
The path I choose

“I guess being a hero is cool even if my family is villains, they didn’t want me anyway. Is being a hero what I actually want or should I be more? I don’t know but I will figure it out, for now let’s try and live”

Jigen0 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 5: Quirks

[3months after quirk awakening]


A loud noise was heard in the forest, a giant tree fell as I pulled back my fist. Holding it up and turning it as I looked. After learning how to control two of my 3 quirks I now had a new look. Control my muscles augmentation quirk, the muscles would still come out of the skin but it was packed in and places were skin was. My hands had harden bone look, around my neck the same thing happened and around the ribs. Down my arm a crystallized layer of diamond want up to my elbow.

(If you don't know what I mean look up the female titans neck and arms. Along with her harden ability or image here)

"It's a nice look and the strength, defense, agility and my endurance is enough to level a sizable area" I said, looking at the huge craters, spreading my legs I open my hand and bring it down on the massive tree as my hand sinks in and crushed it as I grabbed on. Lifting it up and throwing it as it flew and landed with a loud bang.

"It's not painful anymore and it works with my body, I can still call out just muscles fibers just like my brother but I like this look for now. I don't need to be bulky" I said as steam kinda came off as the skin went back to normal.

"I've already was a master of hand to hand in my past life..when I was alone I practiced myself...along with being trained under that man..hated but he was known as 1st in the big 4 in my old world in hand to hand" I said getting in a stance.

(Again like how Annie fighting stance is)

"I need to grow, if I plan to live my life better then before, I'll need to go back into the world, after I finish my training I'll back into the world, I have no one..but I will not let it stop me" I said as I breathe out a little steam before the skin moved and the muscles strains came back, a long with the bone on my hand as I went to shadow.

(Shadowing - a form of shadow boxing)

"Even if I learned to control how to bring them out and exert strength. I still need to learn to control my strength to lower the strength when needed" I said as I felt the muscles on my legs do the same thing as my arms. While I pressed the ground and crack it jumping but putting to much into it as I went up and dropped leaving a crater.

"Got to get this down, destroying everything is not the goal here" I said, trying again only to have it happen again.

"I also need to find out how my full counter works" I said still training.

"Is there a limit? I know it takes me getting hit by a attack, Is it purely physical or is it energy? Another question I'm sure that being wouldn't let my quirk be stolen? Maybe canceled I'd though I don't think so..isn't that how some a lot of those fanfics were? Ahhh I didn't wish for it so maybe it could?! Well whatever I'll figure it out" I said, getting the hang of the strength needed a very little after 5 hours.

(A.N it's not..come on now..he will struggle at somethings but he is dumb strong)

- let me know what you guys think cool? I think the way he looks matches with what he asked. If your still confused, look up Muscular the villain in mha,think about him with the scar over the other eye, black hair and not as bulky but still ripped.