

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Chapter 35: The White Willow's Vow

After the intense showdown with the Sand Lord, Yun and Lingshan became valley legends. Their names rang out, symbols of hope and strength. But their adventure had just begun. The path of cultivation twisted and turned, full of surprises.

Whispers came of an ancient willow, the White Willow, deep in the valley. It was said to link earth and sky, blessing seekers with enlightenment. But it wasn't passive; it granted mighty vows to the worthy.

Intrigued and thirsty for wisdom, Yun and Lingshan embarked on a quest. Through changing landscapes, from lush greenery to serene streams and blooming fields, they followed whispers leading to the heart of the valley.

Arriving, they beheld the White Willow's majesty. Its branches reached like guardian arms, leaves shimmering silver. Tranquility and wisdom emanated, drawing them close.

Under the canopy, they felt a pull, the tree's energy coursing through them. The White Willow's voice echoed in their minds, ancient and melodious, asking of their desires.

Yun, moved, spoke true. "We seek harmony between heaven and earth, to balance our spirits with the world."

Lingshan added, "We crave universal secrets, to grow wise and strong, to shield the vulnerable."

The White Willow pondered, leaves rustling softly. "Your hearts are noble, intentions pure. I grant you a vow, but remember, power brings duty."

They nodded, resolute. "We accept."

Leaves glowed, a heavenly beam descended, enveloping them. Warmth filled them, spirits expanding, connection deepening.

As light faded, they felt renewed, bearing the vow's mark. A new chapter began, testing limits, challenging understanding.

With purpose ablaze, they returned, vowing to uphold balance, seek harmony, and fulfill their spirits' potential.