, which almost crack him up. He really hate that name. I wonder why?

"Yes that one."

"What about him?" Jin asked but obviously not interested. Pin just heaved a sigh and still decided to continue, after all Jin won't stop bothering him if he stopped there.

"You see, I saw a kiss mark on the back of his hand earlier. I asked him about it and then we got to tic about last night. I found out it's from the guy who keep on bothering him. I think he hates the way I reacted and then he never talked to me the whole day." He said, not mentioning the Prez's name as he heaved a sigh. Jin, who seemed uninterested earlier patted his head and cooed him.

"Hey, don't be so sad, it's not the end of the world. , You can talk to him tomorrow and apologize." Jin said, which which made him feel a little better.

"You're very kind, Jin. I wonder why you're friends with someone like Prez. He's so not cute you know. He keep on glaring at me everytime we encountered each other. Does he get possessive over his friends or is it because we keep seeing each other?" Pim asked not knowing how Jin feel right now. In response, the latter just laughed lightly.

"It's because you stepped on his territory." Jin stated as he patted his head- which only confused Pim.

"Have you had dinner?" Pim asked Jin but instead of answering, the latter just smirked at him.

"I'm having it now." Jin said in a husky voice, as he bit Pim's neck. Before Pin realized what he meant, he was already under him, whimpering.


Craig entered the mansion fuming mad. He passed some people but didn't bother to give them attention. He went straight to his father's office and went in not bothering to knock.

"I'm really sorry about it-"

Craig's mood got even darker when he saw Mr. Amon- Yuki's father. He let out a cold laugh and looked at the both of disgusted.

"Long time no see, Mr. Amon. Who would've thought we'd meet each other again." Craig greeted Mr. Amon coldly, as he remember what happened before.

"Yuki." His father's tone is warning him which he only laughed at.

"I'll go now Alex, I'll see you on the chance conference." Mr. Amon bid goodbye but when he passed him, Craig just smirked at him coldly, his eyes blank. Mr. Amon just looked at him - looked like his feeling guilty- which almost made him throw up.

The moment the door closed- an indication that Mr. Amon's gone- his father immediately burst.

"What was that Craig? How can you be so rude to Al-"

"Shut up! I'm not here for some scolding from you." Craig cut his father's words. His father was shocked, looking at Craig whose face reflects anger and disgust.

"I came here to warn you. One more attempt of threatening me, consider me gone for good. Let's see how that would affect your most protected company and the Anderson's image." Craig said coldly. He then turn his back to left but his father's words stopped him.

"Why? You were so inlove with him Craig. You broke rules and even try to abandon the family for him, so why? I don't understand."

"That question even gives you no right to threaten and trap me in this life. You don't even know why I am disgusted right now. It's just as you said, I did broke rules because I loved him so much but I didn't abandon you. It was you who abandon me. It's such a shame that you have that much money and connection but can't even do something about his own questions."

And just like that, Craig left his father confused. As he walked around the mansion he once considered home, he realized it was so big and extravagant yet to him it feels lonely. When he felt his chest tighten, Craig immediately walked out of the house as he remember the words that everyone once promised to him.

"Mommy will always be with you."

"I won't leave no matter what."