
The Prince And The Witch

Princess Alesa was born and abandoned by her mother whom was a runaway royal pureblooded witch princess from Jalin kingdom, whom had disguised herself as a maid to come work in the palace, only to end up stealing the heart of the king. As she grew, she was practically unaware of her magical abilities and while running away from an arranged marriage with her betroth whom was a wizard, she ended up enchanting another prince to sleep with her and take her away to his kingdom. Her betrothed found out and waged war against Prince Ali whom took her away, threatening to burn down the whole kingdom, if she wasn't returned back to him.. but Prince Ali refused as he had already fallen in love with her and gotten her pregnant. Enraged King Fedina cursed her that she wouldn't be able to give birth to the child, except she returns back to him as he needed her to fulfill their ancestral royal prophesy of birthing a demigod, one whom has all magical powers to control Air, fire, water and life. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · História
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 26

Princess Alesa had already finished eating her food and she was about to sleep and rest for the night.

She stood up and walk to the edge of the bed to pull off her clothes and change into a comfortable night wear as it was already getting late. Suddenly she heard a gentle knock on the door. Panicked, she wore her clothes back, wandering whom was knocking.

"You may come in, The door isn't lock," She said as she quickly adjusted her night gown. Then Prince Ali came in after hearing her voice.

"Good evening, Your Majesty," greeted Princess Alesa, as she quickly bowed her head low, not wanting to have any eye contact with him.

Prince Ali wasn't happy that she doesn't want to stare at him directly at his face again

How he missed the passion of talking to her and looking directly at her beautiful face as he spoked to her, he calmed.

"I heard what happened in the kitchen, My apologies," He said as he came forward to touch her, she stiffened.

"My Prince, you do not owe me any apology, besides it not your fault," She replied him as she moved away from him, and looked away, "Am fine now, thank you," She said.

"It's Okay" replied Prince Ali, "You are our guest and should be treated fairly, I hope you have eaten something for the night?," He asked her, looking passionately at her.

"Yes Your highness, I have," She replied him, "You can call me Prince Ali, or just Ali, I will like that," He said.

"Okay My Prince."

"That sounds better," He said, as the room fell in awkward silence.

Princess Alesa waited for him to leave her chamber but he still stood staring at her, she sighed as she waited for him to leave.

Prince Ali wanted to talk to her more and tell her some more other things, but he didn't know how to start the conversation as she doesn't even want to look at him, he thought of it for a while and he took more steps closer to her.

Princess Alesa observed he was coming closer to her so she looked up at him with a questioning gaze, while her lips parted. Their eyes met and for another moment, Prince Ali felt like pulling her closer to himself and sealing his lips with hers as he wanted to kiss her parted lips, he was lost in thought until he heard her speak, "Is there any thing you want to ask from me?," she questioned him as she stared at his face.

"No, actually I wanted to tell you that the activities for my coronation will begin tomorrow, I don't know mother will allow you participate or watch the women's activities," He said.

"Activities like what?," She asked him, looking up at him in his face, waiting for his reply.

"Is activities for the maidens of Kande, I cannot be crown king, without having a Queen by my side to rule the kingdom," He said, just as he looked into her face and held her palms in his, wanting to speak more to her, they both heard a sharp knock at the door, shifting their gaze to see whom was knocking, Queen Mahama already came in.

"What are you doing here Ali?,' She questioned him, just as she entered the room and saw her son holding Princess Alesa hands, she passed Alesa a deadly glare that sent shiver down her spine as she spoked to her son, "And why are you even holding her hands?," She questioned him.

Prince Ali immediately let go off Princess Alesa palms and he turned to face his mother smiling as he walk towards her, "Mother is late now, shouldn't you be in bed by now?," He joking asked her

"I should be the one asking you Ali, what did you actually come here to do with her by this time of the night, I came to see Alesa and talk to her personally, I know we have both agreed for her to stay here as our guest but I still need to talk to her about somethings, so when you are done talking to her, you may excuse us," stated Queen Mahama, as she stood with her maid, waiting for Prince Ali to leave them alone.

"Okay mother, am thru, I will be leaving now, good night Princess Alesa" said Prince Ali as he bowed his head to Alesa an left the chamber.

Queen Mahama took some few steps closer to meet Princess Alesa where she stood with her head bent low. "I can see you have succeededly bewitch my son, but don't you dare to think you can bewitch me too. Tomorrow the Coronation activities will begin I don't want to see you outside of this chamber's wall, I will ask my assistant to send some words or message to your father King Matthew of Acan, since you said, King Matthew of Acan is your father, my Assistance will send words to him to let him know of your stay here in Kande, So we can confirm if truly you are his daughter, after that you will be sent back to Acan kingdom, before you totally bewitch my son, is that understood?."

"Yes Your Highness!," replied Princess Alesa.

"Good, I will send a maid to you tomorrow, to be with you incase you may be in need of anything, you shouldn't leave this room or step a foot outside of this chamber, besides this room is wide enough to contain you. Have a good night rest, tomorrow I will send a new maid, Mary to come assist you," stated Queen Mahama.

"Thank You, Her Majesty is kind."

Princess Alesa bowed her head low, as she waited for Queen Mahama to leave her chamber. After Queen Mahama left she went and lock up her room door and heave a sign of relief. She turned and walk back to her bed to rest for the night. Indeed the day as been tough, and now Queen Mahama as asked her not to step a foot outside of her room, she knew it will only get more tougher except she returns back to Acan and she isn't ready to go back home yet, not when she knew that the Crown prince of Jalin wants her as his wife, she despise the thought of becoming married to a wizard. Although she's more worried as she has done some recent magic here in Kande, even inside the Castle, as it was believed that the castle was built to protect against witches or magic spell, so how come was she able to perform some magic control inside the castle, was she really the one doing all those magic stem growing out of the concrete floor, she looked around as she lay on her bed, wandering what she really was.

"If only i had known who really mother is, I wouldn't be this confuse," stated Princess Alesa, as she turned to lay on her side on the bed, "I will try and invite Albert over to ask him some more questions about Jalin people, beside he seems to know about magic and has warned me never to get upset or afraid, I don't want to go back home yet, I still want to bond with Prince Ali, Oh my Prince, how I really miss his touch and warmth, I wish I am his wife, now he will be getting married to someone else so as to be Crown king." Princess Alesa frowned as she thought of another woman that will become Prince Ali new wife and his Queen, her heart ache at the thought of it, and she felt her chest squeezed.

She wanted Prince Ali for herself alone, only herself to be his woman, but she was young and recently turned 20years of age, her frowned deepened as she thought of another woman whom might be mature enough than her to be his Queen, she finally drifted off too sleep after thinking too much.