
The power to hold the World

Born into an average life, Aaron gets pushed into a new life and world where he has to develop his powers and deal with the unknown carefully.

Tommy_Yang_7392 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1 Aaron

In the small busy city, a small city of 5 was running around preparing for their eldest child's awakening ceremony. There stood a middle-aged man, robust in figure with strands of white hair from his hair showing the stress from building a business from scratch. He was giving directions to his family as they prepared for their eldest start of his new school year. The eldest was also at the age where young children his age could awaken their mana and its own ability. Besides the middle-aged man, there was also a middle-aged woman who was more petite than the middle-aged man. Although still retaining some of her youthful appearance, she had some wrinkles starting to form on her face, nonetheless she was still beautiful. 

The two middle-aged man and woman were parents to three children. The eldest, Aaron, was a handsome 16-year-old teenager. He had black hair and eyes which he got from his father. As soon was 10-year-old, he picked up the sword like his father. His father was a merchant that had picked up the sword since a young age to learn how to defend himself and his workers when traveling distances. The second child was another boy, 14-years-old. He was blond like his mother with blue eyes. He was born with a weaker and clumsier physique and although he tried picking up the sword like his father and brother, the sword did not suit him. His name was Tim. The youngest child was a girl. She was a 10-year-old girl, who is already showing beautiful features like her mother, but much more innocent and childlike. Her name was Anna. 

These three were busy preparing for their eldest brother's awakening ceremony, putting on their best clothing and doing their best to look neat and groomed. A person's awakening ceremony was a chance for anyone commoner or noble to rise up in ranks and into the world. 


In this magical world, there are four main elements one could gain during their awakening. Those four are water, fire, earth, and wind. Each having their own advantages and disadvantages. There exceptions to those elements though. Those exceptions are what one would call mutations in mana. Those were space, lighting, light, dark, and ice elements. Though very rare to have, once in a while, those elements would appear and were vastly superior to the four basic elements, due to their low power and versatile uses. Those who awaken these particular elements, would be called geniuses and would be nurtured heavily by the stronger forces. 

There are two types of categorizations that a person or living being would go through. The first one was a path of magic. Their ranks would go through 1 to 9 levels. The highest would could achieve in magic would be a magi whose one rank higher than 9. With the lowest rank called apprentice, and once they reach rank 2, the term would be called mage. Each level also has their own sublevels which are low, mid, high, and peak, before advancing to the next stage. Levels 1 through 4 were also called early mages, 5-8 were called high mages, and level 9 would be called a peak mage. A city's strength would be determined by their population and number of highest-level mages in them. 

The next categorization would be the path of the warriors. Like the magic ranks, they go through level 1 to 9, with the lowest being called soldier and the highest called a saint. Once would reaches the rank 2 and above, they are called warriors. These people did not awaken an element but are still able to use mana and develop a mana core. Instead of using their mana to nourish and grow their element, they use it to nourish their body and weapons, furthering strengthening themselves and their combat ability. 

A person could go down both paths, but to advance in both sides, a person would have to use far more resources to temper both body and mana core. 

There are mainly three races in this magical world. First the human races and their sub human races. The two sub-human races are elves and dwarves, each having their own specializations and civilizations. The elves are blessed with mana and most of them are mages. The dwarves have blessed with a robust and shorter physique, they are mainly warriors. 

The second main race are beasts. They were the only race that outnumbers the humans in population. There are two sub-categories within this race. The beasts and beast-kin. The main differences between the two is the level of born intelligence and characteristics passed down through the centuries. The beast-kin grew to the point that they have a resemblance of both beast and human. With their intelligence, once can easily tell the two apart. 

The third main race are demons. Their characteristics have more of an out of norm appearances. The main characteristics are red eyes and a horn on their heads. They are more war-like than the two other races. It was said that they have come from another world or possess tainted mana cores. 

Since the beginning of this world, these three races have fought and evolved over the years for resources and land, until they reached the breaking point of extinction, making a pact to no longer wage long and large-scaled wars and soon peace reached through the planet, allowing the three races to co-exist and grow. 

Although some prejudice still exists between the three races, as long as if nothing major happens, they would no longer fight in long and large wars. 


The middle-aged woman looked towards her children who had come done, neat and well-dressed, she smiled, " Kids, are you guys ready for Aaron's awakening ceremony?" 

All three smiled, double checked their appearance with one another, responded together, " Yes mother." 

She nodded her head as she stood next to the middle age man and replied, " Let's go then. Today is a big day for you Aaron." 

Aaron full of excitement and anticipation replied, " Yes, mom." 

