

"your majesty; th-th- the crown prince offended him" reported a man that came from the shadows "who"aked the man on the throne "the ye family's eldest son "the man said "WHAT EXECUTE THAT SON OF A BI***" "but your majesty its your son" "SO WHAT!!! IT'S YE XUAN THAT HE OFFENDED IF I DON'T KILL HIM; IAM TO DIE DO YOU WANT TO SEE THAT?!! " "wh-no your majesty!! but is he that scary? " !!sigh!! "you don't know that person; he is more than scary!! do you know where I got that devine grade pill? it's from that place!! but they all call him master !!" "what!! sorry your majesty but am going to execute him now!! shadows!! bring the crown prince for execution now IT'S MY FIRST NOVEL SO (DON'T JUDGE ME TOO MUCH MC IS (OP) 15first chapters (foundation)

Ndugga_Muhamud · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Unseal the bloodline; Long tian's fight!!

After Ye xuan made the outline form of the core; he placed it in the middle of the secret realm; after he placed it in the realm; the whole space started shaking; boundless amounts of energy started pouring in like crazy; many plants started growing and in few hours; the place might look like a forest; as he felt the divine energy that was in the surroundings;he removed one third of the divine stones that were in his inner world and started melting them into pure energy; the spiritual energy started getting denser and in few minutes; the spiritual energy in the realm was hundreds of times that of the outside world.

As he looked at the core that was forming; he was surprised to find that his theory worked as he expected it ;the core looked like that of the outside world; even the aura that was coming out of it was the same even though not as powerful as that of the outside world; it showed the potential of being like it if not destroyed by external means.As he was still thinking about the future of the realm; he heard the system's notification

«Congratulations host on accomplished something that is deemed as a world wide achievement; you have received the following rewards

1:Premodial sword body (divine physic )

2:One modification ticket

3:Inter dimension scan (evolved from the scan feature) «

As he looked at the rewards; he felt happy because he has many sword techniques but lacked a form of talented that can enhance his way of learning them. when it came to the modification ticket and the inter dimension scan; he asked the system

«The inter dimension scan means that the scan feature can now scan everything in the realm and outside of it or other dimensions ;meanwhile with the modification ticket ;you can choose anything of yours or whatever you created and the system will modify it to its most useful way «

He looked at the scan feature that was so tempting but didn't use it; it was not time for that;he wanted to modify the secret realm and see what results he will get.

"System; use the modification ticket on the secret realm"

«Host is advised to move out of the realm for safety «

After hearing the warning from the system; he and his crew moved out of the realm.After they were out; the whole space started shaking; shocking changes started taking place; the whole area started expanding, the spiritual energy started getting denser again,many runes appeared in the sky and on the land.

After some time; they came back into the realm and as he looked at it, he couldn't help but find it hard to believe that this was the realm that he had just created moments ago.it was so big that he couldn't reach the end of it even after using his divine sense, he couldn't find its end that he used to find last time, he asked the system and the answer he got was so big for him to handle

«The space in the realm has been expanded to equal that of the outside world, the spiritual energy is one third of the divine world's energy, there's three ancient formations in it

1:The aura locking and suppression formation

2:Instart dimension teleportation formation

3:inter dimension energy gathering array «

As heard the names of the formations that were mentioned by the system; he couldn't get the information about them in his memory; this ment that they were levels higher than the immortal grade so he asked the system about it.

«The aura locking and suppression formation is an acient formation that was used in acient times to lock and suppress the aura of someone unless it completely disappear.The instant dimension teleportation formation is an ancient formation that is used to teleport someone from one dimension to another forcefully; it can't be cancelled no matter what. The inter dimension energy gathering array is an acient array that can gather energies from outer dimensions for others to use «

"hahahaha "

"Young master; why are you laughing all of a sudden? when did the space here get so large? even the spiritual energy is beginning to solidify? "asked moxie as she couldn't understand what was going on

"I was laughing because when the core finally formed; the spiritual energy became denser and the space also became larger than it was; I didn't expect it to happen, it's very rare.now that it's finished; it's time for the main dish"said ye xuan as he started grinning like a kid

Moxie looked at him questioningly; she felt like he was not saying the truth but she didn't over think it; after some time; Long tian who has been silent for a long time asked

"Young master you said you wanted to make a secret realm but what about the main dish that you was talking about? I get the feeling that it's not good at all "

"Hmm; now that old dragon has talked about it; young master has never laughed like a craz-(cough -cough) I mean a happy person,you usually just smile "moxie said as she looked at him playfully

"Ehh? even moxie has started making fun of me? sigh! where is my little and obedient maid?"asked ye xuan as he started chasing after moxie in form of looking for his obedient maid.

