
The Pirates Revenge

** Warning!?! MATURE CONTENT!!!** One of the fiercest pirates on the sea , the legendary captain Thorne can raid a ship and wield a sword with the best. Woe awaits any man who desires to get past the tempered steel to the woman holding it. Lynnette Blackthorne a. k . a Captain Thorne sails the high seas with only one goal in mind: Vengeance against the man who murdered her sister. Nothing will stand in her way especially not a silver eyed rogue with the power to make her tremble and lose her wits to the madness of passion. ******** Everything that matters to Captain Bradley, his ship his business, his future has been stolen away by this beautiful buccaneer now holding him for ransom. His desire to kiss that smug look off her face is rivaled only by his determination to beat her at her own game. He's never encountered a threat he hasn't conquered, and no half-sized Pirate wench is going to break his record of victory.

Mirachi · História
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Witch's spell

"Well , then , let's get down to business," Captain Thorne said briskly . She swung her leg down from the table and sheathed her dagger smoothly in her boot , satisfied with her handiwork . She took parchments, shuffling the papers into a neat pile . " It says here that you are a merchant out of London, carrying goods to the indies . That much is obvious she waved effs dismissively .

" What it doesn't say is who you people are. Once we've established that, the proceedings should move swiftly . so, if you will just cooperate. . . "

" I'm surprised you can read , " he interrupted , his tone pleasant , mildly inquiring ; overlooking the insult in his words.

" Oh , Yes I can read . Not all of us pirates are illiterate, you know ," she said cordially not at all insulted.

" So I see ." His curiosity was not appeased. Daniel was finding this unusual woman fascinating . She sat there so coolly , discussing ransom demands as easily as though the conversation were no more than a debate over the weather , in spite of himself , he was impressed. she answered his questions with ease, unflustered . Captain Thorne it seemed , was no ignorant person .

Nothing could be further from the truth . Daniel wondered what events of the past had created the woman before him.

She was nothing like the high born ladies he knew in England, and nothing like the roadside wh***es who sell their selves so easily in every call. As far as Daniel had been aware, there was nothing in between , although sometimes , he thought sardonically , there was little difference in the behaviour of the two types . The rich, titled noble women merely sold themselves for a higher price .

But this woman was neither of those things . She would never be bought or sold , he doubted there was another like her in the world , and he found himself intensely curious to understand the enigma she represented.

He found his anger fading again beneath his admiration , and in the back of his mind , he knew this should worry him ---- he must not fall under the witch's spell.

The pirates voice interrupted his musing , bringing him back to the important business at hand . " As I was saying ", Lynnette declared , " With your cooperation , we should be able to get this unpleasant business done with quickly , with as little annoyance to both parties as possible . Daniel was mildly amused by her no nonsense attitude ,"

" you seem to be more in a more reasonable frame if mind than the last time I saw you." She smiles wryly because she knew that being knocked silly and tossed in a stinking hot hold was likely to subdue anyone . " And I only want to know one thing ------ to whom I should write the ransom note ." She picked out a clean piece of paper and poised a pen over it , one raised brow cocked , mutely saying : Well?

" I don't have any family ," he said simply.

Her look said she didn't believe that for one minute. silence reigned for few minutes before he confirmed it .