
The Birth Of The Ouroboros Serpents

One of the kneeling Primordial Empyrean trembled as the blood drop shot past it. It was in the shape of a sphere, but the sphere was made up of massive coils of countless serpents and dragons, atop the sphere was a sleeping female, and everything below her waist was what made up the coils of reptiles and dragons.

Her hair was made up of countless serpents, and if we put the size of this Ancient Primordial Empyrean into perspective, each strand of her hair should be larger than an entire belt of solar systems.

She began to awaken, but in the time span that such an Ancient Empyrean operates it would be another million years before her eyes would open, and for an Ancient Empyrean, that was a blink of an eye.

That blood drop passed through the entire Bloodline Origin and the golden ocean froze, the three hovering Bloodline Rune that stood before Rowan's Aura were destroyed; it would take countless years for them to be reformed.