They played in the new grasslands; forest; desert even mountains; as Long tian was looking at them; he couldn't help but wonder

*When did my young master become so playful? *

After sometime ;they stopped playing and then; he got favor out of the inner realm; as he looked at it; he felt it's aura and was surprised because it was no less than his.As he looked at it; he felt like it was time to make some fun

"Moxie; here is favor; you can play with him hehe "

Before Ye xuan completed his words; favor had already gone behind Long tian and started acting cute; but to it's disappointment;what met him was a kick and he was back in front of moxie.

"Mphh! shameless cutie; come to sister moxie please "said moxie as she came and squatted down and started playing with him.

"Okay, stop playing; didn't you ask me what the main dish was? this is it ,favor unseal your bloodline and release it "said ye xuan as he looked at favor; then Long tian and smiled wickedly

"Young master; won't the Beast Emperor notice it? we will be in problems "asked moxie as she started panicking

"There can't be any problem; besides who said that we are the ones that are going to fight him? "asked ye xuan as he looked at a person that was wearing black clothes in the corner

"Amm!!young master; I feel like you want to bring me some trouble; who is this Beast Emperor? is he very powerful? "asked Long tian

"He is the leader of all the beasts in the realm; he is also in the pseudo divine realm just like you ;do you think he is powerful? "

"he is powerful if you could even remember him "said Long tian

As they were still talking; they felt a powerful bloodline awakening, as they looked behind them; they saw a big damned favor looking at them.

"The heavenly devouring dog bloodline? ;I didn't expect it was that damn bloodline "said Long tian angrily

"ohh!! I had forgotten about your feud with that clan; anyway now that the fish should be on its way to the bait "said Ye xuan as he started looking eager

Meanwhile far in the forest; there was a big palace; in it was a man that seemed to be in his early twenties; while he was meditating;he felt that so familiar bloodline again.

"hmm? that bloodline again!! "said the beast emperor happily; but as he wanted to hurry and make it there in time; he released his aura and that is when everything that he knew was turned upside down.

After he released his aura and then; he felt like being locked on by a divine beast; then he felt spacial flunctuations; before he could understand what was happening; his vision blurred and by the time he knew it; he was in a different area; he looked around and found a man wearing all black; when he finally made the outline picture of the person; he felt the aura that was coming from him and was surprised because it was no less than his own;he even got the feeling like he was even more powerful than him.

"Where is this place? who are you? how did I come here? "he asked many questions all at once

"Well you are in the 'realm of no where' as my young master called it after he created it; as for who I am; I am just a servant; you came here because you released your aura which is registered as intending to fight; this realm was created two hours ago to host fights of emperor's and above; the bloodline that you wanted to get is for one of his trusted subordinates so better know your place " said Long tian all in one time

"Where is the young master that you are talking bout? "

"Well ;he is around but didn't show himself; maybe it's because your not to his liking; ehh? I get it, you are not worthy enough to see him "

"Mphh!! do you think I am stupid? there's no one that can make a personal realm unless in the divine realm and that is even more impossible "

"Well; you might really be stupid because I told you that my young master created it!; how stupid are you to compare your half baked people with my young master? you should use that half chewed gum brain of yours sometimes "



The beast emperor was so angry that he was forced to puke blood; he looked at Long tian angrily; he started gathering his energy secretly preparing to attack him.

"I actually didn't realize that old dragon has such a sharp tongue; is he the reicanation of 'Mukayanyi '?"¹

1:In the history of Buganda; he was a man that can kill just because of his sharp tongue

(I didn't update yesterday; yet we wanted to update daily; I am sorry for that coz I was caught by time.anyways I wanted to tell you that I am competing with a friend of mine to see who has the most amount of power stones this month; am counting on you; plz don't let me down, (hehehe) thanks for reading)