

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Chapter 6: Mystery in the Shadow of Gray

Yun's fame spreads quietly through the town after he gains new powers from Snake Valley. However, the fame also attracted unseen eyes. In the dark corners of the town, a pair of cunning eyes are watching Yun's every move: the Gray Mouse, a fairy spirit known for his wit and cunning.

The mystery of the Gray Mouse begins on an ordinary afternoon. while cultivating under a willow tree, Yun notices a Gray Mouse wandering in the grass not far away. its behavioral pattern is very different from that of ordinary mice, and it seems to be transmitting some kind of message. Yun's curiosity is piqued, and he decides to follow the Gray Mouse to find out what it's really doing.

The gray rat seemed to realize Yun's following, and began to weave in and out of the town's alleys, extremely fast, with an unusually complicated route. yun followed closely, and they passed through the marketplace, crossed the fields, and finally came to a deserted ruin outside of the town.

In the ruins, the gray rat disappeared, but Yun accidentally found a hidden cellar entrance. He carefully enters the cellar, which is filled with all kinds of strange objects and ancient scrolls, and Yun's heart beats faster as he realizes that this may be the Grey Mouse's hideout, and that these scrolls may be hiding important secrets.

Just as Yun is about to scrutinize these scrolls, the cellar door suddenly closes and he is trapped inside. In the darkness, Yun heard the voice of the gray rat, "Young Immortal Cultivator, you have proven your ability by keeping up with me. But are you wise enough to solve the mystery I left behind?"

Yun was shocked in his heart as he realized that all of this could be a test from the Gray Mouse to him. He began to look for possible clues in the cellar, Yun pulled out the fire-fold he carried from his pocket and blew gently, a faint beam of firelight jumped out, dispelling the darkness around him. He began to scrutinize every corner of the cellar, hoping to find clues to unlock the secrets of the scrolls.

The scrolls were neatly stacked on a stone table, and Yun carefully unfolded them to find that they were densely written with strange symbols and patterns. These symbols were not common writing, but an ancient Immortal Spirit script that was obscure and difficult to understand.

Yun was not discouraged, he believed that the Gray Mouse would not leave these scrolls behind for no reason. He began to recognize the symbols on the scrolls one by one, trying to find the connection between them. As time passed by, Yun forgot his hunger and fatigue, and only had those mysterious symbols in his eyes.

On the first day, Yun found nothing, but he didn't give up. He firmly believed that as long as he persisted, he would be able to find a way to crack it. At night, he meditated and practiced in the corner of the cellar to keep his strength and spirit.

The next day, Yun began to try to connect the symbols on the scroll with the cultivation methods in the Immortal Spirit Secret Record. He realized that certain symbols on the scroll bore a striking resemblance to the cultivation diagrams in the Immortal Spirit Secret Record. This discovery excited him, and he began to try to decipher the contents of the scrolls according to the spells in the Immortal Spirit Secret Record.

On the third day, Yun was already able to barely understand some of the simple sentences on the scrolls. He realized that the scrolls recorded an ancient cultivation method which was closely related to the power of the five Immortal Spirits.Yun's heart was filled with excitement and he knew that he was approaching the truth.

On the fourth day, Yun was completely immersed in the study of the scrolls, and he was able to decipher most of the contents. He began to cultivate according to the spells on the scrolls and felt the changes in the immortal power in his body. He felt his power gradually increasing, and his understanding of the path of Immortal Cultivation growing deeper and deeper.

On the fifth day, when the last rays of sunlight shone through the cracks in the cellar, Yun finally fully unlocked the secrets of the scroll. He realized that the last part of the scroll hid a complex formation, and this formation was the key to opening the cellar door.

Yun followed the instructions on the scroll and placed the formation on the ground. As the last stone was placed, the entire cellar began to vibrate, and a ray of light shot out from the formation and shone on the cellar door. With a click, the door slowly opened, and the long-lost sunlight poured onto Yun's body.

Yun stood up, a tired but satisfied smile on his face. He knew that this was more than just a puzzle solving session, it was a spiritual cleansing. Not only had he gained new strength, but more importantly, he had learned perseverance and courage.

When Yun walked out of the cellar, Gray Mouse was already waiting there. The gray rat's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, obviously Yun's performance had exceeded its expectations.Yun bowed deeply to the gray rat, expressing his gratitude.

The gray rat nodded and said, ''Yun, your performance has satisfied me. Not only have you unlocked the secret of the scroll, but more importantly, you have shown the qualities expected of an Immortal Cultivator. Now, you are ready for a greater challenge."

Yun nodded firmly, he knew that his path to Immortal Cultivation had only just begun, but he was ready to move forward no matter how difficult the road ahead was.

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