
Family Dinner

"Prince Felix!" Leanna exclaimed, her eyes darting between the two royal children. "What are you doing here, in Camellia Palace?"

Felix silently looked at Charis with his wide, innocent eyes. Although they were bright under the lighting, they felt a bit hollow and unsettling to look at. Charis looked away, at a nearby pillar.

After a stretch of silence, the servant at his side cleared their through and spoke. "Princess, His Imperial Highness the Prince Consort instructed Prince Felix to come check on you. When His Imperial Highness heard that you were feeling better, he instructed the kitchens to make your favorite dishes. He and Her Majesty are waiting for you in the dining hall now."

Charis scoffed upon hearing his words. She had just gotten up thirty minutes ago, forty minutes at most. The first person to be notified about her situation would definitely be the Empress. How come the Prince Consort was keeping such a close eye on her actions?

She glanced over her shoulder at the rows of maids standing behind her. They wore pure white uniforms and bowed their heads in unison. All these maids followed Charis around everywhere to tend to her every need. Most had been serving her since birth. There was no reason for any of them to be suspected of betrayal.

Even if most of them were fiercely loyal, there was always bound to be someone harboring ill intentions in the palace. Could the Prince Consort have planted a mole amongst her servants? It seemed he wasn't as simple of a stepfather as he appeared to be.


The dining room was as grandiose as the rest of the palace that Charis had seen while coming to dinner. A gilded chandelier made from thousands of cut crystals hung from the ceiling. Underneath it was a long table covered with a cream-colored linen tablecloth. Cushioned chairs were positioned on each side, with one chair at each end of the table. On the table were a myriad of dishes varying from stir-fried vegetables to a whole roasted duck to pastries filled with sweet and salty stuffings.

At the end of the table sat an elegant woman with light brown hair and sky blue eyes. Judging from her features and where she was seated, she was the Empress. She smiled warmly upon seeing her daughter arrive.

"You're finally here, Charis," she said.

"Greetings to Mother." Charis curtsied, her maids following her in one swift motion and then dispersing. Felix entered behind her and also bowed.

"Charis." A deeper, baritone voice was heard. It was the Prince Consort, sitting to the left of the Empress. He beckoned for Felix to sit down beside him and the Prince trotted over.

"Prince Consort." Charis nodded in his direction. Charis usually treated her stepfather coldly and rarely interacted with him, so Chloe, as Charis, would do the same. However, contrary to her expectations, the Prince Consort didn't appear upset at all and instead showed her an eyeless smile.

The Empress could only watch their icy interaction on the side. She didn't interfere because she knew that her daughter was upset with her for remarrying. In a way, Charis becoming distant from her was her own fault. Hopefully, she would be able to make up for it by giving her the throne.

The meal was eaten in silence. Neither the Empress nor the Prince Consort spoke. Felix repeatedly looked up at Charis but looked back down at his plate when his sister raised her head.

'Did Charis mistreat him in the novel? She may have been temperamental, but I don't think she would go as far as to hit her own brother. At least not as of now.'

"Charis, are you feeling better now?" The Empress broke the awkward atmosphere by asking about her daughter's condition.

"Yes, Mother. I was just tired lately. I feel much more refreshed now."

"I was so worried about you. You suddenly locked yourself in your room and didn't even let me or Ivan check on you." The Empress reached across the table to take Charis's hand.

Such affection was novel to Charis. She squeezed the Empress's hand but didn't look directly at her. She knew that if she saw that long brown hair and beautifully blue eyes, she would think of Diana again. Diana, who had those exact same features.

She didn't want to be reminded that she was just a fake, just an imitation of the real thing. All she wanted was to be loved unconditionally, not thrown away once her flaws were revealed.

A stifling feeling consumed Charis's mind and she couldn't bear to think about it any further. Letting go of her mother's hand, she hurriedly excused herself and took her maids away with her.

"Charis..." The Empress had a crestfallen expression on her face as she watched her daughter go. She suddenly thought of her late husband, the previous Prince Consort. If only he was been here with her today, then Charis maybe would feel more comfortable around her.

Prince Ivan cast a sideways glance at the Empress. Seeing her longing expression, he lowered his eyes and an unfathomable look cast over his features. Then he shifted his gaze to the seat where Charis had sat.


"Princess, are you sure you're feeling alright?" Leanna fretted while sitting on the edge of Charis's bed. The young girl had wrapped herself in her covers and was lying on the other side.

A muffled groan came in response from the bundle.

Leanna motioned for the other servants in the room to leave. She slowly approached Charis and gently lifted the layers off her. She was curled up in a ball, her eyes teary and her mouth in a pout.

"Princess, what's wrong?" Leanna's eyes softened at the sight. She soothingly stroked Charis's silky hair. "Are you upset with Her Majesty again?"

"I wish I had known my father." Charis blurted out. She didn't know if it was because of the original princess's remaining emotions, but when she had seen the Empress, she had had the urge to run away.

Leanna stiffened before quickly recovering. She said in a tender and gentle voice, "How about I tell you a story?"

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