
The Paradox Sin

A scientist discovers other realities and universes, he once had a team of researchers in which he lead but he soon realized he got outsmarted by an scientist and he entered this chamber then he soon woken up in a different universe. (This story is a Science Fiction about a Genius who decides to delve more into other realities and universes while ultimately causing everything!) [This Novel could get pretty Intense make sure you're prepared 17+ Age]

MajesticArtists · Outros
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45 Chs

Parents lefted us

Well take a little more chomps Big brother, Sinifer take more bites from the meal Lizy prepared for him. Come on Big brother you're almost done r-right there! Thank you Lizy. You're welcome Big brother i'm always here for you!

Now L-lizy c-can you give me some space i need to think about somethings.

Sure Big brother i'm always here if you need anything ok? Lizy takes the leftover meals and heads towards the kitchen. O-ok Lets brain storm here where am i at this very moment, I'm inside a room ok check i've a step sister check.

this room looks like its from the 15th century could i've been sent to an alternate reality or new universe or world? I'm not sure but it doesn't make sense to me, i wish i could get up right now but i can't my body hurts too much but there's nothing said i can't try.

Sinifer tries moving out of the bed he was successful in moving out of the bed, There we go wow that potion my sister gave me really healed my body but *Ouch. i can still feel the fatigue on my mind and body!

Sinifer begins looking around the room as he was curious to the enviroment he was around. Why does everything look like its from the 15th or is it the 15th century i can't tell but whatever it is doesn't matter. All that matters is what the heck am i going to do here in this new world.

Hmm... I wonder what i look like? Do they have any mirrors or anything here everything seems to plain, I might as well walk towards my sister and greet her. Sinifer walks towards the door Lizy has exited from, he proceeds to roam the mysterious house.

Man does this place has any paintings? Everything around here looks so dam dull and empty. Sinifer hears some clicking noises coming from the kitchen he decides to stick his head around the corner where the sound was coming from. Oh, is that Lizy? She had a ponytail and slightly tanned skin while her hair was black. "So that's what Lizy looks like interesting but i thought she had blonde hair but i was wrong of course."

B-Big brother is that you?

Yes it is Lizy.

Lizy turns around to look at Sinifer, Big BROTHERRR HAHA. Lizy dashes towards Sinifer with a big hug! AWWW hey big brother i see that you're feeling well, I knew that potion would've healed you. I'm sorry i couldn't use healing magic but i'm still learning on how to use it big brother so don't worry.


big brother you forgot what magic is? What happened to you, Lizy stops hugging Sinifer and she puts her hand around Sinifers neck to check the temperature. Huh that's weird your temperature seems normal no fever or headaches what so ever, did you bust your head big brother?

No i didn't Lizy i'm fine now well... sorta but how're you feeling?

Well i'm feeling fine Big brother you're looking beautiful as ever hehe!

So tell me this world has magic but what kind of magic are we talking about here, given that magic is just a form of manipulation of laws of physics of our reality. IN which we can conclude that magic is nothing more but a form of manipulation of molecules and atoms of the enviroment.

Lizy is looking at Sinifer with confusing.

Um... i-i guess so big brother it seems you've gotten smarter after you passed out it seems huh? Odd but hey! The smarter the better hehe! You were never like this before a couple days ago but it seems you changed.

Yes i've changed for the better Lizy, So what've you been up too?

Well i'm thinking about running some errands to help us survive since... our parents are no longer interested in us. They deemed us as weak cattle that should be forgotten and burned away. that's why our house looks so empty and dead because of our parents they decided to leave us to seek more "power".

That's not comforting to hear but why did they leave Lizy?

Y-you don't remember do you? *sigh... well they left because you weren't a prodigy of magic or strength or swordmenship or anything at all. You struggled with using magic because you couldn't grasp the concept of magic, so they decided to adopt me into the family.

They wanted someone in the family that could replace you in everyway so they brought me here. Unfortunately i wasn't a prodigy either nor was i that good with magic, i had a talent for taking care of people and caring for the house.

They didn't like that at ALL so they got angry and decided to yell at me for being so dam ignorant, so after that encounter i decided to take care of you and the house they left us in. It's not the best house but its something heh i'm surprised no one has tried to break in and rob us hehe but lucky us...

That's so cruel why would say that to you Lizy you're fine and helpful to me, you could even be helpful to others as well.

haha T-thank you Big brother but i don't know magic either so we're both useless just as our parent said we were...

That's a lie, we can always get stronger and smarter we just gotta learn and try our best because there is always room for improvement no matter how good you're at something. I'm going to learn magic so i can take care of you and help others as we learn and get older together!

Lizy eyes start to water...

O-ok B-big brother thank you for saying that because i'm trying my best i'm trying my very best to take care of us so we don't starve and get killed out here in the world. W-we barely have any food so i gotta figure out what kind of food i should put together.

Sinifer wraps his arms around Lizy to ensure her everything is alright.

Don't worry Lizy i'm going to try my best to take care of us so that you wouldn't have to feel those emotions...

*Sniffs sniffs... B-big brother did you have any friends?

Sinifer remembers that moment but it was vivid to his imagination, Sinifer starts to panic while hugging Lizy to comfort her in his grasp. Sinifer feels his sins crawl down his spine as he didn't want to remember that moment ever again.

Sinifer couldn't control the shaking that was coming from his entire body, He begins to hear voices at the back of his head telling him awful descriptive things about his acquaintances and about everyone who hated him. "N-no no no i don't want to remember GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"

BIG BROTHER are you ok? You're shaking a lot and its terrifying me c-can you stop that. I know its hard to understand our parents left us because they wanted a child that would be extremely powerful but you weren't those type of kids. The same goes for me, they thought i would be the replacement for you but i wasn't but instead i'm worse then you... as all things didn't go there way they decided to leave us hanging.

Sinifer stops shaking slightly and replied, O-ok Lizy...

What did the sword say to the other sword when he was interrupted his speech? Let's "cut" to the chase!

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