The family of 5 soon left their home and walked out into the street. The awakening ceremonies mainly happen in large cathedrals, where several people and forces are also gathered to pick out people for their schools or organization. Both have their own specializations of grooming the young and new mages. 

Walking out onto the busy streets where houses and stores alike made of stone and bricks, hundreds of people and families were also seen walking out of their homes in anticipation of their kid's awakening ceremony. 

Soon a young chubby man, the same age as Aaron, walked towards the family of 5 with his own family of 4. " Aaron, today is the big day huh. Can't wait to see what we get. 

Aaron smiled as he nodded his head, " Yes Jax. I almost didn't get any sleep last night." 

Their two families were rather close as their fathers worked together in business and were also the best of friends. Like Jax, he was also the oldest, but he had one younger sister the same age as Anna who were also close friends. Together the two families talked pleasantly as they made their way to the cathedral, that was located in the center of the city. 

After walking and talking for about 15 minutes, the two families along with several other families arrived at the gates of the large cathedral where they lined up and waited for their turn to report in. 

Soon it was Aaron's turn. 

A man dressed in white clothing, sitting on a chair while writing down several names on a table said, " Young man, your name and family." 

Aaron replied, " My name is Aaron, I belong to the Smith family." 

The man dressed in white looked up and saw the man along with his family. Looked down and continued, " Alright Aaron Smith, you can go get seated among the main cathedral, your family can watch from the guest seat." 

The Cathedral was one of the large powers that helps the population awaken the powers. Besides the royal and noble families who have their own means of awakening, this was one of the only ways to awaken an element or mana. 

Nodding his head, Aaron and his family separated and soon reached their respective seats. 

Soon taking his seat next to Jax, Aaron looked around his as he saw hundred s of people his ages coming in and taking their seats, all full of excitement whether it was awakening an element or having the ability to use mana. 

A priest wearing more distinguishing clothes than the others soon walked out and onto a stage and podium where a crystal ball not far behind him. 

" Children, today may be your worst or best day in your entire life. Today is finally the day where you can awaken your mana and/or element and perhaps join a force that will help nurture you as you grow stronger and protect this kingdom. I hope that everything works out well in your life." 

With that said, he began to call out names from among the teenagers. The group of teens got up one by one, placing their hands on the crystal ball that glowed in color or in a neutral grayish color if the person didn't awaken an element. Some were happy and rejoiced at the thought of awakening an element while the other gave a wirily smile for not. However, all in all, everyone was excited to finally be able to use mana, having dreams of rising to the top of the world. 

It was finally Jax's turn when Aaron watched with focused eyes, praying that his friend awaken a strong element. 

Those families whose parents awakened an element, their children would also likely have an element. Jax and both a hopeful look but was also not too hopeful as only his mother awakened an element, whilst his father did not, but he was still a strong warrior. 

Jax placed his hand on the crystal ball as he waited in anticipation. But this hopefulness and wishes diminished greatly as he saw that within seconds, the ball turned into the gray and neutral color. Although the color turned neutral and gray, it was thicker than the rest of the neutral and gray color. It was like a thick coating of a cloud has formed inside the crystal ball. 

Seeing the unusual look, the high-ranking priest looked in astonishment and said, " Although you possess no talent in awakening an element, your mana is far higher than the rest of your peers so far." 

Although a little sad that he wouldn't be able to use an element like he had hoped for, he was glad that he had a large amount of mana, after all, he loved his father who was both strong and kind to him. He wasn't too bad of a choice to become a warrior. 

After, Jax and left and walked down back to his seat, Aaron's name was called out. After patting Jax's shoulder, he left and soon walked up to the stage and put his hand on the crystal ball like the others before him. 

He closed his eyes and allowed the crystal ball's energy to enter his body as if searching for something. As this feeling entered his body, he felt as if he can feel his surroundings much more than before. Even when closing his eyes, he felt like he can 'see' everything around him. After waiting for a few seconds, he then heard a large amount of excitement and clamor around him. Finally, he opened his eyes as he stared at the crystal ball. He looked at it in wonder what it meant. He saw that the crystal ball was a deep and thick purple cloud.

He looked at the high ranked priest who was surprised and astounded at the color of the crystal ball. 

" You..." He sighed as he smiled, " Congratulations young man, you possess a mutated core and element. You have awakened the strong element of space." 

Hearing the words of the high priest, everyone in the cathedral were at first silenced at his words, not knowing what to say. Then everyone cheered in celebration at the prospect of their city gaining, a new and rare talent. 

Amongst this clamor a group of middle-aged men and women looked earnestly at the Aaron who has just awakened his element. No longer holding their excitement several figures leaped up from their seats and appeared before Aaron, each of them displaying smiles full of greed.