
The path of fate

Amelia a young woman living a quiet life, suddenly finds herself thrust into a world of mystery and intrigue when she receives a dangerous request from her dad to marry a stranger. not knowing that he is a cold-hearted Mafia boss who doesn't care about anyone. Luca a dangerous mafia boss and CEO of a successful company doesn't care about anyone After a terrible accident that happened that took away the life of his parents and only sister, he became a mysterious and dangerous devil. He thrust at full speed, making the bed below grunt "uh-huh! he shouted "enjoy it sweetie" he snarled seductively "or else he whispered frowning tracing a straight line across my throat-otherwise meaning or your dead. this novel involves lots of sex scene if you are not comfortable please skip.

Patrick_Perpetual · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


Mike Luca's assistant walked up to the podium, he could feel the eyes of the media on him, he knew that this was a critical moments for the company and he had to get it right. He took a deep breath and began to speak, "thank you all for coming today", he said his voice clear and confident "I'm here to address the incident that took place at one of our factories and to assure you that we are taking this matter very seriously" he went on to explain the details of the incident and the steps the company was taking to ensure it would never happen again.

As Mike spoke he could see the reporters taking notes and nodding their heads. They seemed impressed by his poise and profession and he knew he was making a good impression. After a few minutes the questions began, the reporters fired their questions about the incident, the company's response. Mike answered each question calmly and thoroughly never losing his cool , he could tell that the press conference was going well and he was pleased with how it was going.

After half an hour, the questions started to wind down, Mike knew he had to wrap things up soon so he decided to end with a strong statement, " I want to assure everyone that the safety of our employees and the public is our top priority" he said "we will do everything in our power to prevent something like this from happening again" he paused for a moment, letting his words sink in.

" Thank you for your time" he said stepping away from the podium. The reporters starting packing up their things and the room began to empty out.

Mike left the press conference, he went to Luca office, " how did it go? He asked

Mike smiled and said, "it went well sir "

Luca nodded, pleased with the outcome "Good work " he said.