

(while gusion is cooking in his house he forgot one ingredients)

(and he go to marketpkace and this what happens...)

(in the marketplace ,while gusion is buying ingredients for his dinner ,The group of bad guys came to the marketplace to destroy all they see and they hurts weak people)

"give me all your money or else you will taste my fist!!!" "( the leader of the bad guy said)"

" S-so-sorry I have no income for now but you can take my vegetables and fruits " "(the vendor said)"

(the leader of the bad guy knitted the vendor a knife in his neck)

"WHAT!!!.. I thought we have an agreement !! " "(the leader of the bad guy said)"

"B-B-But I don't have any income, P-please forgive me sir.....I have a 4 yrs old son " "(the crying vendor said)"

"I Don't care about your financial problems old man!!.. You dis- obey my rules and you will suffer for your mistakess!!..disciplesss!!.ARREST HIM!!""(the no mercy guy said)"

(while they arresting the vendor...., gusion was pity to the vendor's situation and cover his face with mask to unreveal his face and this what happens...)

" Heyy!! stop...! release the man...or you will suffer for this" "(A boy with mask said)"

" hahahahhahahahahaha...."" (the laughing badguy says)"

" You will first taste my fist "(bad guy said)

"TAKEEE. ..THISS" (bad guy said)

(while the leader of the bad guys is throwing a punch to the boy with a mask he quickly dissappeared like a bubble)


"W-wha-what!!! WT_ is he"(bad guy said )

(a boy with a mask quickly appeared to the back of the bad guy like a phantom)

" I'm here big guy !!!"(a boy with mask said)

(the mask boy quickly pierced the back neck of the bad guy and the bad guy fainted sleep quickly)

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