
The Plan

Just as Eric said this, Flicker's mother walked in.

"Hey, Mom! What's up?" Flicker said to her mother, looking surprised to see her.

"Just wanted to see what you two were up to! That's all!"

"Well, we were just talking about school!" Eric said, just barely believable.

"Okay, well have fun!"

"Bye, Mom!" Flicker said as her mother left the room, "Alright, where were we?"

"You were just about to tell me who the victim should be."

"Right. Your father, Jack!"

"Yes" Eric said almost as soon as she said it.

"Okay, we have a victim, now what?"

"Well, we need a plan, Flix. How about, you distract him by introducing yourself?" Eric asked as he wrote down every detail and made sketches.

"Sounds good, but what will you do?"

"I will put some bleach in his food, just a little bit so that way it would look like someone spilled bleach on the plate and tried to clean it off, but missed some! And maybe slip some cyanide into his drink or convince him that it is water flavoring because I know how he likes flavoring in his Vodka,and then it would look like a suicide!" Eric said to Flicker as he sketched and took notes.

"Sounds good!"

"Yeah, but now that we planned it, we are done, we can't actually do it. But, I did bring something to drink!" Eric said with a smile.


"I snuck some beer out of the house for us," Eric said, pulling out a bottle about a foot tall.

"How are you not going to get caught? That bottle is big!"

"Yes, but Jack doesn't notice shit. Here. I'll go first," Eric said, confidently as he took a swig.

"Okay, I'll do it." Flix took a long swig.

By the time they both had finished the bottle, they were drunk and Flicker's mother had left for the night shift. Drunkenly, Eric looked at Flicker and said,

"Hey, let's go kill my father!"

"Okay, let's go!" Then, the two left the house and started towards Eric's house, a few blocks away. Before they got there, however, they were stopped.

"You can't go near the house, kids," said a tall police woman.

"Why not?" asked Flix, trying not to sound drunk.

"There was a murder here," the police woman said as she turned around to signal the two to go away.

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