

The Four Nations were in a were against The Forbidden, they were a race of beast,with the appearance of a werewolf but these wolves had only one agenda to kill more and to eat more. As if that was not enough they vomited more and more eggs ,which turned into different beast of different shapes and sizes which further terrorised the humans. In the midst of four Nations of ability, there was a boy with the name Xander Woods, who didn't have an ability book and therefore was bullied by the others. One day he left to his regular ability book store to get another ability book, but a middle aged woman gave him two books, and after getting bullied again something happens that changed his life forever [Congratulations you have successfully The Phoenix System]

PrinceDaniel10 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs


The boy who was beaten up was getting healed by a girl with the water tribe sub healing ability.The girl was quite skillful as she was able to heal the boy up quite quickly, and after she was done with the boy named Ray he started healing Alvin.

And Xander didn't know if it was just his imagination but the girl seemed to be using more physical contact on Alvin than she did on Ray.

Rather than just stretching out her hand on the parts of his body that he got hurt like she did for Ray, she seemed to be trying to touch him more as she was taking an unusually long time to heal Alvin.

Prehaps it was because her time limit was almost over, but thanks to Xander's inspect skill it seemed as if she just liked Alvin. Like, like like him.

And though he didn't want to admit it he was a bit jealous, he never had the confidence to just ask a girl lot on a date.

And seeing his friend in the situation where the girl was not even trying to hide it, or at least so he thought was making him jealous.

And he has checked his appearance in the mirror a few times, and even before he got the system he was still far above average in terms of looks and appearance.

But even now that he had evolved was was more attractive he never had the courage to just ask a girl out, and maybe just maybe a few girls admired him but he just never noticed which made him let out a long deep and very very heavy sigh.

And soon after the girl left he could see Alvin's cheek tainted with a slight shade of red, and he obviously enjoyed it he was just embarrassed that a lot of people and boys for that matter were standing there.

"Come on man are you gonna duel or just sit there like an old man", kelvin said but just as he was about to run his mouth more he was interrupted by Ray.

" Yeah about that. You see I don't want to duel, your friend already beat me once and if he does it again I might need some therapy ", the kid said a left not even waiting for them to give him an answer.

" Chicken",kelvin muttered loud enough for everyone to hear including Ray who ran of.

And Alvin was obviously annoyed while Xander made himself useful by trying to calm him down.


In an office a man was sitting there while with a glass in his hand and some paper in the other.

He seemed to be relaxed when suddenly a knock soon began echoing in the once quiet room. The man man let out an annoyed sigh before he shifted his attention from the paper in his hand to the knocking on the the door before he let out the words "come in".

A man walked as calmely as he could inside the office and although he was walking calmly he was obviously freaking out.

"What us it", the man in the office asked in an annoyed tone and the man didn't answer in an angry voice it seemed as if the man in the office was his boss.

The man swallows before opening his mouth but no words came out, and it was only through taking a few deep breaths that he responded.

" I was sent here to tell you about some disturbance in the Great lake Academy...",he said and paused and took the opportunity to suck in another deep breath before he continued.

"The Academy located in the fire nation has been receiving a bit of trouble lately", he said and swallowed but the man with the mug in his hand could tell that was not the main issue.

"Which is what exactly", he asked.

"Well you see there have been quite a high number of beats getting killed and some students as well", he answered.

"Is that all", the mug holding man asked while taking a sip from his mug.

" No. You see am afraid an old enemy is after us",and as soon as he said that the man siping his coffee spat it out furiously.

"YOU SAID WHAT NOW", he asked in a panicking voice and in that instant his clothes was starting to get soaked in his own sweat.

" Y-yes sir",he said and continued. "I think it's time we start preparing for the worst we have relaxed for way too long now".

The man said and the man who was drinking from his mug asked him a question.

" How did you know about that",he asked in a less worried voice and the man who was standing was quick to answer.

"A month ago, a shockwave left a particular area a bit far from the school which damaged numerous trees and some sections of the mountain collapsed a few minutes later", he said and the mjg holding man was beyond terrified as his face said it all.

" I can tell you have something else to say ",the mug holding man said and the standing man began to speak more.

"A ship has recently appeared in the fire nation and five females have began terrorizing the town's of everyone they came across", the man said and the man who was sat just punched the table and broke part of it.

" you may leave now",he said and the standing man left immediately.

'I can't believe that that b*stard still came back... were going to need all our tricks to make it out of this alive ',he said internally.


Back in the training Hall sir Catascatch had walked in a headed straight towards Xander and ignored the greetings towards him.

And he called Xander and took him far away from everyone including his friends and both of them were now in the woods, and there sir Catascatch broke the heart breaking news.

"Am sorry Xander", he began while patting Xander's shoulder and Xander himself began to feel nervous.

" What for sir",he asked innocently and sir Catascatch let out a deep sigh before he answered.

"Your mother, she's dead". He said and instantly Xander's whole world came to a halt.


Thanks guys for waiting and a second chapter will be released thanks to your live and support.